How painful?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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How painful is the first stage of labour? Like when you decide to go to the hospital are you in excruciating pain? Also how will i know i am in labour and its not pregnancy pains. xxx
I'd like to know this!? Did u see the repeat of obem last night? The woman was on gas and air and seemed fine And was 8cms !! After that she looked like she was in pain but I think that's very hood going!! X
When you ring labour ward and think your in labour they will ask about your pain and will tell you not to bother going unless its 'toe curling' pain whatever that means and if you can still talk through contractions its not time yet! allthough if you really feel you need to go in then go just to make sure coz what is really bad for 1 person wont be as bad for another, With my first I got sent home twice!! with second I waited at home as long as could bear it n was still only 3-4cm when I got there I was gutted. You will be comfier at home tho and sometimes as soon as you go to hospital the contractions n labour slows think its because of been so nervous. So id say wait as long as you can take some warm baths and try get a few naps as you will need as much strength as possible for labour n the pushing!! x
OMG I'm freaking here! I like to know what I'm going to expect in situations as much as possible and I know labour is just not gona be like that...and to top it off...I started watching OBEM on 4oD!! Crap, crap, CRAPPING it! x
The first stage isn't bad tbh. They do get a bit nippy but inbetween contractions you'll feel relaxed.

You'll know when your in labour. I had some contractions before going into labour, about a week before but somehow knew it wasnt the real thing but as soon as I had my first contraction of the actual labour I knew it would all kick off from then (I was induced but it felt different to the other ones). I was already in hospital, but I probably woulf have gone in when they were about 3/4 minutes apart so they wouldnt have been excrutiating pains but I would have needed to breath through them a fair amount. :)
my first stage was ok last time round i managed all night at home with mildish contractions leibiloos right though when i went into hosp they totally slowed down n waited ages for them to pick up again, I was tired tho and made the mistake of lying down for a bed of a rest which i think slowed stuff down...i think u know its not pregnancy pains as the keep coming constant and the do feel different more intense xxxxx
I never saw the repeat of OBEM. Don't think i could bear to watch it now :shock: I'd love to get to 8cm with just gas and air but i don't think i will be able to!
So is it not that bad that you can sleep through it?
My mam with me felt like she needed the toilet and with my brother it was period pains. Hope i get the period pain labour as i cannot stand the pain of needing the toilet. My mam said it was easier with my brother too. xxx
Dont worry about it too much hun you will suprise yourself I thought I was a total wimp but last time I did it without any pain relief its different to normal everyday pain you feel like your acheiving something and that your going to see your baby soon enough there are allways lots of options on pain relief tho theres nothing wrong with getting an epidural as soon as you can if you cant stand the pain, remember the pushing is exhausting so if labour is really taking it out of you get all the help you can xx
You just know when things are progressing hun, the first stage is fine, when you are getting further on you will have to stop and breathe through the contractions but it's honestly ok :) it's strange how you just "know" I knew I had to get to the hospital and knew when I had to push, our bodies really are amazing x
I scare myself about how relaxed I feel about labour! I'm not worried at all!

I bet you'll be brilliant at handling contractions and wonder why you were so worried once your little lady is here! :)

I'm planning on calling my Midwife Unit once i'm having contractions to see how far apart they have to be before I go in. Maybe you could do the same so that when you know how far apart they have to be you have something to focus on? x
Hey everyone.. Sorry for intruding lol.

Just wanted to say i am no expert in these things as i have never been in labour before lol. But when my sister went into labour i was with her until she went into hospital and she said she defo new it was time lol. By time she decided to go into hospital they examined her straight away and she was fully dilated, How she managed all that time at home with no pain relief is beyond me (even though i have never been in that situation lol.) but to be honest it just shows how different people are with pain thresh holds and what not.

Hope this helps a little.

Amy xx
First of don't worry, u just know

Erm labor is different for every one so I can only tell u from my point of view. From 2am till 6am I was contracting 3 in every 10 mins n there were painful but nothing that bad n I was 3 cm

Then I went home n from 6am till 10am they were alot more painful n I thought at time they couldn't get much worse ( but of course they do) but being first time I had no idea what to expect- in this period of tome I went from 3cm to 6cm,

Then 10am till 3pm they got much much worse n I had G+a that did nothing but at 3pm I was 8cm

At 4pm I had epidural but that was due to failure to progress n still contracting in all that time 3/4 in ever 10 mins so was shattered n in pain,

From 3pm till 8pm I had only progressed 1 cm so ended in section x x x hope it helps
i agree with nadine everyone is different on my first the first stages was very painful for me but i am not good with pain i cry when i have a bad period pain :/

the best advice i could give is keep carlm and remeber your breathing and try to relax lol
good luck xx
You defo just know!
The nippy early contractions are annoying but for me it was more the length I was in early labour.

