How old and what size clothes?

mablestarr, think we are gonna be the same as you and tomas. Benjamin is in premmi clothes up to 5lb and they are still to big. But like you say they will fit their clothes for longer. Bless little tiny premmie babies xxxx

Well that wasn't the case of LO fitting into his for clothes longer!! Hes been in 12-18 months since he was 9 months old xxx
Ryan's 3 and a half months and most 0-3 months things are big on him.
Grace is like your K Alice, she is super skinny with long legs! She has a whole new wardrobe of clothes in 4-5 (she's 4) and the trousers are just falling down but they fit in length - I have to tighten them as far as they will go but he little bum doesn't fill her pants!!

Sophia is 9 weeks and ready for 3-6 months, probably was last week but I'm trying to squeeze a little longer out of them!
Mhairi is only 2 weeks and Early Baby fits her best, New Born is too big! The problem with early baby is that it fits her in the body but I think she has long legs as the legs only just fit her now, so she is wearing New Born but it drowns her! She looks so cute tho with her little sleeves rolled up and feet all curly like the Grinch! lol poor little bugger!
7mnths old and 9-12mnths is getting a bit snug on him. He is a big boy, not really fat at all just big!
cam is 13 months old, wears 3-6 months and 6-9 months xx
Drake is almost 15 months old and some clothes he's in 9-12 and others 12-18 months. He's short but he's a big boy! He was bought a lush jacket for xmas for 1 1/2 yrs and it's too tight on the arms on him!
Porkinson is 4 months tomorrow and is already in 6 to 9 months, a lot of his 6months clothes are very snug. I hope he slows down soon, it's mainly his height though.

One of the best things I did was get all of the clothes I had and hung them up in the wardrobe (had to take most of mine out) so you dont forget what you have. I had a load of 3 to 6 months that I just forgot about :(
Arthur is 6 months old next week and I'm still making sure he is wearing 3-6 months!! I hate goin up a size as I love all the outfits so much!!! Some of it is fairly snug though :) he was almost 18 lbs when I had him weighed at 5 months x
Anton is in 3-6 but with not that much room left, he will be going in 6-9 soon I think. Different sizing drives me mad, gap have quite small sizes, m&s is better though, primark have very small sizes too. Pumping patch are not bad. Forgot to say, he is 3,5 months but on 75 th centile so a big baby
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Poppy is 4 and a half months and wears 3-6 though a lot of the 6-9 stuff is starting to fit. Mainly because of her length.
I agree knop, Arthur has a 6-12 month wooly all in one thing from gap and it's snug! They are really small! I love mothercare and boots xx
I agree knop, Arthur has a 6-12 month wooly all in one thing from gap and it's snug! They are really small! I love mothercare and boots xx
GAP 6-12 months is 7-10 kilos, my lo is already over 7 kilos!
I like boots too, got some nice stuff on sale from Boots and Mothercare, love a good bargain!
I know, silly. I bet my lo will be out of 6-12 before 6 months. They really should crack down on different sizing.

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