painful braxton hicks


Active Member
Oct 9, 2011
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so at 12 last night i started getting painful braxton hicks when i was in bed and they came every few minuites so i tried lying down but that did nothing and i couldn't sleep. I must of fell aslseep and woke up at 3am with more pains so i started timeing them and they were coming every 5-3 mins apart but not as long as i sat there. So i decicided to go back to bed and i feel asleep.

So today i have had no pain or any other signs but im dreading when i go to bed that it's gonna start again, so ladies what would you do if it feels like im in labour again tonight should i ring labour ward to get checked out as am only 35 weeks or do i wait.
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Id ring anyway hun, better to get checked out. xxx
I haven't had any of these yet, sounds like its maybe a good thing I haven't as sounds like its painful :-S If it was me I would ring labour ward or midwife just to be sure otherwise you will be worrying whether you are or not, at least if you ask a professional you can stop worrying :-) xxxx
hey hun did u do anything strenuous yesterday, because i had these the other day and haven't had them since , if they come back ring ur midwife and see what she says xxx
Ive also had this a few times in last couple of weeks, usually when ive been over doing it, they said it was quite common at my antenatal class, just body gearing up for labour, if your worried though always worth calling in for reassurance

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