Can i be pregnant?


Apr 17, 2012
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I am currently 16 days post ovulation. 6 days post ovulation i have been experiencing lower abdominal cramping mildly, then it was mainly pelvic cramps right in the middle and to the right of the pelvis that had a burning sensation. This cramping lasted 8 days. I have had 2-3 days of nausea, breasts are just a little sore, and I've had this lump sensation in my throat for 2 days now. The only time i get that lump sensation is when i have strep and i am not sick which is strange to me. I recently come off birth control last month....had a period 2 weeks later.....then ovulated 15 days later. Here's where im confused. I only get cramps the day of my period and my breasts get sore a week before however i have had cramping for a week now and my breasts recently became sore yesterday and i never get nauseated. However i took many tests at 9 days post ovulation and 15 days past ovulation still neg. I was never regular before going on birth control but if i started cramping 6 days post ovulation then this could be implantation cramping however if that was the case and i was pregnant surely to god it would show positive if i was by now. Has anyone experienced cramping early on and still didn't get a positive result till later? does the hcg hormone begin producing at the start of implantation or when it's completed. Could i still be pregnant? Confused. Any help would be appreciated.
and one more thing i checked my cervix and its soft and low. could this be the start of a raising cervix since it's soft and not hard like im going to start
The only way to tell is to test. If you're 16 DPO and AF hasnt arrived then a FRER or a digi will tell you either way.

FX you get the answer you want xx
I had been on the depo pill injection for 18 months, and I stopped taking it in october; sp 6 months ago. Since febuary I have been having regular unprotected sex using the withdrawl method. Whilst on the pill injection I bled constantly, and that stopped in january; I havent bled since. I last had sex 12 days ago (twice in that day) again using the withdrawl method. Since then I have felt extremely tired, and feeling nauseus of a morning (been sick once 1 morning) and cannot drink alcohol as one small drink makes me sick (usually I could drink a lot and be fine), my mum an sister could not touch alcohol without being sick whilst pregnant. Could I be pregnant?? im so worried, cause im at the inbetween stage where a test is to early i think :s :wall2: :shock:

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