How old was you when you had your 1st baby?

I was 20 (pregnant at 19 - unplanned but with steady partner) - trying for 2nd at 21 - but am married to the father of my first.
I do feel sometimes that I am doing this a bit young, but I will experience so much more of my childrens lives because of it, and then will be able to have a career afterwards (if I want one!!)
Thats pretty much how i feel.

I was beginning my teacher training when i found out a month in i was pg. I had to leave after the feb half term and still have training to do when i go back but it means i get time with the baby and when i qualify ill go part time and get to have real time at home and still a career.. much better!
I was 23 when I had Josh, and now 30 with Jellybean. Hoping to complete family with numer 3 by 32ish :lol:
18 with my first and 21 with my second.

Can you see the pattern forming, bet I get pregnant for my 30th birthday aswell :(
Blimey didnt realise you ladies were still replying to it.

I can see most of you was/are in your 20's
i was just turned 18 with alex
just turned 19 with chris
and just turned 23 with ryan
and i'll be almost 25 with my final addition to the family
I'm 35 (old b88gger lol) and I had one career before I had my daughter! I'm hoping to take a few years out, even have another one :shock: then go back into work when they're at school which will probably be when I'm about 40. I'm hoping to retrain and doing something more hands-on and less academic, and pick up on the academic stuff as an interest when I retire. As it is, ALL I do atm is breast feed lol, but then Debs is only 7 1/2 weeks lol.
21 hoping to have another in a few years maybe when i'm 25?
i was 14 when i had Kiyanna, 5 days of my 15th! n then i was 17 when i had Elise
x sophie x

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