I cant stop smoking


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I have been smoking for years now since I was about 13! (really bad i know, but thats what school does to you).

Anyway since getting pregnant I keep saying to myself charlene you need to stop smoking but it is Impossible!!, I can not do it but I really want to do it for my baby!:wall2: My Mum and Grandma said that It wont harm the baby because they smoked all the way through their pregnancy and nothing happened to my mum and nothing happened to me, But i know it will harm the baby! :(

I CANT STOP what am i going to do!
well... i smoked alot before i got pregnant about 15 a day i cut right down to about 3 a day when i found out i was pregnant. I am now smoking just under 1 cigarette a day my midwife checked my carbon monoxide level and she says it was great doesnt mean i aint going to try stop smoking but my midwife says she will give me all the support needed.
Try really really hard hun, think about how much you want this baby and your gran and your mum are wrong your smoking COULD harm your baby I'm not saying it will but can't be nice for bubs!! Just try your best hun that's all you can do!! Good luck x :)
I'm 20 and i smoked for years till October.
I kept trying to quit but then i'd just be like 'oh one more won't hurt' but then i went and saw the midwife for the first time and got such a bollockin i stopped that day without ever thinking about it again. I guess you just have a moment where you know that that's it and you just stop. Atleast thats what happened for me and i really hope it happens for you because i have felt soooooo much healthier since quiting x
I have never smoked so really don't know how to help you here Charlene

Do you smoke many a day? Have you tried that quit smoking helpline that you see on the tely?

They may have quit systems or techniques to help make things easier. What about those patch things, can you use them to wean you off working to a schedule?

Do keep trying, every day you do stop, is extra support your giving your lovely baby XXX
I do need to stop and I'm always like oh one more wont hurt but I know it is Hurting :( I feel so selfish and feel like a bad mum even though it isnt born yet if i lost this baby I'd never ever forgive myself!! I will see what the doctor says on Friday anyway :( .. I always told myself before getting pregnant that when it did happen I would stop straight away but now I have infact gotten pregnant I cant!! Nothing i say to myself seems to make me stop!
Hey Hun I know how difficult it is but you need to think that this is nolonger about you it's about the tiny miracle that is growing in your tummy! You need to keep thing of all the toxins passing over to baby! I too smoked but stopped as soon as I found out I was pregnant
I would see your GP - they might be able to offer some nicotine replacement. If you think of all the chemicals going straight to your baby as he/she develops then it should help you to quit. Imagine giving birth to a baby who has to go to special care because it is underweight and has serious breathing prpblems, the guilt would kill you probably! Good luck, I know how hard it is to quit, I did it 3 years ago when I was TTC :hug:
I know it's hard to quit something like smoking but it is really important hon - see if ur doc can help with something - good luck xxx
yes, def see if your doctor can help! I always thought it would be SO easy to give up if I ever found out I was pregnant, I think I got lucky to some extent though as each cigarette I smoked made me feel more and more nauseous - it was one of the signs that made me test in the first place! Even then I found it incredibly difficult, but once you've given up for a week or so, it just gets easier by the day!

I wouldn't dream of smoking ever again now, I feel so much better for giving up, have more money in my pocket and a nice healthy baby!

One of my cousins had a baby about 6 weeks ago, he was 4 weeks early, weighed less than 5lbs and has had health problems since day 1. She's convinced it's because she smoked all the way through and is completely wracked with guilt - it's devastated her. Of course this could have all happened anyway whether she smoked or not, but even the slightest chance that smoking could have done this is killing her.

So, see a doctor, get as much support as you can, and get your OH to give up too if he's a smoker, he's jointly responsible for the baby too you know :)

Good luck, and just take one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up if you slip a little, if you really want to do it, and if I can do it, then you can too!
i smoked from age of 12 till 6months ago and im 37 i didnt stop when i was pregnant first time and m/c and believe me when i say guilt from m/c even tho it not anyones fault is a killer so when preg with my dd i stopped took me 6wks then with this one i stopped while ttc i used the patches and inhulators and couldnt believe how well they worked def worth a try its just not worth it hun
I was a 30 a day girl, yes 30 :shock: with my other 2 pregnancies i quit straight away no problems, but i started again when the boys were about 1 month old. This time, my youngest was only 8 weeks old when i got pregnant and i suffered no morning sicknes (sickness helps to make you stop lol) and i have struggles so badly. I quit when i was 20 something weeks but with all of the stress i have had lately i must admit i have had the odd few. I cannot describe the guilt i feel and no one could give me a harder time over it than i give myself. I smoke about 2 a day now, but as soon as baby is born and i am finished breast feeding i will probably be back to 30 a day :blush: xx
I know what you mean and thanks for all the info :) I have got nicorette chewing gum I was fine with them before I got pregnant but since getting pregnant they kill my throat I dont know why :(
Not a smoker, but just wanted to say good luck for quitting, I'm sure you'll do fine :)
Good luck! Just to say my mum had 3girls (i am the youngest) she smoked whilst pregnant with my eldest sister and she has ashma and me and my middle sister havent as she quit smoking before she had my sister and me. so it does affect baby x
okay thankyou becks :D I will try its too hard though i didnt think it was that hard but by god its like tortchure x
Im sure as someone else has said there is support, nhs have the stop smoking groups and im sure your midwife or gp would help you. I saw a program once and a young girl smoked and even when she smoked by the window or outside her daughter who was like under a yr i think still had nicotene in her system as that of a smoker and she was only passive smoking. If you think about all the bad things it can/does do then im sure itll help beat those cravings. x
I don't smoke either but just wanted to say good luck for quitting!
don't forget we are all here for any extra support you need!!! :) xxx
Ohhh i feel for you because im the same i just cant stop :eh: I have cut down from about 15 normal 10mg ciggys now to about 4 (in odds n halfs) silk cut which are only 1mg ... I know its not PERFECT but it is hard and like u say when people go on the old "I smoked when pregnant with you...." "I smoked all way thru all mine" It just makes it harder!!! I KNOW i cannot stop so im not gunna pretend i can! The cutting down is good and maybe just maybe i can cut down a bit further as time goes on i hope so oh and i compensate in my own may by having NO alcohol at all and a healthy diet. Good luck hunny xxx

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