I know breast is best but...

How unbelievably rude!!!!

Well I'm sure there is something wrong with her! She is probably one very unhappy person with a big chip on her shoulder. Normal person would never say things like that! So just think of her this way - you are a happy mummy and you have a gorgeous baby, and she is just a miserable unhappy snob with no friends. I feel sorry for her.
Omg-that is sooo bloody rude! People need to mind their own business. It is horrible the judgement you can get. I fed my LO breastmilk from a bottle a couple if times when out and did get some looks! U can't win!
Figure the stupid woman-u r a fine mother and she is a complete prat!
I simply did not produce any milk at all. I tried expressing for hours on end, even the midwife had a go at expressing and nothing, not even a drop. I tried for 4 days, trying breast but also having to give formula because I wasn't giving anything. I waited 4 days to try and see if anything would come through. I had midwives coming out to me, trying to help. So I feel like I did have the support but there was nothing else that could be done. My mom was exactly the same when she had me and my sister, she didn't produce anything. I was devastated, I desperately wanted to BF.
People have asked me before though why I didn't BF and I came back with the response that 'I can't' and I've had such dubious looks, people just don't believe you and just think that you decided not to cos you can't be bothered or because you think FF is easier. xx

I was exactly the same its so frustrating i had one women say 'oh you dont have to make excuses to me i dont mind' it wasnt an excuse i tryed harder than a lot of others would-- i got fobbed off at the hospital when i asked for helo they said she was feeding (didnt even look) and i knew she wasnt then when she was screaming but wouldnt take boob i tryed for 7 hours to express and not a drop came out my boobs didnt even fill up. the midwife told the student to get the baby naked and try to wake baby up a bit so she was screaming on my chest and i couldnt even feed her i felt like such a failure i still cry about that sometimes. Only the studen midwife was interested in helping me feed and once she had gone off duity i didnt get any help at all or after care at home for when my milk did come in (three or four days after) so i do get mad who think im bad because i ff.

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