Baby clothes size

OMG I want those pjs!! :lol: For myself as well as Phoebs!

H&M have Hello Kitty ones too 8)

And I TRIPLE dare you :cheer: :rotfl:
Yeah, Lara and I will lend you the pink to dress him in. Just a nice wee pink Miffy bodysuit. :lol:

Sorry to have hijacked your thread Hazel :lol:
:lol: I don't think there would be a wedding :lol:
Aimees legs are long and we are starting to use the 6-9 sleepsuits but her body still fits into the 3-6 month bodysuits and tops. When it comes to trousers we are needing to get 6-9 months now.
I put Connie in her romper suit without feet in today and it's pulling where her nappy is so she is officailly in 6-9 months for everything now. Going to have to go shopping for some new clothes next week. Think I'm feeding her too much :lol: .
Rudy has just gone into 12-18 months :lol: and 18- 24 in those Gap leggins PJs- Gap sizings are tiny.

I agree with the Next idea, their stuff is very big. Or the footless rompers are good, we just put socks on Rudy if it is really cold.

Tamzin is in 6-9 month stuff now. She has 6-12 month bodysuits from primark and they're not even big on her! It's all new to me because my son was so small and skinny so at Tamzin's age could still fit in some 0-3 month stuff! She doesn't really look that big to me and isn't much of an eater, I dunno how she does it :lol:
Lylas the same, not for the width but the length... she's now going into her 6-9 months and she's 4 months old.
We have the same issue with Eden, she has to have 6-9 months stuff for the length, but around her torso they are huge! I have found Next and Mothercare sleepsuits come up the longest, so we are sticking with they are really good quality and last really well :D
I give up. I've bought a few pairs of trousers which she's worn last week. Put her in the Next trousers this morning and they looked a bit short :wall: . So, I've measured her inside leg and it's 22.5cm and then I measured the trousers which are 22cm :roll: . These are 6-9 months trousers that are way too baggy for her :wall: . I'm going to stick to dresses and tights for a while I think.

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