So sad this, especially for the poor twins...

who mentionedthe macCanns???? LET ME AT THEM!!!! :x :x :x :lol:
What I don't get is if this is their religion and that their god has chosen this then why are they stated as being devestated, if this was meant to be???
Sophie1102 said:
What I don't get is if this is their religion and that their god has chosen this then why are they stated as being devestated, if this was meant to be???


How can you choose religion over your chilldrens lives? She obviously didnt love her children as much as her religion. I think shes very selfish, Id rather be dammed as someone else said than leave two innocent children without their mother, what are they going to think when they grow up & are told of the choice their mother made!!
i think its harsh saying she loved her religion more than her kids.

like i said before she could have been dead with or without the BT just cos she refused it doesnt mean she chose to deprive her kids of a mother. if your bleeding and get given blood it isnt a guarantee that you will be ok. i think that theres too little detail to be passing judgement.
i think the sun are just trying to make a story as usual :roll:
I cant answer as im not a Jehovahs Witness.

My grandparent are Jehovahs Witnesses & I respect their choice of religion and beliefs although I am athiest myself.
We all justify all our actions in one way or another, religion can be just one way but we can only live our own life, and I feel teribly sorry for someone who's made such a hard choice that it results in them leaving their babies :cry:
Redshoes said:
We all justify all our actions in one way or another, religion can be just one way but we can only live our own life, and I feel teribly sorry for someone who's made such a hard choice that it results in them leaving their babies :cry:

I agree. Its wrong to judge anyone who acts on their beliefs. It would be unthinkable for me to make the choice she did, there is just no way I could, but that is why I'm not a witness. Obviously it was very right for this woman, and at the end of the day she does have the sole right to believe what she does and ultimately make that decision! As sad as the tragedy is, the children will be taught to accept this also.
Just wanted to point out a couple of things...

Apparently God only takes the good ones young. At least thats the consensus among people of faith...

Two... if it was one of the twins who needed the transfusion then the mother would have refused that too... It's not that she loves her religion more, it's that her religion defines who she is and what happens to her and her children upon death.

Under the belief system of the Jehova Witnesses only 144.000 people will go to heaven at the end of days. The remaining ones of Christ's spirit-anointed body members on earth constitute the "faithful and discreet slave" of today ... so you have to be a damn good witness to get to heaven, so you can see that the margin is tight and people will make these sacrifices that to ordinary folk seem horrendous.

Also there was a thread on here a while back saying that "Most Haunted" wasn't real and some people were really shocked by it... although most here have said that the beliefs of the Witnesses are pointless and superficial, they believe in it as much as some people on here believed in "most haunted"... (not me though :rotfl: :rotfl: sorry :oops: I thought it was media poop)... just to make a simple analogy.

A better analogy is to ask how many mothers on here, would allow doctors to take their kids organs upon their deaths for transplantation? A few would say no because it's against their beliefs, but why is it? The gift of life is the gift of life, and it is no different from a blood transfusion, in my view.

It's not that I "believe" in their religion, on the contrary I think their belief system is a pile of poop, which can easily be argued into oblivion, as long as you know what your talking about.. :wink: ... Just I was brought up a very staunch Catholic and know how ALL ENCOMPASSING a strict religion can be, and how deep set these beliefs run.

OH yes... and budge... you know your McCann thing is verging on the point of obsession right.. ?
:wink: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Pregnopaws said:
Redshoes said:
We all justify all our actions in one way or another, religion can be just one way but we can only live our own life, and I feel teribly sorry for someone who's made such a hard choice that it results in them leaving their babies :cry:

I agree. Its wrong to judge anyone who acts on their beliefs. It would be unthinkable for me to make the choice she did, there is just no way I could, but that is why I'm not a witness. Obviously it was very right for this woman, and at the end of the day she does have the sole right to believe what she does and ultimately make that decision! As sad as the tragedy is, the children will be taught to accept this also.

Very sensible words from both of you ladies. I agree totally.

What got to me (and I think it was jenna who pointed it out in the other thread) is that one of her relatives was quoted as saying he couldn't understand how somebody could die in childbirth in this day and age. Well, as many of us on this forum can testify, it's not unusual to haemorrhage during or shortly after childbirth, it's actually quite common. It's thanks to modern medicine that it's now an easily recitfiable condition. Unfortunately in this case, it went against the beliefs of the patient to accept the treatment for her condition.

I feel so sorry for everybody involved, including the doctors and nurses who had to fight to save a life when the treatment which she so depserately needed and which could so easily have saved her was being refused.

I can't begin to understand those kind of religious beliefs, it's beyond me, but I also accept that some people have these strong convicions. It's hard for most of us to accept this, but they made their choice and that's that.

So, so sad :cry:

Whilst I feel that you have some very good points to make - and I do think that. I find the term 'God Squad' degratory to me and my religious beliefs and this undermines your argument and your point of view entirely. I have stated some views to you under the sun article and your comments there about my religion.

I could argue with you and I do know what I am talking about :wink: but fear it would get very nasty. So therefore I am kindly asking you to watch how you phrase things in the future.
answered to your sun thread comment... :) have also altered my thread so as not to offend you...
I think its only natural to want to do anything you can to save your life or others and it must have been hard for them. Personally i wouldnt have said no and i would have gone along with a blood transfushion but every ones different. I just dont like the fact that one of their friends were quoted basically saying it was the hospitals fault, they cant win really can they!?!?! :shock:
I'm not into religion but even if I was I think I would still do anything to save my own life especially if I had just had 2 little babies... I'd want to be there to be their mom and to see them grow up.

I think in the situation, Nat would have told them to give me the transfusion too. Probably. Well, I'd certainly hope so :)
Squiglet said:
Two... if it was one of the twins who needed the transfusion then the mother would have refused that too... It's not that she loves her religion more, it's that her religion defines who she is and what happens to her and her children upon death.


I actually found out today that if it is a child involved,they can be made a ward of court,and can therefore be given the transfusion regardless of the parent's wishes.I personally agree with that
But then would that child be disowned by its parents? I disagree as I believe that it's a parent's choice whether they approve medical intervention. What if that blood was infected with HIV or some other disease? Why should someone else decide what is right for your baby and where does the intervention stop?

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