Getting to know all my new Tri 1 buddies

Hi girls well I'm 25 and this is my 4th mad I no!! Hubby is 26 in a few days :) I was with my ex for 6 years had 3 beautiful children but he decided to walk out when my beautiful daughter was only 4 weeks old but I'm so much better with out him he's a class one Ahole doesn't see my kids now either.... Thank god :) but I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason and low and behold i met my sole mate fell in love got married and am now expecting our little one :) he also has a daughter from his ex so we are a pretty full family :) lol I'm an only child tho so no nieces or nephews on my side hubby's bro is expecting his first and that will be the first of his siblings to have a baby :)
As I'm sure you can imagine I am a full time mummy and it is very full time lol we don't have any pets (to many kids lol) and I love my family first and formost, swimming, chocolate and date nights :)

Nice to meet you all and congrats :) xxxxx
4 - blimey - you've got your hands full LOL!

I am one of 4 hun (and OH is one of 6!)


I am Rebecca. I am 24 and my oh is....wait for it...47! Shocks lots of people but he looks very young and I couldn't be more happy. (and he is not rich, although that's what a lot of people assume!!)

This is our first and both so happy and excited.

We have two cats, well he does! I am not an animal person really but they were here first!!

I am a manager in customer service and oh is in advertising.

I have an older brother and sister and a 12 year old sister is adopted, I have two nieces who I adore and can't wait to give them a cousin. I have 12 cousins all close to my age and some of them I am really close to. See my auntie every week and want my child to have lots of family around them when they grow up.

Think that's everything!

Lovely to hear all about you and excited to share this all with you

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I am Rebecca. I am 24 and my oh is....wait for it...47! Shocks lots of people but he looks very young and I couldn't be more happy. (and he is not rich, although that's what a lot of people assume!!)

This is our first and both so happy and excited.

We have two cats, well he does! I am not an animal person really but they were here first!!

I am a manager in customer service and oh is in advertising.

I have an older brother and sister and a 12 year old sister is adopted, I have two nieces who I adore and can't wait to give them a cousin. I have 12 cousins all close to my age and some of them I am really close to. See my auntie every week and want my child to have lots of family around them when they grow up.

Think that's everything!

Lovely to hear all about you and excited to share this all with you


Age is only a number hun my OH is ten years older than me, my mum was scared at first when we got together but its my choice at the end of the day x

Glad to hear your happy and joining our group of newbie bumps x
Hi I'm Kirsty and I'm 26. My husband is 31 and we have been together for 7 years, lived together for 6 and a half and married for 18 months. We live in Rainham in Kent.
I have an elder sister who is 29 and a younger brother who is 20. My husband has an older sister, 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. We have 3 nieces and this is our first baby :)
I work as a manager at Lloyds TSB and have worked there for 6 years. Will definitely return after baby but only part time!
We have 3 cats and have just got a kitten called Lola :)

And that's me!
Hi I'm 35 and have been with my amazing husband (28) for 5 years and married for 3½ years. We currently live in Leicester but we will be moving to Corby just before Christmas.

I'm a Implementation Project Manager for a Software Company and I've been there 10 years. It means I travel around the country lots which is a pain sometimes, but I still love the job. I intend to take 9 months maternity leave off then go back to work part time.

I have a 9 year old black cat called Izzie who is my current baby, she follows me everywhere and plays fetch with the bells from her collar.

I have one older brother, who is a pain in the arse, but I'm used to him now :)
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Lol yes very true but I do love it :) xxxxxx

I love, love, love having so many siblings (I am the eldest though) I'd not change it for the world


Aw cool I hope mine will too I'm an only child and would of loved a brother or sister but unfortunately my mum and dad were only destined to have me xxxxx
Hey ladies! Loving this!! Im laura, 23 and live with my fiance whos 28, and little boy Tyler who is 3, and a real handful at the moment! I stopped working to go on maternity leave with ty, and never went back. He was born with unilateral talipes so underwent treatment to correct it and is still being treated now. (Basically clubfoot- his sole was facing upwards, and his ankle and foot were twisted right round) It was picked up at the scan so we were prepared and hes done brilliantly. He has to wear a special pair of boots at night with a bar attaching them together, and this is worn for 12hours a night. Massive struggle but we have adapted to it. He doesnt sleep well as u can imagine so has naps in the day still- chore time for me!
So im a stay at home mummy, used to work in customer support and sales but love my freedom now.
I found out im pregnant today :) had a couple of feint positives in the last few days but today i did a digi and it said Pregnant so im over the moon! My due date is 6th july and im so excited! Only came off the pill in august so feeling very lucky right now that it happened so quickly :)
Im definately a girly girl, makeup, handbags and shoes :) but cant wait to trade my heels for uggs!!
Nice to get the chance to be nosey :) haha and look forward to charting with u all xx
Hi all! Great idea for a thread.

