When did your baby sleep through?

Rudy sleeps through once a week usually :lol: Just to keep me on my toes I reckon!
loz said:
I'm soooooooooo jealous of anyone whose baby sleeps 7-7 or for more than 5 straight hours every night as I am exhausted, ratty, and going insane with sleep deprivation at the moment! :twisted:

lots of hugs for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:
Just tell them that he does sleep through! That'll keep them quiet! Hehe

I get it ALL the time. People's fave question seems to be 'how is she sleeping' though I do it too :oops: :oops: :oops: I always ask people. Lol.

Faith has slept through a few times. Once she did about 5 nights in a row. Then I went and told my mum and she stopped again. LOL.

And one time she would wake at 4am for a feed. Then at 7am would wake up. I could feed her, pop her in her bouncer and we'd both go back to sleep...

I do hope she does sleep through soon as I felt like a new woman when she did the 5 nights in a row but tbh i do rather like my cuddles :)
At about 10/11 weeks - although he was a month premature so don't know if that really means 7 weeks??? We usually put him down at 7pm, wake him about 11pm for a dream feed, then he sleeps through until about 7.30am - although this morning it was 8,30am, - I swear he knows it's Sunday lol!
From around 8 weeks Ellie slept until 5am ish, had a quick feed then back to sleep until 8-9am which I think is great for so young, she obv changed sleeping patterns when teething/poorly etc but that was the general pattern she was in. In the past month shes dropped that early feed and now goes 8-9pm until 8-9am :) x
Amelia was 4 weeks 1 day when she slept 9pm - 9am It wa Boxing Night & the first time we'd left her with my mother. But she did end up sleeping 6pm-11am. & she still likes her sleep now!
purplebluered said:
loz said:
I'm soooooooooo jealous of anyone whose baby sleeps 7-7 or for more than 5 straight hours every night as I am exhausted, ratty, and going insane with sleep deprivation at the moment! :twisted:

lots of hugs for you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks :hug: :hug:
Charlie:-) said:
Maia started sleeping through at 3 months to the day.

I dream feed her at 11pm although I have dropped it a couple of times and sometimes she doesn't wake for feeding and sometimes she does so I just go along and continue to give her it, although I will be dropping this once she's on 3 meals a day.

you jammy watsit :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :moon: :shakehead: :talkhand:

Collier used to sleep well at night he still woke but only 8pm to 11pm for a feed then 4am for a feed to 7am for a feed then somtimes hes sleep till 9am

he dropped the 4am for a few weeks he slept from 11pm to 8am

then at 3 months old his 2 bottom teeth came through he also moved from moses basket to cot
ive not had a good nights sleep since :( i miss sleep sooooooooooo much :hug: :hug: :hug:
sometimes he wakes so often in to shattered to count :( im NOT a morning person :twisted: so for me a lay in is on my list of would love to haves :sleep:
can i join the still waiting club!

but tbh on the odd day she does sleep longer i wake up waiting for her to wake up
Calum goes down at 7pm, i change his bum at 11pm and feed him awake or asleep and since being in his cot his down until around 8.30/9am at the moment, before he woke between 6.30am & 8am.
Been doing this from around 3/4months.
Jack started sleeping through about 2 1/2 weeks ago (until last night!) which means he was just under 8 months before he slept through more than just the odd night.

Feels great to get a full nights sleep... horrible today after NOT having one! :sleep:
melissa slept thru 12am-8am from about 3 weeks old then at 3 months old we put her to bed early (7pm-7am) she slept thru for bout 3 weeks- then at four months old she became a TOTAL NITEMARE sleeper! she was up every half an hour all nite, sometimes every 10 minutes :wall: this lasted for 4 months!

finally at 8 months old she stopped that nonsense and started sleeping thru properly! and has done since- thank goodness!
holly has gone 7-7 since about 9wks.. there are nights when she wakes though.. especially after she started teething. We have had a few on the trot this week where she's woken. Generally we have been very lucky with her.
midna said:

is seed still as bad as ever??

we took connor to a play cafe last week and he slept from 8.30pm til 5.30am that night - by far the longest yet. :cheer:

but since then he hasn't gone to bed before 11pm and has woken before 4 every morning :roll: :roll: :lol:

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