I Can't Take AnyMore ...

just wanted to say to you hunni

When your feeling sad and blu,
just you remembere
were all here thinking of you :)

take care hun and keep us posted

love n hugs

Hiya ...

Well i made a desicion this morning ... im not going to hospital today, im resting!!

I went to docs yesterday and they put me on tablets, did my BP/Urine so theres nothing else they can do at clinic!! i rang the GP and she has said aslong as im sure then thats ok!

Me running around on buses trying to get to the other side of town isn't going to do me much good ... my ankles will just balloon and i'd be grumpy!!

Feel better today, not bleeding so i shall see GP on fri and get everything checked again, if anything happens before then i'll deal with it!!

Some of you might think im being daft, but i need a chill out day to myself ... no running around, it doesn't help!! I honestly feel this is the best thing to do right now ... for both me and bean ...

Love Imi+Bean
I don't blame you. You know what's best for you, and rest is certainly what you need.

Put your feet up, get MIL to wait on you hand and foot, and relax!! :lol:
MIL ... wait on me?? :shock: :lol: PMSL!!!!!

Chance would be a fine thing ... i just put on my washing LMAO!!!
Hi Imi...

I don't blame you for wanting a day off from the hospital.. just take it easy and try not to worry / think about it all.. a day of rest will do you so much good.. and if you don't feel better then you can still go to the hospital.

I too have blood and protein in my urine.. in fact at every test it is the same and I am high risk of pre-eclampsia due to a kidney condition so I know how worrying it is.. my obstetrician said I have to take it as easy as possible.. yeah right!! I am on antibiotics again as of today for another urine infection - no way as serious as you are having things but no matter what happens to us we cannot feel responsible all the time.. it does no good at all to feel guilty.. we just have to do as the docs tell us and hope that our beans and bods will be fine :wink:

take care and enjoy your day of rest and relaxation! x
Hi ..

Anna marie you do sound like your having it as bad as me ... but just not moaning about it so much or kicking up a great big stinking fuss!!

It's just getting me down now and all i want is for this pregnancy to be over so i can have my bean ... im not enjoying it at all!!!

Pre-eclampisa scares the shite out of me ... with my kidney condition (Yes i to have the same) and the probs with my pelivs, BP and chest it's really a rather daungting prospect to have something else on top ... one more thing i've got no control over :(

One day we'll all look back over this and smile ... (I hope) and tell everyone it was worth it ... it just doesn't seem that way right now (Not for me anyway) ... it's just one big worry and panic after another ...

Take care all ...

P.s I am taking it easy ... just had a nice bath ... followed by a row with OH :( Oh well!!!
Glad the hospital are actually taking an interest in what you are saying as most just turn you away.

Rest is definately the best option for you. You know whats best more than any one. Take care x Best wishes to you and your growing bean. x
wish i had a magical powers after all i did get called jeannie when i was younger just so i could make all these crap things go away and make everyone enjoy their pregnancy after all its supposed to be the happiest time of your life!! my first one was sacry and this one is just awfull think ive enjoyed one week of this pregnancy and thats when i found out :cry:

well look on the bright side at least it only lasts for 9 months and not forever

smile everyone :lol:
Yes I too am petrified of pre-eclampsia but am resigned to fact that it may mean panic at end and a possible c-section if necessary. My BP so far has been OK but the blood in my urine is getting worse so now my renal consultant wants to do more tests and keep an eye on me as well.

It is stressful and unfortunately no-one seems to understand [except others in same situation and other pregnant mums to be... !!] my OH is also very unforthcoming with support and sympathy as he always sees the glass half full whereas I always see it half empty!!
I expect the stress of it all means you and OH are going to be a bit tetchy as he is probably very frustrated that he cannot be here for and with you.. and he may not really understand how you are feeling. You will be together soon and hopefully by then you will be feeling much better and you can really enjoy being with each other again. Its hard feeling so alone with all these worries.. I just don't talk about them except to you guys on here .. sometimes all we want is a hug and a shoulder to lean / cry on.. my OH is just beginning to grasp that albeit VERY slowly with alot of ranting at him to get there!!

