I need to moan :( pregnancy does not agree with me


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2012
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Sorry but just need to vent and hope if somebody - anybody feels the same?

Since the start I've not had best pregnancy and the morning sickness was just awful it tapered off around 16 weeks and apart from pains , discharge, all the aches etc...

now I've got nausea and the worse back ache ever , I'm struggling at work getting in and out of car all day- picking up a pen from the floor is like mission impossible
I'm not sleeping properly and I'm hot all the time

Baby is moving constantly - all the Comments ohh your lucky etc dont help I don't feel lucky I feel rotten and can't see a way out as everyone tells me it's only going to get worse

I really don't think pregnancy agrees with me at all - feel bad because I know it's not baby Max's fault but can't help it I feel so bad

Does anyone else feel like this or am I on my own?
Your not on your own honey I thought pregnancy was going to be a breeze ad I'd be blooming!!!! Well after bouts of nausea every evening, horrendous back pains, awful boob pains and general stretching AF pains constantly I'm really not enjoying it. Not to mention the lovely headaches which greet me around 3 times a week, oh and the 'sleep' I get at night!

You are not alone on this one. Your right were not blaming it on our babies, we can't wait for them to arrive I just want to get to the end of the third trimester now!!!!!!!! I want to cherish every moment of pregnancy but at the minute, I can't!!!!
Oh and the constant worry is also a good one! X
so relieved that I'm not on my own
Kind of feel abit abnormal everyone asks you ohh how's it going? Are you excited? et etc and I just feel like saying il feel even more excited if I don't feel hormonal in pain and generally like shit

feeling really down today :(
Don't worry hun I see women that are blooming and look so radiant etc and I'm like hang on at what stage am I supposed to feel like you lol!!!
Even my OH said he wants the 'old Jodie' back which made
Me cry but I can't help feeling so horrendous can I? I feel like I moan 24/7 but some women get it tougher than others. My first 12 weeks were a breeeeeeze!!! I was like
Hang on what's everyone moan about?! Oh boy I wish I never said that x
I'm with you girls, I don't feel blooming! I feel like an ugly, spotty, hormonal mess!

I can't wait for my baby to get here, pregnancy is not fun!
MrsHop welcome to the 'pregnancy sucks' group :) I'm the same I can't wait to hold my little girl in my arms :) then I know everything will have been worth it! Had the best labour dream last night and my girl was perfect then I woke up thinkig oh god that's 4 months away haha x
I'm feeling the same this morning after another excruciating pregnancy migraine that lasted 17 hours!! The headaches gone but I still feel weird and will for the rest of the day. Add to that my night sweats (yuck) greasy hair, huge weight gain and I feel horrid. In fact I think I should just hibernate!
Haha Jodie! I feel rank all the time, how can this be normal!

I can't complain about sickness because I haven't had any at all, but I haven't had a normal poo since the day I conceived! And it's headache and heartburn week this week!
Haha Jodie! I feel rank all the time, how can this be normal!

I can't complain about sickness because I haven't had any at all, but I haven't had a normal poo since the day I conceived! And it's headache and heartburn week this week!

Haha I'm so the same!!! My poos are just weird one day I'll be constipated and the next it's just running out...tmi sorry!!!! I've not physically been sick just
Felt sick!!!! I just really want to hurry up these 4 months!!! I'm only 18 weeks argh! X
I'm feeling the same. I didn't have a great pregnancy first time round. Was hoping it would be better this time but just seems harder, quicker.

Desperately want to enjoy as it's the last time i'll be doing this but i am counting down the days till shes here.

Had terrible sickness at the start, lasted for weeks. If i do anything physical i get terrible shooting pains down my leg. I know u can't lie on ur back but i can't even sit back in a chair as pressure on my back makes me feel dizzy and breathless, whats that all about ?
I'm with you all on this! My skin is the worst it's ever been and I'm still not out of that horrid morning sickness phase. I have recurring UTI's and blood in my urine (microscopic). I had a scan on my kidneys and bladder which was all clear thankfully but now I am booked in for a cystoscopy next Monday and I am terrified they'll either find something or something will go wrong and they'll harm the baby!

Thankfully all scans etc show that the baby is fine at least and the blood is not coming from that area :)

Hope we all enter the 'blooming' phase at some point soon!
I feel quite lucky in that 1st tri was great for me (bit of nausea but only sick about 4-5 times and mostly tiny amounts).

2nd tri has been ok in that I don't (yet, touchwood) have any heartburn or major headaches etc, but man the lack of sleep is killing me. I don't always need a wee when I wake yet, but I still wake every hour for no reason and struggle to get back to sleep. Also doesn't help that when I do wake, OH is normally snoring making it harder to get back to sleep. Cue lots of late-night moving to the sofa (or step-daughters room on the nights we don't have her). I'm finding it hard to get comfy now and this only gets worse the bigger you get. Sorry, whinge over.
Aww book yourself for a nice pregnancy massage might make you relax, hope you feel better xx
If it helps anyone, I have just started to feel better....I was waiting and waiting when I got to 13 weeks and its only just happened! :) Literally overnight too, I had four people yesterday tell me how radiant I looked!!! Which was a lovely change having spent the last 4.5 months feeling like shite!! :lol:
I'm with you all on this! My skin is the worst it's ever been and I'm still not out of that horrid morning sickness phase. I have recurring UTI's and blood in my urine (microscopic). I had a scan on my kidneys and bladder which was all clear thankfully but now I am booked in for a cystoscopy next Monday and I am terrified they'll either find something or something will go wrong and they'll harm the baby!

Thankfully all scans etc show that the baby is fine at least and the blood is not coming from that area :)

Hope we all enter the 'blooming' phase at some point soon!

Can I ask a question. Do you always have infections? I have a history of uti's in any event and I get the symptoms but sometimes no infection. I have to have my wee wee tube widened under ga every couple of years to help. They can't so a cystoscopy on me as its too narrow. But now I have protein and blood in my urine still after a uti last week. I'm worried now about that. :( have you had protein too?
I'm still waiting for my glow...sickness started for me at week 6 and still throwing up!! At least it's only first thing and not throughout the day! Feeling exhausted all the time too, but generally well otherwise. This is my first pregnancy and it is definitely not the bed of roses I had anticipated!!

Can I ask a question. Do you always have infections? I have a history of uti's in any event and I get the symptoms but sometimes no infection. I have to have my wee wee tube widened under ga every couple of years to help. They can't so a cystoscopy on me as its too narrow. But now I have protein and blood in my urine still after a uti last week. I'm worried now about that. :( have you had protein too?

Hey, I had never had any uti's before I found out I was pregnant, infact it was the reason I found out so early on - before my missed period. I have infections but not always growth warranting antibiotics. It more just lingers but generally without any physical symptoms. But I don't have any protein in mine as far as I'm aware. I work at a Drs surgery and I test mine every week. Let me know how you get on. I know that uti/symptoms can continue throughout the whole of pregnancy unfortunately, but I think it's generally not anything to be concerned about. Try not to worry too much, though I know being pregnant we seem to worry so much more than usual! Your protein/blood may clear up in the next couple of weeks but I'm sure your dr or midwife will reassure you either way!
Thank you so much. The dr has sent it off to check it fully, and I'm seeing the midwife Saturday so will get her to dip test Again then. Gosh I do worry over everything!! I feel a tad helpless to be honest :) plus I'm not a hormonal person but today it is getting to me. :(
No problem! I know it can be daunting! I'm not usually hormonal either but as the weeks go on I feel myself getting more and more hormonal!
I'm the same Hun had exactly the same experience as you!! Pregnancy is def not for me!! Xx

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