I know breast is best but...

Oh heck there's nothing wrong with a pregnant girl treating herself to a McDonalds, I did!
As long as she's not having several every day. I'm sure there are many girls on here who treated themselves to a takaway when pregnant. xxx

I agree. In moderation it wouldn't do any harm.
Id rather a GBK burger than a maccy's one! A lot better quality. I don't agree with mc d's as a company end of tbh! I must say pregnant woman in tri 3 must be the highest consumers of curry! I had about 3 in my last week!!!

OMFG how rude..... what a cheeky cow.... and Arghhhh re the boots thing that is unbelievable.... not everyone can breast feed so to not allow you to use your points on Formula is ridiculous... my sister's milk didn't develop enough as her wee man was prem so she couldn't breast feed even if she wanted to...

I say we bombard the Chief exec of boots with complaints emails re this... his email address is [email protected] it might not work but i don't think it's right and it should be highlighted....
Burger king is much better than McDonald's. Mcd's is just shite x
Burgerking is much better. I had an xl bacon double cheeseburger meal the other day, never been more full in my life. After a McDonalds I'm hungry within half an hour of eating a big mac meal. I can't say Grace is going to be treated to things like that though. Dan is confident she's not having takeaways at all. I'll let him deal with the 'I want a McDonalds' tantrums then :p xxx
I say we bombard the Chief exec of boots with complaints emails re this... his email address is [email protected] it might not work but i don't think it's right and it should be highlighted....

It's not Boots fault you can't use points to buy formula, government legislation is the reason you can't buy formula with points. Formula designed for under 6 months is not allowed to be advertised or promoted in any way shape or form.
I say we bombard the Chief exec of boots with complaints emails re this... his email address is [email protected] it might not work but i don't think it's right and it should be highlighted....

It's not Boots fault you can't use points to buy formula, government legislation is the reason you can't buy formula with points. Formula designed for under 6 months is not allowed to be advertised or promoted in any way shape or form.

That's true.
My hospital sent me a letter saying
"this hospital is no longer supporting the artificial feeding of newborn infants. If you wish to feed your baby in this way, you will be required to provide your own formula.
This is in line with current government legislation to encourage all new mums to breast feed"
Seems to be a big push for bf, I'm happy for that but hope they back it up with support to help new mums to bf x
i wish we had a burger king nearby, maccy d's is the best i can get really. BK is at least an hour car ride away and since i only indulge a few times a year max in maccys its not worth the trip lol.
my hosp still gives formula, any brand so does the childrens hosp that kayden was in

nothing wrong with a small amount of junk food while pg, weve all done it but mcdonalds......no chance. my friend found a piece of rubber in her mc chicken sandwich last week. my LO was nearly 4 before i let a happy meal pass her lips no way id give it to unborn. as others said....curry..BK...KFC not quite as bad..in my opinion

I can't speak for other hospitals, just the one I'm booked at but I believe it will become more commonplace to not provide formula as new legislation is brought in. Hospital trusts will definitely back it because above all else it will save them money!
I say we bombard the Chief exec of boots with complaints emails re this... his email address is [email protected] it might not work but i don't think it's right and it should be highlighted....

It's not Boots fault you can't use points to buy formula, government legislation is the reason you can't buy formula with points. Formula designed for under 6 months is not allowed to be advertised or promoted in any way shape or form.

That's true.
My hospital sent me a letter saying
"this hospital is no longer supporting the artificial feeding of newborn infants. If you wish to feed your baby in this way, you will be required to provide your own formula.
This is in line with current government legislation to encourage all new mums to breast feed"
Seems to be a big push for bf, I'm happy for that but hope they back it up with support to help new mums to bf x

yeah, i think its great that the government want to encourage mums to breast feed. there is an awful lot of people in the uk who "cant" yet other countries dont have the same problems. (i know some people genuinely cant but apparently this should be a very very small number yet we all know at least one person if not more.

def need more support along side it though. our bf support group was talking about it last week - its all good and well that they push "breast is best" but they really should explain the difficulties etc so that you know its normal. if it hadnt been for pf - and pinky - i think theres a few of us who'd have given up and probably used the line we couldnt.

sorry - rant over

I say we bombard the Chief exec of boots with complaints emails re this... his email address is [email protected] it might not work but i don't think it's right and it should be highlighted....

It's not Boots fault you can't use points to buy formula, government legislation is the reason you can't buy formula with points. Formula designed for under 6 months is not allowed to be advertised or promoted in any way shape or form.

