how old are you?

hello ladies, i'm 28 and will be 29 by my due date. OH is 32 almost! xx
Sorry Iriki but got you beat - I'm 41 and will be 42 when baby comes (all being well) have everything crossed this little one has been a long time coming..... and talking of toyboys, my OH is 30 :love:
I'm 22 and will be 23 by the time LO is born. OH is 23 x
Hi all. I am 27 and had #1 at 19, #2 at 26 and will be 28 when #3 arrives if all goes well. Hubby is 30 :)
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This is mine and my oh first, I'm 31 will be 32 when its born but we'd been trying for 3 years so I had wanted one a bit sooner!!!

Know how you feel Bunnykins... Been trying for 2 years so wish I could be saying 31 but its 33. But at least we made it this far... bring on Tri 2. :)
hi girls im 22 and oh is 21
i was 16 when i fel with my first son he is now 5 will be 6 when baby is due or here :)
This will be my first and im 30 and OH is 40...x
This is my first, I am 22, but when the baby arrives I will be 23 and OH is 32
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ooh congrats Nickynoo!!!!
I'm a baby snatcher as well - hubby is 29 (30 in August):)
Hope all goes really well for you!
Hi I'm new, names Claire - I'm 23 and pregnant with my first :lol:

5 weeks and 4 days today! :dance: xXx
Im 25 this is my first baby. My Oh is 30. I will be 25 when the baby is born. :dance:
hi im 31 had first at 26(month off 27 was due on my birthday) had second at 29, 2yrs 3mths between them will be 2 and half yrs between no 2 and this 1 !!!! congrats to everyone xxx
I'm 19, my OH just turned 20. I'll be 20 in May too.
This is our first child :) xxx

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