I know breast is best but...

I'm a big supporter of breast feeding, but I always give people the benefit of the doubt and assume they are formula feeding because they couldnt manage breast feeding for a medical reason or something.

Tbh I would be a snotty if I heard of someone who didnt breast feed because it interfeared with their lifestyle or they couldnt be bothered. Sorry, please dont all yell at me, it's just how I feel.

So if I see someone giving formula I generally feel really sorry for them that they were unable to breastfeed, I would never dream of ticking off a complete stranger though! How incredibly rude!

You need to keep a great retort up your sleeve for future use. Something like "Isnt it a shame we live in a country where complete busybodies are able to foist their opinions on you without getting shot in the head?"
Ha I get the opposite! People assume I FF because I'm 23!

It does amaze me that people dare say that. If you were fat, eating a large mcdonalds no one would dare say anything so why should they do it when you have a baby? Infact everyone has an opinion when a babies involved!!

I carry the formula in a pot and add it to the water when I need it so she saw me make it. I could feel her watching me but I thought she was looking at Ella like women do!

I regret not saying anything but I think I was shocked that somebody I had never seen before could be so rude!
'such a shame she didnt have the best start'

'she did, she got me for a mummy!'

end of
What a horrible woman, it's amazing how so many people have an opinion but can't be arsed to find out the facts :(

It's true there's no winning no matter how we feed our LOs
How rude. How you did not say anything is very commendable.

As a ff mummy with a happy healthily baby I am at peace with my decision and expect people to respect that.
I would have blown my top! They may say breast is best but my mum breast fed me for a yr and I was the illest child going! Always with ear and chest infections so something ain't right!!
I do not intend to breast feed at all! It's just not for me and I'm proud to make bottles!!
I would have done the same as you and just cried tbh. Then gone away and come up with a million and one insults to say right back.

I was ashamed to bottle feed in public if Im honest. Sounds stupid but I was. I tried BF and it was going beautifully, good latch, loads of milk, she was gaining weight etc but my nipples were bleeding and cracked, I was crying with every feed and resented her when she got hungry because I knew the pain that was coming and after a week my OH and mum convinced me I was going to make myself ill if I didn't have a break. Even though it made us both more content with formula, I was still ashamed to have 'given up'. Women like her are the reason I felt that way and I think if I had heared someone say that to another woman it would have taken all my strength not to hit her.

:hug: Can't believe people can be so ignorant and condesending.
I would have done the same as you and just cried tbh. Then gone away and come up with a million and one insults to say right back.

I was ashamed to bottle feed in public if Im honest. Sounds stupid but I was. I tried BF and it was going beautifully, good latch, loads of milk, she was gaining weight etc but my nipples were bleeding and cracked, I was crying with every feed and resented her when she got hungry because I knew the pain that was coming and after a week my OH and mum convinced me I was going to make myself ill if I didn't have a break. Even though it made us both more content with formula, I was still ashamed to have 'given up'. Women like her are the reason I felt that way and I think if I had heared someone say that to another woman it would have taken all my strength not to hit her.

:hug: Can't believe people can be so ignorant and condesending.

I totally agree with that!

If people were less like her I think more people would try and if it's not for them, so what? People wouldn't feel as bothered!

Instead it's a world where people feel pressured to do it/continue where they might not be happy or comfortable. If a baby is fed (correctly) and happy then where's the problem?

Exactly. And I find it awful when I see it the other way round too. People being ashamed of BF in public incase someone says something. But also BFing for 'too long'. My SIL was getting comments from people (family even?!?!?) from 6 months onwards that she should switch to bottle feeding and I was horrified! I always made a point of saying how well she was doing and to keep it up if she wants.

I don't understand why people, women especially, are so quick to judge on parenting and feel they have the right to tell you whats right and whats wrong. If our LOs are happy we should be supporting each other in whatever we choose!

:blush: Sorry...I get a bit highrate about this sort of thing lol.
Oh my goodness' I was proper like :shock: reading that! I can't believe someone would say that! I had the opposite too, almost everyone I spoke to was like "how many oz is she on?" "I don't know, I'm bf" "oh wow, you're brave!" erm, no! Breast isn't always best anyway' I mean ok, nutritionally it can't be argued, but with E, I was a single mum to 2 under 13 months, I swear I would have actually gone crackers!
I got that once, not sure where it came from but I replied and said, I don't think so as I was ff and it must have been good for me as how else would i have produced such a beautiful baby?

Emma - right on cue did a huge fart and giggled at it. I beamed up at the busybody and she went such a shade of red. (i actually felt a bit bad for her!!)

I wouldn't care - no-one else knows what's best for my baby!
Forgot to say as well, boots, tesco etc aren't allowed to give points on first stage formula, redeem points for it or put it on offer as it could be seen to be promoting it! Same as formula conpanies
Aren't allowed to advertise for 1st stage!
Omg Pringle that's terrible, I can't believe someone would actually say something like that, who does she think she is???? I'm so cross for you!!!!

I would probably have been in shock too, got upset and then thought of a million snide remarks to say back to her!

I believe it's up to the mum how she feeds her child. I'm still bf but my god it was so difficult at the start, I used to cry when I knew he needed feeding as it hurt so much. I find it easy now but the road here was difficult and bumpy.

I bf in public but as C is getting bigger, I'm starting to wonder if I'll get looks from people. My friend chuckled at me when I met up with her one day as I started to feed and I think it was because he doesn't look like a newborn, but it's not like he's 5 and is saying 'booby now mummy' I just carried on and never flinched or mentioned it.

Pringle you're doing the best for your daughter and that's all that matters, stuff the bit@h!!!
hun u should be proud u kept ur cool, when people say things like that it knocks ur confidence, when hubby's nan told me to stop bf and give harry a bottle it really knocked my confidence in my ability to be a parent u do whats best fir ur baby hun ignore everyone else xxx
What a cheeky cow , I got told by someone I was lazy because I FF . You can't win either way if u FF your made to feel guilty as your apparently not giving your baby the best start and if you BF your told you should not do that in public some people are so narrow minded . I wish people who keep there opinions to themselves xxx
I would have literally lost my head... What an absolute twat!

Do not let this woman make you feel bad. Like someone else said... She did get the best start... She has you as a mummy :)

God I hate people like that!
Forgot to say as well, boots, tesco etc aren't allowed to give points on first stage formula, redeem points for it or put it on offer as it could be seen to be promoting it! Same as formula conpanies
Aren't allowed to advertise for 1st stage!

I was going to post something similar, it's crackers.
Gosh, that's just down right rude!!! It doesn't matter what your views are on feeding, to make that kind of remark us just nasty. Xxx

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