I took the epidural as soon as I knew I was being induced, the anaethetist said I was wise lol.
It'll be ok hun! X

obviously i cant tell you about the pain as i have no idea as yet myself.

however at my antenatal class i was told i had to wait until i was having regular contractions i.e 3/4 in every 10 minutes for at least an hour before i call cos they wont ask me to go in before.

might be worth ringing the delievery suite now and asking the question so you know what your hospital expect. i know alot of them now wont let you go in until youv'e had regular contractions for an hour though. xxx
i think in general it is 3/4 in 10mins n they will tell u to go in x x x
You will just know when your in labour, my hospital told me to go once my contractions were 4 mins apart But i live an hour away from hospital. the early labour was fine for me i just kept moving about when i arrived at hospital i was 6cm and didn't have gas and air till i was 9cm. everyone is different Hun you'll be fine xx
Thanks for the replies :)
Did any of you get alot of pressure when the baby moved like you could feel her moving further down? and when she does its uncomfortable and almost maybe stings a bit? thats the best i can describe it. Would you say its a good sign and did you get it close to labour? xxx
ive just found summat on a site an posted a thread that said that was a sign hun

its crazy coz with this being my second u would think i could give advice but this time round im as clueless as first time, as first time i didnt really pay attention or get anything

i convince summats going on with me past few days as i feel like my pubic bone is bruised, n i keep getting this sharp pain feells like it could be scratvhing from inside like sharp pains really really low down, i also feel were my pubic bone is n its bulging like babys eds there, i dont even know if thats the ed just engaging or with it being so low is it engaged that y i avin the pain, its so frustrating, wish i could just pop of to the mw every other day for an update pmsl
i started of with just sort of mild cramp pains every half hour... then i noticed they were every 15 mins (whilst sat in Frankie & Bennys at lunchtime) and at one point they were coming about every 5 mins... they were totally bearable though and at one point the waiter even came along and i managed to order pancakes whilst having one lol!!!

they carried on for about 10 hours like that.. i'd get one every 5 mins.. then 2 mins.. then 6 mins... then 8 mins etc... in the end i rang the labour hotline and they said "it sounds like somethings happening but stay at home" ... so i stuck it out til about 6pm and then rang them again although to be honest they still weren't really any more regular or stronger and still completely bearable - i was just pacing the floor a but but looking back i think i just didn't know what else to do with myself as i was a bit excited that something was possibly happening!!!

When i rang the hospital again at 6pm they said to come in if i thought they were worse... went in - got put on the monitor - THEY COMPLETELY STOPPED! for a good couple of hours... sent home at 11pm only 1-2cm... and the midwife did another sweep to "stir things up a bit" ....

well within a minute of walking off the ward and getting back to the car the contractions all of a sudden stepped up a gear and were definately then every 2 or 3 minutes and getting unbearable... but we still drove home as we felt a bit silly going back as they had told us to go home! Got home and they still just kept coming - there was no stopping them and i think that's when i knew "this is really it... regular... every few mins.. much more painful and nothing i can do to stop them" ... it was like everythhing just went up a gear!

Drove straight back to the hospital and got checked at midnight...... 6cm! (within about 45 mins from being 1-2!)

They gave me gas and air which really relieved the contractions (although i did ask for epidural at that point but they said no time to get one!)....

i would say from that point the contractions were bearable with the gas and air and once my waters went at 10cm the contractions changed again and went up another level... i didn't like those ones much and wish i could have had the epidural but by that point you haven't got time to even think about it or care as they just keep coming!!! I had been told "no" to an epidural but the contractions kept coming so quick i didn't even think to ask for pethedine or some other pain relief!!!

So looking back even the ones right up to 10 cms were bearable with gas and air but at 6cm i would have gone for an epidural had there been time... everyone is different though and some people find them bearable throughout... i found they definately go up a level the further along you get... but at the time you just deal with it.. get through them one at a time... and then all of a sudden it's time to push and then the baby is here!!!

my advice... if you have time get an epidural!!! (i had one with my first and it was COMPLETELY pain free!)...

if there's no time for epidural remember to ask for other sorts of pain relief (or make your OH responsible for reminding you or telling the midwife... they didn't even look at my birth plan!)... and my community midwife later told me they won't offer it - you have to ASK

sorry if i've waffled on but just wanted to share what i could put into words about my experience... remember everyone is different and i'm sure i'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain so my story might be completely different to what you or others experience.... but it's an unbelievable experience whatever happens!

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