How much do you get for child benefit?

Obviously there are exceptions to the rules.

Ver high earners who really don't need 20 quid.

And people who claim crazy amounts of benefits.

But these are extremes.
Some info to clarify.

We all get the full amount until Jan 2013. From then how much you get to keep (they are clawing the rest back in tax) depends on how much the highest earner earns before tax. If you earn between 40-50k you get some, if you earn over 60k you get nothing.

The most annoying thing seems to be that people who earn over 60k are still supposed to register, receive it and have it all clawed back, meaning that they will receive no money but have the added hassle of filling out a SA tax form if they don't already. Complicated and bureaucratic madness!
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I agree by people live within there means. The benefit system is totally wrong!!!! I don't see why a couple can make £70k+ and be entitled to it, but a single parent on £41 wouldn't...
I totally agree with Carnat tho... You live the way your finances allow. And you become accustomed to that lifestyle. But I think you being good with money and saving for this is exactly the right attitude.
I know for a fact if I did the job I did in London I would earn more than double, but I would also spend that on living costs. Where as what I earn where I live is acceptable, ofcourse I would like a little bit more. Who wouldnt.
So this extra £20 a week the way I see it is, if you need it and are entitled to it. Claim it. If you don't. Don't. Everyone is entitled to there own opinions, and there's no right or
Some info to clarify.

We all get the full amount until Jan 2013. From then how much you get to keep (they are clawing the rest back in tax) depends on how much the highest earner earns before tax. If you earn between 40-50k you get some, if you earn over 60k you get nothing.

The most annoying thing seems to be that people who earn over 60k are still supposed to register, receive it and have it all clawed back, meaning that they will receive no money but have the added hassle of filling out a SA tax form if they don't already. Complicated and bureaucratic madness!

WHHHAAAT? They're going to 'claw' it back?! That's complete madness!! Not only that but will cost them to do it, probably more than the amount they will pay out!

I don't earn over £40k but what about those that do and are on SMP? Does that mean their SMP will be affected?

I'd rather not claim it in the first place!!!

That's ridiculous.

I kinda think the point of child benefit is being missed.

The money isn't for the parent to spend, it's for the child and as frolass said doesn't matter what you earn your baby still needs clothes and food as much as the next child who's parents might not earn as much
I agree Firstbaby. I need to do a bit more research, but that's certainly what it looks like. This info isn't on or the HMRC website as they only state the current position - that we all get it. Of course, it's possible this will change again, the government don't seem to be able to make up their minds about anything at the moment!

I don't think it will affect SMP. It would be clawed back from the higher earner. Nobody on SMP would meet the 50k threshold (it's about actual earnings before tax, not what your normal salary would be).
I kinda think the point of child benefit is being missed.

The money isn't for the parent to spend, it's for the child and as frolass said doesn't matter what you earn your baby still needs clothes and food as much as the next child who's parents might not earn as much

This is possibly one reason why they are telling people to claim even if it is all going to be clawed back. The normal convention would be that child benefit would be paid directly to the parent who is the main carer. The money would then be clawed back off the worker. I know in many households this wouldn't make any difference whatsoever, but it kind of ring fences part of the household budget for the child.
I'm sorry, but to the people getting angry over the comments like 'why would anyone earning x amount need an extra £20 a week?'
I'm not saying everyone has said it, but a few of the people getting annoyed, have previously made snide remarks on here about those on benefits.

And it goes both ways, if u don't like those comments made about u because u earn a decent wage, u shouldn't make comments about people on benefits - because u don't know people's circumstances! And not every1 on benefits is a doss pot!

Again, not saying that everyone has made these comments - but I've seen plenty of negative comments on here about those on benefits.
I'm sorry, but to the people getting angry over the comments like 'why would anyone earning x amount need an extra £20 a week?'
I'm not saying everyone has said it, but a few of the people getting annoyed, have previously made snide remarks on here about those on benefits.

And it goes both ways, if u don't like those comments made about u because u earn a decent wage, u shouldn't make comments about people on benefits - because u don't know people's circumstances! And not every1 on benefits is a doss pot!

Again, not saying that everyone has made these comments - but I've seen plenty of negative comments on here about those on benefits.

I agree.. x
The comments work both ways hun. There shouldn't be similar assumptions made about people earning higher wages either.
If you have a expensive style of living ie holidays , large cars , posh food ie M and S . These are things you can alter if your money goes down . But people who may be on benefits do not and cannot make these ajustments as they are likely already living hand to mouth . I think this is a very important point that is likely inflaming the poorer into their valid angruement why are the richer still complaining when they get to make choices for themselves and poorer just don't have a choice . This is what I think and I am not a high earner nor am I on benefits .xx
It's not about posh cars or M&S food :wall:
It's about the fact that as a higher earner you are likely to have a mortgage in line with your salary, therefore you are expected to make payments each month that reflect that salary. You also have house insurance and council tax payments based on a larger property.
But you are expected to make these payments on SMP (impossible) or be forced back to work immediately, like I will be.
I think people have this image of rich spoilt brats and no idea what disposable income is. Benefits are for people who need them and its not always people who are out of work.

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Thank you cos, you said exactly what I was thinking. I don't eat M&S food, I watch our outgoings carefully and yes we have room for flexibility but we also pay a LOT in tax and NI. We have high outgoings some of which cannot be changed when I go on mat leave. I accept that I am lucky with a very good mat package but many aren't and its not about gross earnings alone. My point was only that assumptions work both ways, don't assume that everyone with a high salary is wasteful with money.
Personally, I think if you earn just under 40k or whatever and your struggling due to the fact of mortgages and bills etc then fair enough, your CHILD is entitled to it.

But I do know alot of doctors who are minted and claim all these things pleeding poverty - and I think these are the people who spoil it for others as there are lots of people out there who do need it more.

Im not arguing over it either - I dont plan on using benefits but only because I havent needed to and I feel if there comes a time that Im completely buggered then I wont feel so bad about using the goverment since I have paid taxes etc since I was 16.

Personally, I think if you earn just under 40k or whatever and your struggling due to the fact of mortgages and bills etc then fair enough, your CHILD is entitled to it.

But I do know alot of doctors who are minted and claim all these things pleeding poverty - and I think these are the people who spoil it for others as there are lots of people out there who do need it more.

Im not arguing over it either - I dont plan on using benefits but only because I havent needed to and I feel if there comes a time that Im completely buggered then I wont feel so bad about using the goverment since I have paid taxes etc since I was 16.


they can only claim what they are entitled to (very limited due to their earnings in most cases). And they pay the tax which makes them available.
I know that but I blatently know people who dont need the money yet claim it is what I mean. So to me thats wrong if you need it and your entitled to it fine. If you dont need it fine.
Is spenting any money wasteful ? I can't image why anyone would say that , as I said before it's all swings and roundabout at the next election it will most likely change everything around again , I guess there's always gonna be those who complain and those who just put up . xx

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