Weestar.. you are so right.. when people say.. "oh you should be so happy" and "just enjoy being pregnant.. stop worrying"... I just want to slap them.. of course I would LIKE to be happy.. just unable to be yet!!

take care xxx
I would just love a few days of "No Panic!!" ... i really did think that after 12/13wks it would be stress free and easy ...

How wrong can i get????

Im counting myself lucky though because im lucky enough to be pregnant... i'd have these problems over and over again as-long as my bean stays safe ...

Some days i can cope ... but some i just feel like sitting there and crying, I can't wait for the day that my bean arrives!! ...

Mind u i think that me having these problems is good in a way ... apparently children cause you worry from the day there born ... im just getting early practice :)
:lol: :lol:

Yes good practice indeed.. but still not very nice is it!! I too thought I would love being pregnant.. I don't. I guess being so anxious, tired and oh so hormonal really does not help me enjoy it any more but of course I would not change it for anything. I know I will be a stress head mum when bod arrives too... and for the rest of my life no doubt.. god that is a scary thought!! :shock: :shock:

I too sit and cry most days for what seems no reason.. then I get my doppler out and hear Bod's heartbeat and everything seems fine again. I am up and down like a yo-yo with my emotions and hormones and if only I could just NOT be so tired all the time I know I would feel happier...

Ho hum... I am trying to stay positive and everyone on here really helps me with that and I know there are so many women who are not fortunate enough to either get pregnant or have children so I should be so thankful.. I know one day I will be.. maybe around August 14th when Bod screams his / her way into this world!!!
i was feeling fine after reading your post anna ... you do know i shall be racing you to the finish line don't you lmao!!!

Anyway ... just finished reading ... felt a little better knowing i wasn't the only stress head ... then OH rings !!

He said he'd just seen a lovely tent for me to wear at my birthday dinner next week ... so that was it .... i just sat here in floods (the bas**rd!!LOL)

Feel better after a cry now ... your not the only one who crys for no reason anna ... i was looking through a catolouge the other day and just burst into tears cause the pregnant women in the pictures looked a million times better than i did!! (Im Still feeling really frumpy)

They all got shiney hair. glowing skin and fab smiles .... Bitches ... lol

Anna we can be nurotic together lmao!!!

Love Imi+Bean
Don't leave me out!!!! I've woke up today with the mother of all spots in the middle of my forehead!! When will I start to 'glow'????

And I've just gone down to reception, opened the door, and the receptionist's jaw about hit the floor when she saw my tummy. :shock: When will it stop????

And the outbursts? Oh my lordy!! I can't seem to keep quiet!!! I seem to have lost the little thing that tells me not to open my gob and offend people. Someone will say/do something and instead of thinking something and then not saying it for risk of offending them, my mouth is just opening and it's coming out!!! I'm going to get sacked at this rate. Good thing is that I've not seen my boss in 5 weeks, otherwise he'd have got a gobfull as well and then I'd have been out of a job!!! :shock:

I thought this pregnant thing was supposed to be easy...... :?

Tankett hun ... you seem to have a case of "Greg" syndrome ... he opens his mouth without putting his brain cell into gear lol!! and as far as i know there is no cure!!

Enjoy having a belly on you ... i am ... don't have to use a tray at meal times lol!!

And as for what others think/say .... tell em Boll***s .... let the receptionist look as if she's catching flies .... sounds like a rite chump!!!

Cheer up hun ... as the carpenters sang ... We've only just begun!! hehehe

Love Imi+Bean
:lol: :lol: :lol: Imi and Tankett you are making me chuckle... Tankett think yourself lucky you only have those sorts of spots occasionally.. I seem to have one permanently .. as one goes another appears.. its very depressing.. wouldn't mind if the rest of me looked like a teenager [nubile, no wrinkles or grey hairs etc] but its just my spotty face that looks very out of place and ugly on an sort of older woman!!

