How Soon Did Your Baby Sleep Through The Night?

Jack woke twice anight for milk (FF) intil he was 7 months. Then it was once a night until 9.5 months when he started sleeping through the night x
At around 3 and half months she started draining her 3am bottle but leaving half of her morning and lunch bottle so we started reducing her 3am bottle each night and she was taking more of the other 2 then stopped offering it and she slept trough,at the time we were using a dummy so would give her that instead and she would go straight back asleep and now after weaning her off the dummy she will just sleep straiight trough,

she will prob show signs like that when she is ready to drop the night feed but thats a guess , i know people whose lo slept trough from 6 weeks and some that didnt for a year so lots of room in the middle
Well my lo slept through from 7pm till 5.30 am from 7 weeks, but it wasn't until he was 12 weeks that he did 7pm to 7 am. I am a true believer in routine though. I feed, bath, story, rock in nursing chair for 5 mins then bed- nothing wakes him up and even when he wakes will babble to himself in his cot until my husband or I are ready to get him. My lo is now 14 weeks and combination fed.
Ruby first slept through at 8 weeks and at about ten weeks she stopped and wakes at least twice a night . She did sleep through one night last week but again she has gone back to waking xxx
my LO is 15 weeks old n were nowhere near sleeping through the night yet :(
Ethan didnt do it until about 7.5 months and is not consistent with it now but has been ill the last week.
He was ebf until 5.5 months, then combi fed. Its v hard when u get given advice like u were with ur first! Hope u get a good sleeper this time round xxx
Jax has only managed it 3 times in 8.5 months!! LOL. My eldest din't sleep through till he was over a year old.
my lo is nearly 6 weeks n last night went from 12- 6 with wakeup at 2 for dummy but this was first time n prob the last lol xxx
Thanks for all of the responses!! :D

Hoping for the best. Some of you have some very encouraging success stories! How amazing would it be for baby to start sleeping through by the time she is 12 weeks! I think I would cry in happiness! lol. :)
at 12 weeks she would go down at 7pm and we would have to wake her at 8.30am for a feed! plus a couple of hours of daytime naps. but i think we are the exception and ahve been exceedingly lucky!!!
About 9 weeks and is ff he sleeps from 6.30-7 until 5.30-6

Lexi has only ever slept through about 4 nights in the last 8 months, some nights she will be awake for hours others she will wake up every hr and if im lucky i get a 3hr sleep before shes awake. I think someone took away the sleep gene when she was born! x x

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