How similar to pre-menstrual cramping is implantation cramping?

Hey all,

Just a quick update the cramps continued all of yesterday and I was sure that AF was on her way but then I realised that usually when my cramps are THAT bad its usually accompanied by AF herself. I never get bad cramps before she gets here, only on the day. The cramps themselves seem to have eased off a bit now and all I'm really left with is the sickness.

So I have come to the conclusion that after a good few days of cramps and really bad sickness I must have caught the egg!

I'm planning to do an early test tomorrow which will be 12/13 DPO.

Wish me luck! :)

And good luck to all you other ladies. I'll keep you posted.

Ahhhhh can't wait for the morning!!!! Fx xx
When i got pregnant, i made Liam go and get me some sanitary towels because we were out in town and i was convinced i was about to come on... we had to be at a wedding all day and the last thing i wanted was damp knickers lol! Well i never came on and i still have the pack of pads unopened upstairs!

so yeah, i would say its VERY similar, followed by sore nipples (for me)
Hope you got the result you want hon :)

Babybo, did you do yours today with hubby? How did you tell him? xxx
BFN this morning :( Sinks your heart everytime you see that one line doesn't it.

Still got my hopes up though!

Few days till AF is due and the cramps have returned with a vengence yet still no sign of her (as I said before I never get the cramps without the witch) Plus still feeling sick.

So I'm hoping the early test was a false negative and I'll be definitly leaving the testing till Thursday now.

Keep getting scared thinking shes arrived. Was out at my anniversary meal with the OH yesterday and had to run to the loo only to find it wasn't her *TMI* only watery cm?

Needless to say I'm confused.

Babybo - Thats great news about your digi! Really pleased for you! :)

Thanks for waiting for the news. This community is great.
Hi ChloeNat,

I've had exactly your symptoms with my BFP, but I did not do a test until 3 days after AF was due. I had bad cramping, sore nipples, headaches, nausea, felt worse than early PMS for me anyway. I am very regular (28 days cycles), so I knew when AF was due for sure, and like I say I tested a very strong BFP 3 days after AF was due, and then have done 2 more tests (1 digi and 1 boots own brand) and clearblue digi said 3+ weeks!

I really don't want to give you false hope, but I have a feeling you might have tested too early, I think you may get a BFP in a few days!

Fingers crossed for you babe! Can't wait to read about the result!!!! Hugs!!! xxx
Aww hunny don't panic. You've loads of time yet. I had lots of cm the week up to my bfp so your not out!!

Happy anniversary xx
Hi Chloe BFN for me too today. Wish I had had the wine last night! :-( if the witch doesn't arrive in the mean time going to leave poas for a few days as you right it is so depressing. Fx to all x
Ourlovebump - Thanks so much. I was convinced all these symptoms weren't just AF making an appearance but when I got that one line I got doubts. I'm definitley waiting until later in the week to test :)

Babybo - thanks very much. I'm keeping my thoughts positive :) The wait is going to destroy me now lol

Kathy78 - I know, it sucks so badly! Looking forward to hearing about your next test

Hey Chloe,

Have you done another test since the last one? Any news? :-)

As soul destroying as a BFN can be, try and think about the FUN you'll have when you keep trying :-)

Fingers crossed for you though!!!! Would love to know the result!!! Hugs!!! xxx
Hey, yeah AF caught up with me on the 12th so exactly a month since last one (12th September was last) so I'm hoping seeing as that was very on time that this month goes well.

Needles to say I was absolutely gutted as I was positive I had caught the egg. I was teary eyed the whole night and had a good few breakdown sessions, OH was lovely which is unlike him lol. Reassured me and then made the comment that it just means we can bd for another month.. only he put it a lot more cruder than I did :/ men!

I'm not going to trust myself again, all the symptoms I was having and nothing! Although I had a very strange nights sleep on Friday night.. I woke from horrible pain and I felt like I was going to pass out or at least throw up from it. Then the pain just stopped for nearly a full minute then it started again, lasted about 5 mins and then stopped for another minute. This went on for nearly 2 hours starting and stopping. I felt like I was on that tv show "I didn't know I was pregnant" and was going to have a baby any minute lol. It was very scary to say the least. Got up and took some Feminax Express took about an hour to kick in then I finally fell asleep again.

But what's meant to be will be so I'm keeping my hopes high for this month.

Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that, it is so hard to deal with the disappointment :-( Hugs!!!

Maybe get yourself an appointment with your GP, explain that you are TTC, and also about the strange pain you had on and off, and you never know they might make you do a test as well ;-D

Try and give yourself the best chance by making sure the GP is aware (sometimes they might even set up an appointment with the midwife) or just advise you in general, and yes, keep positive hun and get lots of BD time in with other half and fingers crossed for this month!!!! :-D :-D :-D


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