How old and what size clothes?

madison is just 1 and in 2-3!! lol she doesnt look chubby well not huge haha xx
oh and tbh most mad's stuff is next or designer so i assume small fitting lol shes in 12-18/18-24 but i dont tend to buy a lot from there :) xx
Aw don't worry Emma, Charley's still a chubster compared with Isla!! He was 15lb 3oz's just over a week ago!!

Drake is a chubster too, He weighed 15lbs 8oz at 17 weeks. Haven't weighed him since. His legs are massive lmao! xx
Cam is 12 weeks tomorrow and is in 0-3 months for trousers and tops but 3-6 months for babygros because of his length! x
Cian was 6 mths last Sunday. Mostly in 6-9 mths, can occasionally pull off a few 3-6, but id say will be in 9-12 soon. He's long, and every now and then his tummy gets bloated so I'd prefer he had extra space for that. X
h is 19 wks and in 0-3 still!!! The 3-6 is still huge on him lol!! I have got some sleepsuits that are still newborn that fit him too!!!
i only have sweidish clothes really so its diferent sizes, but the 0-1 month vests is too small now (i can still squeeze them on and i do) .
He got a few PJs from Debenhams 0-3 but he is almost too long for them! hes skinny tho!
CHarlie was 2 last month and wears 12 - 18 month clothes x
My mini one's 15months-ish now and is in 6-9 months with plenty of room! she's teeny tiny! K was 2 in nocember and is in a right mish-mash of sizes! waist wise, she's in 12-18m, but length wise she needs 2-3 really! but cos they fall off her waist they look too long!

but for the mummies of bigger babies - K never wore newborn, she went straight into 0-3 and by 3 weeks she was in 3-6m! she just seemed to lose all her chubbyness!
Liv is in so many different sizes! For trousers and leggings 12-18 because she is so tall! Shes already as tall as my waist and I'm 5"4! For tops and vests shes mainly in 6-9 but is wearing some 9-12 lately x

mablestarr, think we are gonna be the same as you and tomas. Benjamin is in premmi clothes up to 5lb and they are still to big. But like you say they will fit their clothes for longer. Bless little tiny premmie babies xxxx
Just saw this threat realise how small layla is she has just gone in to new born and she 5 1/2 months (5 weeks prem)
We're 9 weeks and mainly wearing 3-6 month babygrows as LO is quite a heavy baby (over 13lb by now) and also quite long in the body. For anything other than babygrows we're anything from 0-3 to 6-9 as I've found that sizing is very inconsistent, which is very annoying when people are asking you what to buy. So now I just tell people to buy large...
Layla just turned 1 at the weekend and is only now starting to wear the odd 9-12 items of clothing! It's mental! Having said that she did wear a 12-18 month dress over the weekend but that was still way to big on her. It was lucky it came with a cardi to "cover" how big the top of the dress was ;-) xx
My son's never really matched the ages. He was in newborn for the first 10 weeks (slow weight gainer). Now at almost 22 months he's mostly in 12-18 and I still have to turn trousers up because they're too long xx
He's 1 and wears different sizes in different shops! In next he's in 9-12 t-shirts, 12-18 in everything else. In tesco he wears 18-24 months in everything, ditto asda. In ted baker he wears 2 years. most of his clothes are 12-18 and 18-24 though x
Tegan is 14 months today and only now going into 9-12 month clothes, petite little girly xx
Gosh my kids have barely grown since I last posted on this! Ks now 3 and in 2-3 bar her tights cos she's got long legs! Most her 2-3 falls down tho cos she's so skinny and the other week fob brought her home in Es 12-18m jeans :shock:

Es 2 and in 12-18m finally! Although she was jn a 6-9m sleepsuit last night with room! She has all her clothes tightened as far as they'll go!

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