Hunting, Do you agree with it POLL


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
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I personally think its cruel to chase and attack animals just for fun.

What are your views?
I come from a farming background and my whole family have gone shooting - my Dad and Brother are still part of a syndicate so, yes I do for pheasant/grouse shooting
I used to feel so upset when I used to live in the country and see people hunting those poor little foxes :cry:

Am I corect in saying that its now illegal?
fox hunting is illigal yes, I have never and never would partake in that
I voted no, as I don't agree with hunting for fun, but I also live in the country and my family have always shot game - but it was always eaten at the end - I don't think this is quite the same as it isn't as cruel.
I put undecided. More because I agree with farmers being allowed to shoot foxes that are attacking their livestock. Raising pheasant and grouse for shooting are also the only source of income for a lady I used to work with.

But as for numpties on horseback being allowed to hunt with dogs... no way. It's a whole different kettle of fish chasing one poor animal with a pack of hungry dogs just for it to be ripped to shreds.
I agree with it, its what I was brought up with. I have never partaken in a fox hunt myself but seen the hunt many times and most people who oppose have never seen what actually happens. The fact that the hunt has been banned doesn't mean foxes aren't killed. Most farmers employ people for pest control now, they take out dogs to where foxes are reported to be, dig the foxes out and then they are either shot or the dogs sometimes kill them. Thats no more less cruel than the hunt.

I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?
Tillytots said:
I agree with it, its what I was brought up with. I have never partaken in a fox hunt myself but seen the hunt many times and most people who oppose have never seen what actually happens. The fact that the hunt has been banned doesn't mean foxes aren't killed. Most farmers employ people for pest control now, they take out dogs to where foxes are reported to be, dig the foxes out and then they are either shot or the dogs sometimes kill them. Thats no more less cruel than the hunt.

I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

Sorry but theres a BIG difference between hunting poor little foxes for fun ( I have see foxes beeing hunting and how scared they were as I have lived in the country many times) and eating meat (but sat here now im even questioning my own eating habits).
I am not deliberately killing animals for fun and I do not wear any animals on my back.
To set out to kill a fox is wrong imo and ill never agree with itnor will I understand the mentality behind it.
Thats just my opinion.
Tillytots said:
I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

:clap: :clap:

I would not take part in a fox hunt, but if I were workin on the farm and a fox was savaging my families sheep/cows etc then I would have no second thought but to shoot it.
SarahH said:
Tillytots said:
I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

:clap: :clap:

I would not take part in a fox hunt, but if I were workin on the farm and a fox was savaging my families sheep/cows etc then I would have no second thought but to shoot it.

Yes but that is different from going out to hunt thou.
Morganuk said:
Tillytots said:
I agree with it, its what I was brought up with. I have never partaken in a fox hunt myself but seen the hunt many times and most people who oppose have never seen what actually happens. The fact that the hunt has been banned doesn't mean foxes aren't killed. Most farmers employ people for pest control now, they take out dogs to where foxes are reported to be, dig the foxes out and then they are either shot or the dogs sometimes kill them. Thats no more less cruel than the hunt.

I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

Sorry but theres a BIG difference between hunting poor little foxes for fun ( I have see foxes beeing hunting and how scared they were as I have lived in the country many times) and eating meat (but sat here now im even questioning my own eating habits).
I am not deliberately killing animals for fun and I do not wear any animals on my back.
To set out to kill a fox is discusting imo and ill never agree with itnor will I understand the mentality behind it.
Thats just my opinion.

Well I think fox hunting is for pest control. Foxes are still going to be killed in the way I described. I have a friend who does it as a job for many local farmers. The foxes are still scared because they are flushed out their holes by terriers.

You aren't deliberately killing animals for fun but there are people out there killing them for you so you can eat. Its not for fun but the point is something is being killed and you are using it.

Im not saying hunting is kind to animals but I do think its a part of life. Again, so many people get so animated over the subject but they have leather bags etc but thats ok? I just dont disagree with it because I eat meat etc and I really have no room to talk.
I dont agree with bloodsport as that is just killing an animal for the thrill of it and not having any regard for the fear that animal goes through, and whether it has any young that are relying on it. I do think culling is necessary part of wildlife managment/farming.
Also culling is done in a controlled way that tskes into condsideration the berrding seasons etc to limit the impact on the animals young etc
Morganuk said:
SarahH said:
Tillytots said:
I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

:clap: :clap:

I would not take part in a fox hunt, but if I were workin on the farm and a fox was savaging my families sheep/cows etc then I would have no second thought but to shoot it.

Yes but that is different from going out to hunt thou.