I also had a cry this morning as I tried on yet more clothes to come to work in... I threw them all in a heap and put on yet another frumpy outfit of baggy jumper and loose skirt.. then I cried again when I saw how dowdy I looked and said "F**k it" to myself and put on a tight pair of black cords that luckily are low waist and stretch so still fit despite being non maternity! Then I thought.. hhmm tight black long sleeve polo neck and then a crop jumper over top... who cares if I look like a sort of slim person who's belly is storing all the pies - maybe I do look pregnant but not very.. just round in the middle and not just in front!! So finished it off with a chunky brown belt and boots and here I am.. feeling much better and sort of attractive!! :? :? :wink:

So.. this is the new me.. well for today maybe anyway.. I am not enjoying being pregnant but I will enjoy it even less if I feel fat and ugly all the time!!

I am with you on the gob front.. I too cannot keep it shut at the moment!! my excuse is that my brain stopped working let alone being able to engage in any gear the day I got my BFP!!!

Oh isn't life fun !!
Mmmm On the gob front .. i wish mine had run away with me this morning ...

MIL decided to have another go GRRRR :evil: :evil: :evil: .... Not long to go until im out of here though ... sighs ...

OMG did i bawl when greg said i was gonna be wearing a tent for my birthday dinner next week ... he was ment to be going out but spent a further 15mins on the phone trying to stop me from sobbing .. hehe made me feel better though!!!

I look like a dot to dot book at the moment ... stopped wearing make up as my skin is as irretible as hell at the moment!! ... all the spots are on my chin and right cheek, feel like a spotty teenager, so i'll join you's on that one!!!

Anna marie ... you worry far to much about what you look like!! you have waited sooooo long for this time to come ... so kick back and enjoy ... go out and buy yorself some nice maternity clothes and wear them girl!!! Like i said to tankett ... Boll***s to what other people think .... the next 20 weeks are gonna fly by so enjoy them!!!!

I look like a painter n decorator n my dungees but im comfy ... i don't care lol!!! im wearing BIG apple catcher granny pants :D :D and i like em :D (hate maternity bra's as i feel me boobies are resting on my bump :shock: :oops: )

This pregnancy lark is ... Strange i like it one day (for about 5mins) and don't like it the rest of the time (Mainly when greg says something) ... My ass wobles .. my boobs flop .. my skin itches .. my leg hair looks like the new forest (After 2days of shaving) .. and i look about as attractive as a nun who fell out of the ugly tree and got battered with lead piping ... so all in all ... REALLY enjoying myself :?
I've given up trying to look decent for work. I've got the Next over the bump black trousers, black flat suede boots, and a black polo t-shirt with the company logo on. This does me every day, and although I look a complete frump, I don't care!! The funny thing is on a Friday when we can wear what we want. For the past few weeks I've been wearing maternity clothes, and because people are used to seeing me in uniform, they are usually really shocked to see a big bump! :shock:

Anna Marie, my spot on my forehead is having a friend to come and stay. He's beginning to move his stuff into my right cheek. Nice. :lol: :lol: It hurts when I talk!!! What you are wearing today sounds fab! I'm going shopping again on Saturday. Don't really neeeed anything, just need to make myself feel better. It's an early mothers day present for me to myself. And I'm having a full consultation and make-over at mac in Debenhams. Can't wait for that!!! :lol: If that doesn't make me feel better, nothing will.

Imi, I've read your post about Greg bringing you back a tent to wear!! :shock: Sit on him when he gets back, that'll teach him!!!!!! :shock:
SIT on him?? :shock: Cheers tankett ... not even gonna say what i think YOU'RE trying to imply you cheeky bint lmao!!!
:lol: :lol:

Imi I think Greg has been gone far too long.. you sound as if you need a good seeing to!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Tankett.. I too don't care generally [Promise Imi I don't!!] but occasionally my boss gives me the evil eye up and down.. so much easier for men.. they can just wear a suit every day.. I hate suits and my office is cold and I am out and about all day so need to be comfortable.. I ordered the next jersey trousers.. they are lovely.. will wear them tomorrow and see if I actually look like I have a bump!!

We have a house full of guests this weekend.. all OH's mates and yes the spots are lurking ready to come out of hiding.. and hair has suddenly gone curly.. must have grown a bit without me noticing.. must get the scissors out tonight.

Imi.. leg hair.. who cares.. its bloody freezing out there.. more insulation for us!!! dreading spring / summer when I have to display these lilly-white pins of mine.. yuk!

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