How long was your labour??

My waters broke at 1am.
Contractions started at 2.30am.
Got to hospital at 7am and was 9cm dilated.
Started pushing at about 9am.
Had Phoebe at 11.05am
:lol: :lol: :lol:
From when my waters broke to when Jamie popped into the world was 13 1/4 hours. As soon as my waters broke I started getting strongish contractions.
my waters broke at 2.30am and i was in 'established' labour (3cms+) from about 11.30am. Eva was born at 2.30pm so according to the hospital it was about 3hours!! (although i had tightenings all night before that) x
I started in labour at 7pm on Saturday 22nd April 2006 and managed at home with a tens machine until 3am then went to hospital to find I was 5cm dilated. Sort of lost track of everything after having used gas and air (was pi**ed on that!) and then pethadine and had to have an emergency C-Scetion as Charlie turned in the birth canal and got stuck.
He was delivered at 3.38pm on St Georges Day (his due date!!!) 23rd April.
My labour felt totally out of control until I had the spinal block for the C-Section then I remember telling the surgery staff how wonderful it was not to feel a thing at last.
I was told that they count your labour time from when you're 3cm dilated, but I don't know when that was as when they checked me I was fully dilated. The pains got really bad about 12.45am and Ella was born at 2.02am. I *think* they wrote in my notes that my labour was 3 hours odd :? I got my very first pain at 12pm Xmas Day and she arrived early hours of Boxing Day. I think I was quite lucky, I thought it would be a lot lot worse!! Gawd help me for the next one, I'm feeling quite confident about it all and it will probably be horrendous! :lol:
labour hasn't even started yet... but i had my first labour dream last nite! woke up excited... i only took parcetemol for the pain.. was 3cm when arrived at hospital and didn't know! walked off the other 7cm... then pushed and baby came!!!!

7 weeks contractions, 1 weeks of slow labour and 5 hours of actual labour. I'd rather have longer than 5 hours next time, god damn my waters breaking! :lol:
was induced. first lot of gel was at 4pm on the monday but wasnt in established labour til wed around 1am. established labour was 2hours... then she was out in 7mins!!!
mine was 20 hours long, started propaly at 2am in the morning... so I called my mum from my mobile as I was in hospital being induced. I was crying my eyes out lol had zack at 3.15pm.

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