Farmers now have to pay someone to kill the foxes whereas before it was done for free. I think people will always go out riding horses, exercising working dogs so why not pest control at the same time? how do you feel about fishing hun?
Tangerinedream said:
Also culling is done in a controlled way that tskes into condsideration the berrding seasons etc to limit the impact on the animals young etc

the hunting season runs from Nov to March which is when breeding season is so is the same.
Tillytots said:
Morganuk said:
Tillytots said:
I agree with it, its what I was brought up with. I have never partaken in a fox hunt myself but seen the hunt many times and most people who oppose have never seen what actually happens. The fact that the hunt has been banned doesn't mean foxes aren't killed. Most farmers employ people for pest control now, they take out dogs to where foxes are reported to be, dig the foxes out and then they are either shot or the dogs sometimes kill them. Thats no more less cruel than the hunt.

I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

Sorry but theres a BIG difference between hunting poor little foxes for fun ( I have see foxes beeing hunting and how scared they were as I have lived in the country many times) and eating meat (but sat here now im even questioning my own eating habits).
I am not deliberately killing animals for fun and I do not wear any animals on my back.
To set out to kill a fox is discusting imo and ill never agree with itnor will I understand the mentality behind it.
Thats just my opinion.

Well I think fox hunting is for pest control. Foxes are still going to be killed in the way I described. I have a friend who does it as a job for many local farmers. The foxes are still scared because they are flushed out their holes by terriers.

You aren't deliberately killing animals for fun but there are people out there killing them for you so you can eat. Its not for fun but the point is something is being killed and you are using it.

Im not saying hunting is kind to animals but I do think its a part of life. Again, so many people get so animated over the subject but they have leather bags etc but thats ok? I just dont disagree with it because I eat meat etc and I really have no room to talk.

Yes I see your point about animals still being killed to eat and as a meat eater I guess I put that I put that out of my head but I still think that the killing of foxes when they are not attacking a farmers produce is wrong.
I seen many times hunters on horses going in search of foxies when they are not doing anything wrong.
You can not justify that imo.
Morganuk said:
Tillytots said:
Morganuk said:
Tillytots said:
I agree with it, its what I was brought up with. I have never partaken in a fox hunt myself but seen the hunt many times and most people who oppose have never seen what actually happens. The fact that the hunt has been banned doesn't mean foxes aren't killed. Most farmers employ people for pest control now, they take out dogs to where foxes are reported to be, dig the foxes out and then they are either shot or the dogs sometimes kill them. Thats no more less cruel than the hunt.

I think people cannot eat meat, have leather products and then sit there saying things like hunting and wearing fur are cruel. Like fishing? How many people think fishing should be banned? Its the same as hunting, you kill for a sport. Just because fish are ugly as hell and not sweet and fluffy doesn't make it any less cruel does it?

Sorry but theres a BIG difference between hunting poor little foxes for fun ( I have see foxes beeing hunting and how scared they were as I have lived in the country many times) and eating meat (but sat here now im even questioning my own eating habits).
I am not deliberately killing animals for fun and I do not wear any animals on my back.
To set out to kill a fox is discusting imo and ill never agree with itnor will I understand the mentality behind it.
Thats just my opinion.

Well I think fox hunting is for pest control. Foxes are still going to be killed in the way I described. I have a friend who does it as a job for many local farmers. The foxes are still scared because they are flushed out their holes by terriers.

You aren't deliberately killing animals for fun but there are people out there killing them for you so you can eat. Its not for fun but the point is something is being killed and you are using it.

Im not saying hunting is kind to animals but I do think its a part of life. Again, so many people get so animated over the subject but they have leather bags etc but thats ok? I just dont disagree with it because I eat meat etc and I really have no room to talk.

Yes I see your point about animals still being killed to eat and as a meat eater I guess I put that I put that out of my head but I still think that the killing of foxes when they are not attacking a farmers produce is wrong.
I seen many times hunters on horses going in search of foxies when they are not doing anything wrong.
You can not justify that imo.

I guess they cull the foxes before they get chance to kill their livestock.

So what about poisoning rats? And fishing? No-one has mentioned an opinion on fishing yet :think:
I think its cruel to just chase them fpr fun and rip them apart.

Its banned now anyway but i know people that still do it.
You can't possibly compare fox hunting to fishing surely :think:

Fishes do not feel pain/fear in the way we or other animals do. They do get sensation but their brains aren't big enough to process that information and send out fear signals. Foxes can. They do get scared. They are fearful.

I don't agree with people taking pleasure out of hunting foxes but like others have said I tend to think hunting game which your then going to eat is part of nature anyway.

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