I know breast is best but...

Forgot to say as well, boots, tesco etc aren't allowed to give points on first stage formula, redeem points for it or put it on offer as it could be seen to be promoting it! Same as formula conpanies
Aren't allowed to advertise for 1st stage!

I was going to post something similar, it's crackers.
She needs slapping that woman. I am mixed feeding and had both dirty looks when giving him a bottle and comments re covering up when bfing. You just cant win.

I wish people would just mind their own business. And didnt try to tell me I didnt try hard enough with BFing.
sent from my Galaxy s2
That was such an awful thing for her to say. I'd have cried as well and yep, thought of remarks afterwards. Bitch. I think, since being pregnant and having a baby, I've come to realise just how rude and crap some people can be! It's really sad.

Agree, your damned if you do and damned if you don't when it comes to bf and ff. Don't let her stupid comment get to you.

Thanks girls!!

It's always afterwards you think about what you should have said back isn't it! I must've looked so pathetic just sat there whilst she ripped me a new one!!

These comments have made me feel a bit better about it! X
She must have looked pathetic, not you! xx
This made me upset :(
It really hurts me when people talk so highly of breastfeeding, simply because I kick myself for finding breastfeeding so painful and exhausting. It breaks my heart knowing I don't breastfeed Grace, and I haven't had a good cry about it in a while (until now). Getting emails about 'How I should be an expert at breastfeeding now' and leaflets in the post telling me 'Breast is best', 'How to travel whilst breastfeeding', 'How to express your breastmilk' etc, really upsets me, and when people like that look down on you, it just boils my blood like you wouldn't believe.

But as much as it pisses me off, you have to hold your head high and think in a different light:
You are a fabulous mum, anybody can see that.
Ella is healthy, she's a perfect gorgeous girl, she's happy and she loves you. Now tell me, how could breastfeeding make that little girl any more lovely?! Our babies are healthy and that's all that matters. My cousin's girlfriend just gave up breastfeeding after a few days and she says she feels tons better, and apparently she's one of those mums that wants to do everything from the book. I feel better bottle feeding Grace too, I dread to think how exhausted I would be if I was breastfeeding, Grace drinks 6oz every day, and has about 6 bottles if not more. xxx
Oh, and I don't think Ella is going to hate your guts for not breastfeeding her.
My mum stopped after a few weeks with me because she was depressed/exhausted and I love my mum to the moon and back! If me being a greedy cow made my mum feel down, then I'm glad she didn't continue breastfeeding :) xxx
I think most mums get some sort of backlash whatever their choice. When I went out to a farm one day I was sat on a bench bf the twins whilst the other kids where on a climbing area. A "lovely" know it all lady came over and was like "good god, you are feeding both of those babies yourself? You poor girl, why didn't you ff them?"
I said " as much as I appreciate your ill informed advice don't feel sorry for me love, my children are content and happy, as am I, so f@ck off out of my business and let me feed my children"
She did and it made me chuckle.
It did wind me up the way mw's would recommend that I ff the twins as it would be "easier" x
I don't get the whole ff is easier thing?! I mean obvs I know how hard bf can be at first, I only managed a couple of days with Ella! But what could be easier than lifting your top up and whacking a baby on the boob?! Used to drive me crackers having to fanny around making bottles!
How rude of her!
Can't believe that there are people like that out there.
I have to say that NZ is very pro BFing.... And the majority of people here do BF, so feeding in public is not a big deal, it's just the norm. I've never had any comments about covering up when feeding either of my children but then again i've never been a just flop the girls out on the coffee table kind of mum :) but even if i was i don't think anyone would say anything.
As for FFing, each to their own, as long as baby is healthy and happy it shouldn't matter how the little one is fed.
That's just terrible hon! What a patronizing, nosy, pathetic woman. You're a wonderful mum so ignore her - clearly she's the one with the problem. And 23 is not a kid! How rude. I'm 27 but Sometimes get mistaken for younger and one of the hv I had started talking to me like a teenage mum and saying I was too young to have a baby! Dh was very displeased and pointed out I was 27 but even if I had been very young what right did she have to dictate tge age someone can have a baby xxxxx
It does amaze me that people dare say that. If you were fat, eating a large mcdonalds no one would dare say anything so why should they do it when you have a baby? Infact everyone has an opinion when a babies involved!!

I would always tell a fat person to stop eating a mcdonalds! lol, I'm kidding, but i desperately want to! I'm no skinny mini, but then i dont eat mcdonalds! Wouldnt you love to work in there and say "I dont think thats a wise food choice, I recommend the salad"
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It does amaze me that people dare say that. If you were fat, eating a large mcdonalds no one would dare say anything so why should they do it when you have a baby? Infact everyone has an opinion when a babies involved!!

I would always tell a fat person to stop eating a mcdonalds! lol, I'm kidding, but i desperately want to! I'm no skinny mini, but then i dont eat mcdonalds! Wouldnt you love to work in there and say "I dont think thats a wise food choice, I recommend the salad"

.....some of the salad dressings have more calories than a big mac......

It does amaze me that people dare say that. If you were fat, eating a large mcdonalds no one would dare say anything so why should they do it when you have a baby? Infact everyone has an opinion when a babies involved!!

I would always tell a fat person to stop eating a mcdonalds! lol, I'm kidding, but i desperately want to! I'm no skinny mini, but then i dont eat mcdonalds! Wouldnt you love to work in there and say "I dont think thats a wise food choice, I recommend the salad"

.....some of the salad dressings have more calories than a big mac......

yay, thats my excuse to have the mac then!:thumbup::blush:
Lol! I won't touch the stuff personally! Looking forward to Tyler asking for it :|

Macdonalds is banned in our household now. The worst we get is subway but you can make it healthy

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
Lol! I won't touch the stuff personally! Looking forward to Tyler asking for it :|

they're banning childrens meals and kids under the age of 18 eating there as it's the goverments healthy eating policy
OMG We are all mums doing the best for our children we are all on the same team so why do people give each other shit! It drives me mad, who is anyone to judge how or why another mum is feeding her baby? people who think there 'better' somehow due to the choices they made... you wouldn't walk up to someone in the street and tell them what to do with there life any other time but if there is a baby thats fine! i dont bloody think so.

With everything you read in the papers - the poor little baby's who are neglected and born into terrible lives and that woman is worried about you FFing? Maybe if she wants to better a child's life she should take a donation to the nspcc to actually help a child that needs it than give narrow minded opinions to a mum who is doing a brilliant job!!!! - Rant over! x
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forget fat ppl eating mcdonalds...what about the pregnant ones :shock: disgusting. at least fat ppl r only hurting themself.

Seriously tho wot a cow i'd have argue bk then cried.

i breast fed at age 19 so i know too well how ppl assume i ff'd

try and forget about it

Oh heck there's nothing wrong with a pregnant girl treating herself to a McDonalds, I did!
As long as she's not having several every day. I'm sure there are many girls on here who treated themselves to a takaway when pregnant. xxx

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