I'm 25, and hubby is the same. We've been together 8 years, and got married in July. We caught the first egg after getting back from honeymoon!

I live in Essex and commute everyday into the City for work. Trying hard at the moment to save as much as possible as I'm planning on taking a year off for maternity leave (we get an enhanced maternity package, but only for 6 months).

We have not pets, but both our parents have dogs (I grew up with mine - she's getting on a bit now!)

Also, as I haven't got a ticker, I'm 11+5, and have my scan on Thursday. So far, we've only told parents and siblings, and our 2 best friends. So excited to tell the world after our scan!

Nice to *meet* you all ladies x
Hey ladies! Loving this!! Im laura, 23 and live with my fiance whos 28, and little boy Tyler who is 3, and a real handful at the moment! I stopped working to go on maternity leave with ty, and never went back. He was born with unilateral talipes so underwent treatment to correct it and is still being treated now. (Basically clubfoot- his sole was facing upwards, and his ankle and foot were twisted right round) It was picked up at the scan so we were prepared and hes done brilliantly. He has to wear a special pair of boots at night with a bar attaching them together, and this is worn for 12hours a night. Massive struggle but we have adapted to it. He doesnt sleep well as u can imagine so has naps in the day still- chore time for me!
So im a stay at home mummy, used to work in customer support and sales but love my freedom now.
I found out im pregnant today :) had a couple of feint positives in the last few days but today i did a digi and it said Pregnant so im over the moon! My due date is 6th july and im so excited! Only came off the pill in august so feeling very lucky right now that it happened so quickly :)
Im definately a girly girl, makeup, handbags and shoes :) but cant wait to trade my heels for uggs!!
Nice to get the chance to be nosey :) haha and look forward to charting with u all xx

I was going to call my son tyler but changed my mind as so many people round where i live had choosen it. you must be such a strong patient woman hun to cope with all that with your son. big hugs x
Nice to see so many girlie girls on here!! I am, have SO many pairs of shoes and love handbags and clothes-you name it.
I am big heel wearer everyday to work. But recently felt a bit wobbly!! So have upped the ugg wearing. I think that will be the only give away to work, trying my hardest to tell no-one until the scan (family know and my best friend) xx
Just blame it on the cold weather! I wear trainers to work so don't have to change my footwear, but then I'm quite glad as I'm not a girly girl at al :) xx
Hello all!

I'm 25, this is my first baby and I live in London. Currently don't know where we're going to put the baby as we live in a small place - perhaps he/she can sleep in a drawer?! Rent in London is super high so not sure if we will be able to afford a bigger flat until we absolutely need to move.

I've been married to my hubby for 3 years and we've been broody the whole time! We have nieces and nephews.

I love PF! Friendliest bunch of strangers I've ever met.

And that's me :)

Why have I never thought of this idea before !

Soo im Katie - Kaytee or KT whichever one. Born & raised in Ireland but been living & working in Guernsey in the channel islands a year tomorrow (what a year!! ) after i got my degree .. I work with Health & Social Services and got my second promotion & pay rise yesterday being a slave pays off it seems ! also found out i get 9 months maternity leave with pay! 6 months full pay 3 months half pay .. which is a crazy relief since living here is not cheap ! Enojy my job but trying to get more in youths as i currently work with disabilities.

Im 23 & this is my first baby. Been with my other half since february so basically thrown it at deep end. He's 31 & is still actually married ( ive a history of picking them!!) He went to visit family in italy as hes half italian at start of september and isnt back yet so hes not been here since i found out i was pregnant so ive just annoyed his sister everyday instead shes got a daughter 10 & son 4 .

Back in what il now call my hay day i was a greatdrinker .. i did mention i was irish yeah ?? :P ... but now the excitement of my week is a lie in & the x factor. Ive no pets but i WILL have a st bernard at some stage !!

Im also very good at rambling & rarely pay attention to the screen & my spelling so apologies in advanced ! :P
Oh i,d love a st Bernard but it wouldn,t fit in here lol.
Hey Ladies,

Was busy over the weekend but really wanted to add my little bit!! Im 29 and my OH is 31, been together for over 4 years and living together for over 3 years. Live in North East Scotland, thankfully we havn't had any snow this year yet!! ;-)

No pets, we both work full time so wouldn't really be practical and hard enough to keep the house tidy with the OH!! Ha ha!!

This is our first baby and we are both super excited!! I have a niece who is 6 going on 16 and two nephews, 5 and 4, OH has a nephew, 9 and niece, 5 on his side.

Think that will do me just, but looking forward to getting to know everyone and experiencing all the happy times together!! xxx
Lovely to meet you Cher and all the other ladies that have posted and I haven't said Hi to yet

Our laptop isn't working so I am only online during work hours


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