help needed plz


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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ive been in a bit of pain with my spd all day but over the last couple of hours ive been getting painful tightnings and my back hurts when i get these pains
im not sure what to do i dont want to go to labour ward and look like an idiot but it dont feel rlght and i think i should really get it checked, do you think i should see how it goes after taking some more painkillers or ring labour ward and ask their advise?
thanx in advance xxx
ring the labour ward hun, best to be safe then sorry :hug:
Firstly, :hug: - I would give them a ring and see what they say - better to be safe than sorry honey.

Jane x
well, i rang them (dont know why i bothered the m/w on the phone was so rude) anyway she told me to try a warm bath and take pain killers and see how it goes and if the tightnings become regular and the pain gets worse then come up, but she was so nasty about it. :(
anyway im still getting the pain and tightnings but not regular so im going to try and get some sleep.

thanks mel and rom
Awww hun, I hope you manage to get some sleep. :hug:
hope alls well this morning hun :hug: xxxxxx
I hope they have stopped hun and you got some sleep! :hug: :hug:
Wht did the midwide have to be so mean? :evil:

I hope you're ok hun. :hug:

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