What does "sleeping through the night" mean to you?

feed him in bed honey! Give him a change when he wakes up a four and lie in bed together (kick the husband out onto the sofa if you need too) and just have a blanket over you to your waste and a nice thick jumper on so just your boob is out and latch him on :)

you will really enjoy it and be able to get that extra bit of kip xx

This is the best way hun, cosleeping helps to establish breastfeeding too and, well, it's just the best waking up to your beautfiul baby :love:
Yes and when they wake up at 4, you can pop em on the boob and get some more kip!
I'm a bit too scared to co-sleep, mainly cos i think hubby would roll on him or something, he even accidently nudges him when Im feeding in bed. I feed him in bed every night but fight to stay awake then put him back in crib.
I'm a bit too scared to co-sleep, mainly cos i think hubby would roll on him or something, he even accidently nudges him when Im feeding in bed. I feed him in bed every night but fight to stay awake then put him back in crib.

It won't happen hun, we did alot (well OH did) of researching into cosleeping and accidents happen when 1 or 2 parents go to bed drunk or on drugs and so are not fully aware baby (or anyone) else is in bed. If SIDS is going to happen it will happen in a cot or bed, 50% happens in cot 50% happens in bed while cosleeping. SIDS is not to do with being rolled on etc. Keep covers low and pillows high, baby is at your boob anyways. You will always be aware that your baby is in the bed, so will LOs father.

I promise you it is safe, Oscar is 10 months old and we're still cosleeping with him and have done since newborn.

There is alot of informaion on cosleeping available online xxxxx
Would be a bit of a shit evolutionary trait, growing a baby for 9 months and then rolling on it... We are absolutely designed not to.
There is a nation (don't quote me coz I could be wrong, but I think it's Japan), that cosleep til the child is in school!
i wouldn't cosleep with LO. i would probably feed in bed, stay awake and then back to its cot.

i would be too stressed about the baby getting a blanket or a pillow or a hand or sth on it, i would like to keep babys bedroom at around 18-19 degrees and our bedroom to 22 lol. baby little noises would keep me awake all night as i wake up at the the most little noise ever. i would like intimacy with my oh and a cozy place to just go under the blankies and cuddle. as me and oh working at the hospital we usually come home with all kind of nasty viruses etc, i prefer baby sleeping in its room from the beginning where i can open the window to have fresh air before sleep and not breathing whatever crap we are bringing back from work all night.
so our plan is to put LO in a room thats its only entrance is through our bedroom, in a cot bed from the beginning with a video camera monitor thing and a sensory mat. now if that will be possible we will have to see...though co sleeping is out of question for us.
you know that most infant death syndrome is caused by a baby not being able to regulate their breathing from yours? That is why the NHS reccomend strongly that the baby stays in the same room as you for the first six months, because they NEED to be near humans it keeps them alive.

SIDS with an adult in the room is so ridiculously rare and most often due to underlying health issues. I would NEVER leave a child under 6 months in a different room to me and any health care professional will tell you the same

if your that worried about co-sleeping have a side cot (cot that attaches to the bed) or have a cot next to the bed. If you dont want to hear your child either A. Dont have one or B. buy ear plugs.
When you look into it, guess where all the fear about cosleeping stems from.... cot manufacturers etc lol

Yup! when actually safe co-sleeping so without big duvets, is far far safer than sleeping in a cot. Especially a cot in a different room which is actually really dangerous.
believe me i know very well about the breathing regulation and the baby will be able to hear us from that room that its entrance is from our room and you can leave the door larg open if you want. (like 2 m away from us....)you dont ahve to be nasty with ugly remarks like dont have a baby or buy ear plugs.
its equally importnat for the mum to rest and i wake up whith every little noise, so the baby giggling will keep me awake all night.
sleepign in a different room is perfectly fine if you have all the safety measures. probably the first weeks the baby will be in our room anyway but i was just saying what will work for my family, no need for harsh comments.
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sorry i was a bit harsh xxx have just had a bit of a shock with my ex-house tenant being a knobber and calling me names because i am unhappy with him putting my mothers house at risk! But there was no need your right

i just think that things can be read a certain way and people should remember that the NHS guidelines are there for a reason and they are to stop babies from dying in this situation, its great that your babies room is so close to your but if you cannot hear the baby then perhaps the baby will struggle to hear you?

If you can handle it, put baby in your room for a while at least, its really really good for them and if you struggle to sleep then buying ear plugs will help (it was said in the wrong way but it is still a valid suggestion)

sorry for being sharp xx Its a subject i feel very strongly about xxx
DF co sleeping or cot sleeping or sleeping in a diffeent room have all their risk if not done in the right way.
as i told you before in my family the risk of the baby catching a nasty virus or a microbe sleeping in a room with closed windows all night with 2 doctors that come back from hospital with all kind of things is far bigger than putting the baby in its bed with a baby monitor and a sensory mat. you can perfectly hear from the other room to our room as the wall in between is a thin added wall and with the door open is like being in the same room (its actually the same room divided in 2). anyway that will give the baby a safe distance from us while it minimize the risks of SIDS. i will probably be able to perfectly hear the baby and be fully awaken with any noise but its still probably much better than next to my bed or in my bed.
needless to say that our carrier implies midnight phonecalls and gettign up during the night, lighting up lights, dressing and getting out of the house for emergencies and that is not a calm environment for a baby to sleep and rest.
and no worries, i am having a bad day lol, probably it would be better if 120 students didnt try to cheat in fron of me every sec... (exam supervising....)
In that circumstance i can totally understand why you chose a different path to me x
we have to make choices for ourselves dont we, based upon personal situation and current guidelines.

I think you should get a couple of heart stopping paddles from the paramedic team and threaten who ever cheats next with them :D

I am also full of cold and am feeling a bit sorry for myself lol
Yup! when actually safe co-sleeping so without big duvets, is far far safer than sleeping in a cot. Especially a cot in a different room which is actually really dangerous.

I'm unsure about this - where did you hear this.

You have quite alot of diverse opinions, especially regarding BF'ing/co-sleeping ect. I'd say both equally have the same risks (in our bed or own cot), I wouldn't like the thought of someone reading this who doesn't co-sleep feeling forced to do so by information that may not be 100% correct

I have read just as many stories about SIDS happening when co-sleeping as I have in a cot

Safe co-sleeping is Far safer than sleeping in a cot...

The most dangerous thing is a baby and mother sleeping on a sofa, if you are co-sleeping there is absolutely no risk of this, the biggest risk is getting really really tired and actually falling asleep on a sofa with a baby - that is fact.

this (the first site found on google) dispells some myths surrounding cot death and shows that SAFE co-sleeping massively reduces cot death.
btw, in Japan they co-sleep for ever (they literally have a family 'bed room' where they all sleep on big mattresses :) and SIDS is so rare there is not even a name for it in Japanese :)
Safe co-sleeping is Far safer than sleeping in a cot...

The most dangerous thing is a baby and mother sleeping on a sofa, if you are co-sleeping there is absolutely no risk of this, the biggest risk is getting really really tired and actually falling asleep on a sofa with a baby - that is fact.

this (the first site found on google) dispells some myths surrounding cot death and shows that SAFE co-sleeping massively reduces cot death.

Where does it say this???
OMG i really suggest you research this for yourself because all i am doing is typing into google same as you could!

It actually says that IN THE NHS BOOK they give you when your baby is born!

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