Back Labour?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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Help ladies. :pray: I'm really confused about how labour pains start -front or back? I'm not feeling uterine contractions today but lower back is getting progressively more painful since about 6 am and now im getting uncomfortably p*ssed off. Could that be how labour can start or do you have to get contractions aswell? Have no idea when you're expected to call materniity if back keeps going on like this, and really dont want to call again !!!!!!!!!!! :wall:
Just call them. That's what they are there for Carla. I'm sure they get so many phonecalls every day from women who think they're in labour and it's just all part of their job. They won't mind. I hope for your sake this is it though! :D

I'll get on MSN and see if you're there shortly :D
Really unhelpfully the answer is either.
Some women feel them at the front of their bump - others in their back, it depends (among other things) on where bubs is lying.

As Debbie said, ring the hospital, it's their job to know, not yours :hug:
It was all back ache in the early stages of my mum's first pregnancy. Keep a check on the regularity of the pains and call your midwife if you are unsure.
I think I had a back labour......I felt a lot of pressure in my lower back and pelvis area in the begining. It was constant and painkillers and morphine did nothing. xxx
give em a ring, thats what they're there for. They can check you and tell you for sure.

My niece felt like a crampy period type achy back with both of hers, no contractions and very quick labours

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