I'm a little worried as to how staff will react when I ask them not to use the word 'pain' and ask for lights to stay dimmed, etc. This is first baby so have no prior experience of birthing units - they must get these requests all the time mustn't they? We can't be the only ones!
I used hypnobirthing when I had my son in 2013 at our local hospital and I had on my birth plan that I didn't want updates on my progress with regards to cms dilated.... this threw the midwives completely as I arrived at hospital already at 10cms and with baby on its way and they didn't know how to tell me I had to start delivering him immediately.
I was fairly oblivious to everything at this point and actually wouldn't have cared what they did - but there was lots of hushed whispering and then eventually someone went off to get someone senior and they had her ask me my reasoning for putting it on my plan and I explained between contractions that it was because I didn't want to be disheartened with slow progress..... and so she told me I really didn't have to worry about that and asked if i was happy to know when I was fully dilated, which I was.
I don't imagine that dimmed lights and avoiding the word pain are all that unusual at all in a birth unit, especially in areas where hypnobirthing is popular and midwifes are pros and will take it all in their stride.
I found the hypnobirthing most useful at home to be honest - I got so far along without any stress or pain. I highly recommend it. Good luck