That's true.
My hospital sent me a letter saying
"this hospital is no longer supporting the artificial feeding of newborn infants. If you wish to feed your baby in this way, you will be required to provide your own formula.
This is in line with current government legislation to encourage all new mums to breast feed"
Seems to be a big push for bf, I'm happy for that but hope they back it up with support to help new mums to bf x

yeah, i think its great that the government want to encourage mums to breast feed. there is an awful lot of people in the uk who "cant" yet other countries dont have the same problems. (i know some people genuinely cant but apparently this should be a very very small number yet we all know at least one person if not more.

def need more support along side it though. our bf support group was talking about it last week - its all good and well that they push "breast is best" but they really should explain the difficulties etc so that you know its normal. if it hadnt been for pf - and pinky - i think theres a few of us who'd have given up and probably used the line we couldnt.

sorry - rant over


I totally agree and it angers me! I had no support and if I wasn't so damn stubborn and had such an 'easy' time (using that term loosely) god knows what I would've done.

I was quite lucky that my mw thought to suggest sheilds, otherwise G physically wouldn't go on!! I think if they were more honest about the problems people might face less folk would "give up" (sorry im using that term loosely cos I know it's a hard thing to do)

Personally i didnt get any milk through at all not a drop (i can scan in my notes if you want ill get a copy) none in the hospital and i stayed overnight and none for the next three days. I did try to BF when my milk came in but she would just scream after trying to suck for a couple of minutes mw said due to her getting used to a large amount of milk from formula she was frustrated with a slow amount of milk from me.
Now maybe if i was given more support at home then i could have slowly got her onto breast but while your still in that state your thinking too much about looking after her never mind going out to groups! ---

Anyway so what if they want to ff because they just want to? I think people judge far too much when it comes to kids thats why shows like supernanny make so much money - just do what you think is best and leave other women to do the same. im sick to death of breast is best been rammed down my throat even letters through my door, emails, posters everywhere. I was all set to BF had the nipple cream and everything ready so i get a bit annoyed when people think i just 'couldnt be bothered' when really its hard work bottle feeding, i would love to get my boobie out and feed my baby but you explain that to her.

As for mcdonalds i personally am off it but eat what i wanted when pregnant- i wasn't told mcdonalds was bad for the baby... She was born healthy and thriving so dont think it did any halm.

Now maybe if i was given more support at home then i could have slowly got her onto breast but while your still in that state your thinking too much about looking after her never mind going out to groups! ---


i think thats where the problem is for a lot of people - if you want support you have to go looking for it. it should be readily available in ways that suit new mums.

I've never been 'anti' formula. My mum got some form of MRSA (we think, she was very ill) having my brother and really struggled because of this and had to combi feed. It's just frustrating the government are putting their money in the wrong things. Promotion is all well and good but without support it's a load of bollocks!

Ha the irony also is I was a successful bfer and all I get is into on ff! Never bfing! They never get it right lol!

L_mclean - I totally agree with your post. I personally think far too many ppl say they couldn't BF, for example they literally cant manage the pressure, ect. And I suppose thats a bit different to actually not being able to. I had breast cancer when I was 17 & had a huge chunk from one of my breasts taken out. I had to use only the one boob & I did try with that boob for a number of months, but I cought an infection that didn't clear & couldn't feed LO with other boob instead, so had to move to formula, it was that or baby starve. So I know what its like to struggle thro wen other ppl just dont bother.

On the other hand...I didn't even attempt to BF baby no2. As I knew what was ahead, and I know I was getting infections ect coz the one boob was used far too much. And I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish.

I think what happens for a lot of people is that the feel they can't because they don't get the right help.

I've been lucky - G wont latch directly to me, if it wasn't for a good mw I would be one of those saying I can't - which makes you wonder how many others are in that boat. Xxx
Totally agree on the support front.

I was scared of bf as I'm a bit weird and don't like my boobs being touched so planned from early on in pregnancy to ff. I told my MW this and she did not even try to help with my fears. It turns out there is a breast feeding club near me where preg women are welcome to go and learn more from bf mummy's. Something like that would have really helped but it was not even mentioned to me.

However I gave E the first feed after she was born and it was ok so thought, I might have a go. After that could not get her to latch and had no help from mw at hospital on that first day so gave up and put her on a bottle as I was getting stressed. I would have persevered if I had had some help. It turns out E had swallowed fluid (breech c-sec) being pulled out and was full so was a struggle to get her to eat the first few days anyway and had to have scbu nurse come and help as she just would not eat!
I simply did not produce any milk at all. I tried expressing for hours on end, even the midwife had a go at expressing and nothing, not even a drop. I tried for 4 days, trying breast but also having to give formula because I wasn't giving anything. I waited 4 days to try and see if anything would come through. I had midwives coming out to me, trying to help. So I feel like I did have the support but there was nothing else that could be done. My mom was exactly the same when she had me and my sister, she didn't produce anything. I was devastated, I desperately wanted to BF.
People have asked me before though why I didn't BF and I came back with the response that 'I can't' and I've had such dubious looks, people just don't believe you and just think that you decided not to cos you can't be bothered or because you think FF is easier. xx

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