Just wanted to point out a couple of things...
Apparently God only takes the good ones young. At least thats the consensus among people of faith...
Two... if it was one of the twins who needed the transfusion then the mother would have refused that too... It's not that she loves her religion more, it's that her religion defines who she is and what happens to her and her children upon death.
Under the belief system of the Jehova Witnesses only 144.000 people will go to heaven at the end of days. The remaining ones of Christ's spirit-anointed body members on earth constitute the "faithful and discreet slave" of today ... so you have to be a damn good witness to get to heaven, so you can see that the margin is tight and people will make these sacrifices that to ordinary folk seem horrendous.
Also there was a thread on here a while back saying that "Most Haunted" wasn't real and some people were really shocked by it... although most here have said that the beliefs of the Witnesses are pointless and superficial, they believe in it as much as some people on here believed in "most haunted"... (not me though


I thought it was media poop)... just to make a simple analogy.
A better analogy is to ask how many mothers on here, would allow doctors to take their kids organs upon their deaths for transplantation? A few would say no because it's against their beliefs, but why is it? The gift of life is the gift of life, and it is no different from a blood transfusion, in my view.
It's not that I "believe" in their religion, on the contrary I think their belief system is a pile of poop, which can easily be argued into oblivion, as long as you know what your talking about..

... Just I was brought up a very staunch Catholic and know how ALL ENCOMPASSING a strict religion can be, and how deep set these beliefs run.
OH yes... and budge... you know your McCann thing is verging on the point of obsession right.. ?