This made me upset

It really hurts me when people talk so highly of breastfeeding, simply because I kick myself for finding breastfeeding so painful and exhausting. It breaks my heart knowing I don't breastfeed Grace, and I haven't had a good cry about it in a while (until now). Getting emails about 'How I should be an expert at breastfeeding now' and leaflets in the post telling me 'Breast is best', 'How to travel whilst breastfeeding', 'How to express your breastmilk' etc, really upsets me, and when people like that look down on you, it just boils my blood like you wouldn't believe.
But as much as it pisses me off, you have to hold your head high and think in a different light:
You are a fabulous mum, anybody can see that.
Ella is healthy, she's a perfect gorgeous girl, she's happy and she loves you. Now tell me, how could breastfeeding make that little girl any more lovely?! Our babies are healthy and that's all that matters. My cousin's girlfriend just gave up breastfeeding after a few days and she says she feels tons better, and apparently she's one of those mums that wants to do everything from the book. I feel better bottle feeding Grace too, I dread to think how exhausted I would be if I was breastfeeding, Grace drinks 6oz every day, and has about 6 bottles if not more. xxx