how old was your first when you tried for your second?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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Hey everyone was just wondering for all you mums to more than one how old was your firsat little one before you had a second and how did you cope :)

I always wanted 2 close together my second is due 1 year 2 days after my 1st (i didn't expect to get pg that quick) im due in 3 weeks and so excited im happy there is such a small gap.

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AJ was 2 when we started TTC. He's now 3 and were still there will be a age gap of at least 4 yrs.
Eldest was 13 months when we started TTC. There is a two year one month age gap between them. Ideallt the age gap would have been nearer three but for various reasons we started TTC earlier. I am really pleased with the small age gap as they grow up they will be in to the same things at same time. Plus hopefully one day they will be close. As to how I cope its hard. Made worse as eldest is refusing to nap but still needs it and lo doesn't nap for as long as she needs. So I get no break. Plus the days are long esp if lo feeds around 5 as by time got myself back to bed eldest is waking. Plus as no day naps when they are in bed I have to get everything done in the house. It does get easier though as eldest is getting older so less like two babies everyday. Watching them interact is amazing. Although I do feel sad for lo as she doesn't get a
Same attention eldest had x
Thanks girlies :) wifey wifey I am so broody again I thought I was mad but would love them close together . Just a bit young to be having another I think!
Ah kbex that's what worries me trying to cope with 2 young kiddies. I'm sure you do an amazing job though. Good luck Charliebear on your trying to conceive journey x
Yep im mad lol. It will be good when they are older tho :)

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I've been thinking about this too, I think I would like them to be close together and was thinking we might ttc towards the end of the year, that would mean there is a minimum of 2 years between them
My DS was 9 months old when I found out I was pregnant with #2. We were ntnp and fell really quickly.
i'm glad this thread is here as i was wondering the same. we are prob gonna start trying after our wedding in july :) its just the "how will i cope thats worrying me" but dh doesnt want to wait too long as he is older than me. x
how do i get these tickers to work?
My LO was 10 months when I fell pregnant again. I have always wanted two close in age and because of mine and oh's age it made sense not to wait to long . I do sometimes worry about how we will cope with 2 under 2 but I think it will be hard work but good fun! I definitely forgot how hard pregnancy is in your body and it is much harder with a second pregnancy as you don't have the option of putting your feet up and taking it easy, especially when having to deal with sleepless nights! I think this would be the case to some extent no matter what age your first is though. Having said that to me there were more benefits to having them close together than waiting x
Mine have all got closer my first was 3 1/2 when my second was born

My second was 2 years 5 months when 3rd was born

And 3rd will be 18 month when 4th is born

I think me waiting longer to have my second was down to my age I was 18 when I had my first and was a bit of a shock to family so I waited a little longer for another. My 2 year gap was the nicest not too close where it's hard work but not too far apart where they can't play together etc
My first was 6yrs 9m when my 2nd was born and my 2nd was 7yrs 3m when my 3rd was born ( 7yr itch people say :roll:) I wouldn't know what it was like having them close together but I do love the age gap, the older 2 help out loads with playing with lo when I have to cook etc.
We had our second, a month after our little man turned three. Personally, I couldn't handle 2 sets of nappies, bottles etc etc...:)
It works for us as he's in kindergarten three days a week, meaning baby and I have some days to ourselves, he's toilet trained and old enough to understand the concept of being quiet when baby is sleeping, having to wait while baby is fed and knows to be gentle with her. He's able to take himself to the toilet and grab a snack from his snack shelf in the cupboard while I'm feeding her if necessary, so it's a lot less stressful for me!
He's always looking out for her and will often come and tell me if he can hear her crying. He loves helping change nappies etc... It's his job to get the nappy and wipes for me.
I feel that he's benefitted from having our undivided attention for almost three years and now, because he's older and quite independent, little miss will benefit from similar treatment.
It's different strokes for different folks though..... I guess it just depends on your family dynamics at the end of the day.
That was lucky Maria. Lol bidsy I was curious if anyone else was as mad as me wanting them close so had to ask :p Cherrycola I think thatll be a nice age gap between your two. My mum had us 3 in the 4 years because she wanted to get all the sleepless night over together lol. Lanny that's like me I'm young myself and I'm not sure how the fam would take it. His family would be delighted its mine I'd worry! Yodabo the 7 year itch sounds about right for u ;) I think your right iriki everyone has their own wee dreams of family life! Your set up seems great though having your eldest understand so much xx
It is tiring to have them close together, but you adjust just fine, the same as you adjusted to having one from none.

I have 23 mths between my 1st and second and then we tried for 3 mths after having my second, and thank goodness it took that long as we have just 13 mths between num 2 and 3 , which actually is lovely.

The thing to remember is that kids get seriously more expensive as they get older, so for example, in year six of primary school, (age 10) ,we have to pay £350 , via 10 monthly installments before trip, for a lakeside outdoor residential trip, all the kids go, so there is much pressure to send them. Because of my close kids descision, I have now spent the last 4 years, with just one year off this £50 odd a month payment, and it's driving me mad!! I have two months to go for this septembers trip fokr my daughter and I can't wait. Also my swimming lessons cost £78 each child, and they are all needing them at the moment. And again, I think my kids will have to borrow/pay their own way through uni, I could try and help, but can't see that 3 kids close together is going to work, lets hope they don't all get married at once!!!

Having said that, it is lovely to have them together as play mates when little, they really argue now, but that may juts be my kids. I wish Devon could have a freind to play with !:booboo:
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Omg jjmum that's insane amounts of money! Never thought about those aspects in having babies so close together. In my own little bubble of playmates lol. Oh for your sake I hope those weddings are spaced out ;) lol would you not think of another for devon? Xx
Eeeek I hadn't thought of that when they got older. Good to see im not the only one with such small age gap tho.

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