Any ladies who have posted here and had their babies care to share their experiences?
I don't know if it worked for me (I never fully "got" the techniques) BUT I loved the Maggie Howell book - all the theory behind childbirth is amazing.
I did use the CD from 32w though and will do again this time.
I struggled with early labour, managed to get to 5cm at home but then things stalled for me and I ended up on the drip, in the labour ward (after being in the birthing centre this was a huge disappointment).
I say that I don't think it worked but I managed to naturally deliver baby after 51 hours in labour without any assistance and not even a graze so who knows? Oh and I didn't have an epidural either - Dr's almost laughed in my face when I refused it as they put the drip in and said they'd see me in an hour when I was begging for an EPI. I found I managed to pain of 6cm - 10cm much better than I managed the pain of early labour. Pushing was my favourite part - so liberating!
MW's were amazed that I was able to deliver baby naturally after such an epic labour but I did!! Not sure if it was down to the hypnobirthing though lol.
So whilst the whole visualisation stuff didn't work for me, I was calm and happy leading up to labour. I had no fear, I wasn't stressed and I felt amazing.
Will def be using the CD again.
The book and CD is relatively cheap (you don't need the classes? although if you want them they are meant to be great) so it's worth a go.
No-one should be afraid of labour. I found the Maggie Howell book gives very good examples and reasons why labour is not to be feared.