I am officially in the Clomid Gang!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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So today was my big day, went and saw our fertility specialist :dance: he was a really nice guy, the appt itself was quite straight forward ran through our details, what tests we have had done etc ... he also ran through DH's sperm results much to DH's delight as he was told he has an above average sperm count so of course now he is being all smug about his super sperm :roll:

I explained about my irregular cycles and the pcos, he said it was unlikely I was ovulating, which we already knew!!! :sad:

So he has given me a prescription of drugs called Norethisterone to induce a period, he said to start them on CD 20 (because I had a period this month) for a week and the witch should arrive a couple of days later (equaling a 28 day cycle) ... but me being the impatient cow that I am have started them today instead (CD 16) :whistle: as I said to DH what difference will a few days make in the grand scheme of things!! :blush:

Once AF arrives I then have to take 50mg of Clomid on CD 2 - 6

I have to go and have a blood test done on CD 2 as he wants to rule out me having Rubella and then I have to go and have 21 bloods done to see if I have ovulated.

He said that I will take clomid for 3 to 6 months and if I am not pregnant at the end of that then the next step is to get my tubes checked :?

It has been a long 10 week wait but I am excited to finally get started and one step closer to my BFP!!! :thumbup:
Awww bless your OH! Bet he feels so relieved too!

So pleased for you Hun! Loving the positive attitude too! Good on ya!

Wish you all the luck in the world!


Aw yay :dance:

That's fantastic! Hubby having great sperm at least crosses that off the list of things to worry about :D

Go and get yourself a private abdominal scan and see your tubes... i just can't see the logic in the doc not scanning you now :roll: Best £90 you'll spend ;)

If your tubes are blocked, clomid is going to do bugger all and you'll be yet another 6 months into ttc - best to know now and if they are blocked, you can go back to the Nhs.

You'll be up the duff in no time, i'm sure :good:
Thanks Lou .... and Lou :lol:
We already knew DH sperm was ok but didn't know by what percentage or anything so it was nice to find out. Money is tight since I got made redundant so cant really afford private scans I am just going to allow myself to have a little faith that the drugs will work and we will be ok xx
Thanks Lou .... and Lou :lol:

She seems set on referring to me as looby (yes, i've noticed lol) while she is ofc loopy :lol:

I'm sure you're right Vicky, i didn't realise money is tight for you at the moment - unless you've had chlamydia or anything then there really shouldn't be any reason to think your tubes might be bloacked anyway :hug:
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aw vicky, so pleased this has got moving for you :)

must feel like such a relief that you are no longer just waiting around! i'm going to cross everything and pray to the bfp gods that you get your bfp ASAP :pray::pray:

so, i'm rubbish at working this out, as u have started ur med now, when is the earliest you can get your bfp??? xxx

this is brilliant news hun, so glad they have got the ball rolling for you, sending you shed loads of :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: look forward to seeing your BFP soon!! xx
Thanks Lou .... and Lou :lol:

She seems set on referring to me as looby (yes, i've noticed lol) while she is ofc loopy :lol:

Hehe, I keep singing the Andy Pandy song thats why! " Here we go Looby Louuuu here we go Looby Liiiii " I love the nickname Looby and I called myself Loopy :( doh. So I figured you was the perfect oppotunity to say Looby :D
I had chlamydia when I was a young twenty something :shock: .... It was easily treated and I was given the all clear, I just have to hope that it didn't cause any damage!!! I have had a scan of my pelvic area that's how they knew i had pcos but they didn't mention my tubes. Going to try and stay positive tho otherwise I will end up going crazy, my doc told me not to read to much into things ( easily said ) but I am going to take his advice I need a break from obsessing over all the negatives and keep focused on the positives for once :)

It's hard to say exactly when I could potentially get my bfp it all depends on how soon my period arrives after finishing the norethisterone and then if the clomid works ..... But if all runs smoothly then it could be as early as the end of next month :lol:

It's mine and DH's birthday in June would be something special if it were to happen first time xxx
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June - amazing!! best of luck, i reallllyyyyy hope it happens first time, after all this waiting u deserve it!! xxxxx
Thats great news hun, things are moving along really well. I'm sure you'll have your BFP in no time xxx
I had chlamydia when I was a young twenty something :shock: ....

Jesus christ, i'm really messing up trying to reassure you ain't i :roll:

I'm sure everything is tickity boo :)
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Ha ha don't worry about it Looby ;)

I am not to worried about it ...... Gunna live in ignorant bliss for a while :lol:
Oh hun, this sounds wonderfull! I really hope you get your bfp soon! Im sure you will!

That's brilliant news!
Good luck and I hope you get your bfp soon xxx
Hi Vicky, great news you are getting somewhere - fingers crossed for your bfp soon! x x x x

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