I miss all of you!

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hey ladies!

Im sorry I havent been here much at all lately, everything is mental with two children!
We have had so much trouble with Rosie going to bed I havent had any time to myself at all and I mean at all! Im sat here tonight with both babies asleep and my feet in a bowl of foot soak - ITS HEAVEN!

Today was the day that I took all dummies away from Rosie and you know what? She didnt sleep all day, not even in the car where she always falls asleep. I am limiting them to bedtime only at the moment and tonight she went straight to sleep, Im so pleased. I can't tell you how beautiful it is not to have crying and screaming upstairs and for me to be able to catch up with you lot here :love: xxxx
so glad your getting a break this evening hun, how nice is it just to soak your feet, it's the small things that really do the trick. Xxx
We miss you tooooooo! x

Glad you've finally managed to get five minutes to yourself x
I was wondering where you had got to mrs!!!!! Glad to see you back :-) we have missed you xxxx
Glad you're getting a bit of a break and the kids are asleep! Nice to see you on here :cheer:
The silence must be like music to your ears! lol

Welcome back Hun! :)

wohoo seems like the dummy thing did the trick! well done! enjoy! xx
:yay: glad ur ok :)
I don't have the time to head on here as I'ld like too with 1 baby, I have no idea how others do it!! Xx

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Hey hon, lovely to hear from u glad ur getting 5 mins peace. x x x
Hiya chick! Hope your foot soak does the trick. Things will settle down soon I'm sure :hug: xx
ah i missed you!!! hopethis is the start of easier times! how is matt sleeping?x

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