How much does your OH do in the night?

When we're both at home we've fallen into the routine of me dealing with Alex if he needs it, and DH dealing with Lydia.

He knows I'm the only one that can calm Alex down so he's just sort of taken over the role of seeing to Lydia's woes.
Logans started sleeping from midnight till 6am :dance:
OH is still sleeping in the spare room cos he has to get up for work at 7am and Logie is sleeping in my bed.
Theres nothing he can do anyway as Im boob feeding and cant be arsed to express.
Logan never needs a nappy change at night either
Redshoes said:
fothers said:
Mine does absolutely nothing during the night and still has the cheek to moan about being tired.

Yep, that's Daddy :D

sounds ilke my OH too. and he doesn't even offer to do anything :roll: :roll: :wall: :wall: :wall:
David does a little, he'll always change a nappy if I ask and does help if he wakes up in the night but that's very rare. He also helps by running her bath, getting her nightclothes etc and sometimes he baths her. I booby feed and haven't had much success with expressing so her feeds are always mine to do.

To be honest she's a good baby and I feel like I have the best deal. It's 11am and I'm not even dressed yet after having fed her, had a nursery rhyme session, fed her again, done her 'lying on her front time' and then she got sleepy so while she's napped I've had a lush shower and washed my hair. David got up and left for work at 7.45am and won't get back till 6pm.

It's probably because i've only got one kid, maybe because she's easy but either way this does feel like a holiday for me - filled with baby stuff and at baby pace. I have never taken life slow until now and I'm loving eveery minute of it. I think David has a right to be jealous of me at home but he just tells me I'm doing an important job.

I do know I'm lucky though.
my OH has just gone bk to work after paternity leave and now does nothing during the night and moans he is tired, welcome to my world, summer doesnt settle well so i cant even nap in the day and then there is the ironing, washing, housework, dinner, i think i'll suggest i work and he stop at home so i can rest :rotfl:
i am so lucky you poor people it seems so unfair.

my OH was fab he would always do the 1am feed and i would do the 4am feed as he worked but then he would always get up in the morning and give me a bit longer in bed providing he didn't have to rush off. we always do everything 50 50 as he always said it was harder work me being home allday with baby rather than get a break and go out to work. i realise i am very lucky.

even now he might have been at work all day but will still come home and cook me a lovely meal. i do appreciate him very much
My OH is OK-ish. She usually needs changed before her night feed and OH is as blind as a bat without his contacts... even worse with his glasses on so I change her unless I want a nappy on her head and sudocrem in her nose. He always gets up to get her bottle and brings it to me and I feed her. He will sometimes start a feed if I have to go pee but even at the weekends I don't get a chance to stay lying down. If he's had a couple of beers on a Friday night usually he won't even stir when she wakes in the night.

Generally I do most stuff, including changing and bathing her. If I dare whinge that he could do more I get "well you never ask me to!" :roll:
At first mine was fab.. he would get up and do his fair share, change nappies, bring her to me to feed...NOW is a different story. During the the day he is still fab but the mornings are a different story.

He rarely gets up for her even on his days off, when he is working then fine but I am getting a peed off with the implication that he needs more sleep than I do. He does do a very demanding job but he had her for 2 days when I was away so he knows how demanding Holly can be...

doesnt help that he will stay up until 12 when he knows she will wake anytime from 6.30am these days... the moaning about him being tired is irritating... he's asleep now and he should be at work at 9am.. 4 mintues away, I've woken him twice....he's on his own now!
my OH works shifts, so last night he got in at 3am, caitlyn woke at 4 for a feed, he was still up so i asked him to feed her being as it was pointless us both being up lol and i went back to bed, but im up at 9.30 with her and he will prob be in bed til lunch.

I must admit he does help out. and when he is off he will have her all night with him,

Caitlyn only has one night feed so we are quite lucky with that
when his working he does nothing :lol: but when his off he will offer to do the night feed but not everynight off. on his days off he'll do a couple of feeds / nappy changes but i lways ahve to ask him to change his bum he never thinks oh he might need changing :roll: oh and on his nights to feed , he doesnt wake up so i still wake up and have to wake him :wall: and this morning i was still wide awake when he got back into bed lol
I'm single so i get to do it all. Daddy does come round at some point every day so i'll get a chance to have bath/shower or to take the dog for a walk :)
Great post. :dance:

My DH has never did a night feed, gave our son a bath, made bottles or fed him food.

He does change the odd nappy and give the odd bottle but complains at doing it. He is bad for complaining how tired he is, even though he is still in his bed during the morning bath fun. xxx
My OH does his share.
He's been doing a lot more stuff recently 'cos I feel like I'm gonna burst and these baby girls are gonna come early!
Still, he loves doing it!
when i was heavily pregnant (from about 7 months) he done ALL the night feeds EVERYNIGHT. Before that we done a night each in turn. We now do a child each night lol. and swap 'child' each day. lololk

if that makes sense.

He does 50% and he goes to work. BUT we both know my day at home is a hell of alot harder then his day at work is, so when he comes in from work he does feeds/nappys for a few hours while i chill out. He couldnt do what i do and he knows it lmao.
John does this when he has to feed Evie: :roll: :roll: :roll: so I normally do it myself!

She sleeps through now though so I only have 10pm and 7am which isn't bad at all!

Daddy is good for playing with Evie though!!!
well when imogen was a noob and needed feeding every 3hours me and tommo would take it in turns and do her nappy when needed. Even now if shes up and creating he will take her ino the lounge and get her off again while i sleep ad i have her all day, hes a diamond in that respect.
Its just in thr evening when hes home hes not very hands on, but wil always choose to wash up!
nothing... oh wait he does do something - SNORE!!! :wall: don't even get me started on poopy nappies :x

but at the moment, going i can't face going into the kitchen (it makes me heave for some reason) she he is cooking 90% of the dinners.
My OH have never done anything during the night but we're breastfeeding so he wouldn't have been able to do much anyway :)

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