How much exercise are you doing?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Just wondering as I'm really not doing very much at all.
I make sure I don't sit around either when I'm at work or at home - I keep getting up and walking around and doing housework alot. But I don't go to the gym and as yet I haven't found any pregnancy exercise classes in my area. I really am going to start doing alot more as I'm worried I won't be strong enough for the labour & birth!!
i dont do any exercise atall. i walk to work thats about 30 min walk, i run around all the time at work. When im of, i lay in the sofa with my feets up! (just exercising with OH ;) )
I used to use the gym at my work twice a week and the doctor has told me not to use it as I had a bleed behind the placenta and not to use it til after the baby is born although he said i can go to the aqua aerobics when they start again in Aug which is good news as I done that from 6 month in my las pregnancy and I really think that this is what made my labour so easy (1 hour 18mins no pain relief) so I am def going to go to that again, and of course the excercise isobel is talking about!! xx
I stopped exercising when i found out i was pregnant. I haven't done anything! Opps!
To be honest I do none at all so lazy!! But I get plenty of excercise working, looking after my son and looking after my house!! I am going to start walking my little dog but it is always raining!!
(just exercising with OH ;) )

I would love to be doing that kind of exercise, damn OH for being away all the time!!!!!! :bedjump:

Cool, I'm not the only one then. I wasn't like a fitness freak by any means before I got pg but when I found out I stopped exercising as I was scared I would mc. After having a couple of bleeds I'm still a bit worried but I'm going to try and do more walking and go swimming once a week (maybe!).

My mum gave me Davinas pre & post pregnancy workout dvd but I havent done it yet - anyone tried it?
I walk about 40 mins every day to and from train stations going to work.

I also do 2-3 spin classes every week, maybe have a game of tennis with OH too.

I have cut down massively compared to what I was doing before I got pregnant though. I can't wait to go back training again :)
I'm not doing as much as I was. I'm a climber and now am only climbing once a week and just doing low level, sideways stuff. I'll do that for as long as I can - when bump gets too big I won't be able to reach the wall!

Still doing pilates but I used to play badminton 2-3 times a week and I haven't played since getting pregnant.

I'd like to do aqua natal so will look into that I reckon.
I have the dogs to walk and the ponies to look after every day.
I also go down the gym 2-3 times a week and pilates once a week. I haven't been swimming for a few weeks as my tanker tops have a fitted bra and don't seem to fit properly but way to small for maternity swim wear at the moment. Once i can wear the maternity swim wear i will start swimming again.

I need to keep fit as when the winter comes in the ponies will be in and stables to muck out, with OH having a back operation i will be doing it alone, so need to keep fit. The bonus side is we work at home with our own business, so at least i won't have the pressure on to get things done quickly come winter.

I find doing exercise gives me more energy and if i haven't done much for a day or two, i feel exhausted.

By the way i am not going all guns in the gym, the gym instructor has slowed things down for me, so that i am burning fat, not cardio work out.

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