How much do you get for child benefit?

Yup the smart junior isa .. U can apply online to and open with a 1pound minimum the child cant access until 18 altho has a limit of 3600
Intrest rate of 2.10%

.. I like sound of it altho think il look around first c
Yeah child trust fund got stopped some vouchers or somthing :/

The account is tax free to x
I normally try not to post on these subjects but why are high earners paying high taxes and what in turn.becomes child benefit, working tax credit, housing allowance etc, shouldnt get anything in return? My husband is one of them and had worked his arse off since uni, going to places like Iraq. And we arw not even going to get child benefit? I couldnt go back to work because of childcare costs and the fact he earns more so WE are not entitled to anything.
I would be paying to go to work, London is expensive and London wages reflect it.
People tend to be narrow minded and forgetting middle class is sometimes worse off in terms of disposable income because they have a burden of paying for everyone else

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I am just trying to say we all live within our current means (be it low or medium earnings?) yet some of us will see a dramatic drop when we are left with just SMP.

So whilst we currently live as a medium earning couple and have bills and outgoings as such, SMP is going to throw us into the bracket of being low earners but we still have our "medium earner" bills to pay.

Thankfully we have been saving but not everyone is able to do that!

Likeee i said how do uno i didnt mean ppl who earn more should get abit more as bigget mortgage, diff bill system, most likely have a better car then my 206 lol so bigger insurance more diesel or petrol ..
All i said was i dont see how ppl who earn more notice 20 quid .

Yawwwwwn om signing out of this people are getting rather touchy


As i said people jumped the gun

My mom n dad earn a decent wage and never got any help ..
Both working hard (where i get my work ethic from) and they didnt get any extra

Was simply sayin ppl who get earn more should get more to cover losses
I am just trying to say we all live within our current means (be it low or medium earnings?) yet some of us will see a dramatic drop when we are left with just SMP.

So whilst we currently live as a medium earning couple and have bills and outgoings as such, SMP is going to throw us into the bracket of being low earners but we still have our "medium earner" bills to pay.

Thankfully we have been saving but not everyone is able to do that!


I'm shitting my pants as my SMP won't even cover half of my mortgage, never mind my bills!
How am I supposed to live? Hence why I can't have any time off with my baby and have to go right back to work :( x
Hence why I can't have any time off with my baby and have to go right back to work :( x

That sucks! I admire what you are doing though, tough tough position to be in, not one of choice but necessity and that's why you're an amazing Mum x

I got made redundant from the bbc a week before my BFP! rubbish timing! and i'm freelance and trying to find a job in a different field now. so at the moment i'm pretty broke as my OH is freelance so it's very hard, I used to earn 40k a year and went down to 16k to get myself out of london. I can tell you that even though some peoples opinions may be 'how can someone on that high wage notice £20 a week' ..... you do!
I completely understand how you might not get it but it's amazing how you live to your means. having a higher wage doesn't always mean that someone can afford to have and do more things with their money, they have other expenses and things to pay out for.
maybe because they could afford to do, or get a few more things at one time that may have caused their out goings to be a bit higher, but it doesn't mean that they have any more disposable money monthly as someone on a lower wage. I don't think it matters what you earn, everyone is entitled to something and i'm saying that coming from both ends of the scale. I wish I had a permanent job so I could get maternity pay xxxxx
Yes the SMP won't cover half of my mortgage either so I'm trying to be sensible now and save save save so that we can pay the mortgage. £80 a month will make a difference, its a week+ food shop or my electricity and gas bill so I'd definitely notice it.

I spoke to DH and he said when he looked into it he thought that it was a 60k cut off and then gradually reduced to 50k over the next few years. Pretty hard to find info but I did find this:
I don't think we need to get quite so upset , as has happened each time there's an election people vote out what they're unhappy with , and the new goverment change it all over again .
My last child was born in 2010 which was I think the last year that the Child Trust Fund was in exsist so she received £500 from the goverment into that fund with a promise the highest interest tax free til the age of 18 and another £500 when she turns 7 years , this goverment have decided to take away the Trust funds and the promise of future monies and now her nest egg is frozen at a standard rate of interest and we can do nothing as it exsists she can't even have a high rate saving account in her name now it's totally rubbish .
So roll on the next election when it'll all change again let's hope it's for better this time .xx
I normally try not to post on these subjects but why are high earners paying high taxes and what in turn.becomes child benefit, working tax credit, housing allowance etc, shouldnt get anything in return? My husband is one of them and had worked his arse off since uni, going to places like Iraq. And we arw not even going to get child benefit? I couldnt go back to work because of childcare costs and the fact he earns more so WE are not entitled to anything.
I would be paying to go to work, London is expensive and London wages reflect it.
People tend to be narrow minded and forgetting middle class is sometimes worse off in terms of disposable income because they have a burden of paying for everyone else

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Love it, how true
I'm just going to go and buy an extra lottery ticket this weekend instead!! :D
Do you know what ladies, it's all relative.

People on lower wages, generally have smaller mortgages, have smaller credit limits etc.

Whereas people on higher wages generally have costlier outgoings in the same way.

People live within their means.

When the mums who are high earners income drops, they are going to struggle equally (unless they have savings).

When they go back to work, why should they not still be entitled? Honestly!
I wish! I wouldn't mind a cool £1 million...
Do you know what ladies, it's all relative. <br />
<br />
People on lower wages, generally have smaller mortgages, have smaller credit limits etc. <br />
<br />
Whereas people on higher wages generally have costlier outgoings in the same way. <br />
<br />
People live within their means. <br />
<br />
When the mums who are high earners income drops, they are going to struggle equally (unless they have savings).<br />
<br />
When they go back to work, why should they not still be entitled? Honestly!
I agree. I am a department manager for a very successful UK holiday company but only earn 16,000, yes you read that right! I am obv in the low earner bracket, however I am inclined to think that had I worked harder in school i would have got a better earning job, simple really!
I certainly don't think that I should be entitled to more than people who are better off than me, or that they should be entitled to less, its my own fault, I should have worked harder!

I too (after 10 yrs of service!) Am only entitled to smp and haven't a clue how I.will survive! Also my wage makes it impossible to go back as childcare would swallow up most of my wage so I would be even worse off if i returned! I dont know what to do :(

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But what if you're in that situation and you did work hard at school?! x
I did work hard myself, buy I just think I could have worked harder :(

I do agree with the 'living within your means' comments too

I just know that the kids who people called swots or nerds in my school are the ones who are laughing now! X

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These types of threads always fascinate me when they pop up online.

I am English, but now live in Asia. I have recently talked with locals where I live about child benefit, working tax credit etc., and they are completely astounded that the 'government' will 'give' you money for having a baby/not earning enough. I don't just mean they are surprised, but it is a completely foreign concept to them to 'expect' money from the government just because you have a baby. It has been very eye opening for me to talk with them and learn from their way of doing things. The sense of entitlement is just not there.

That said, I live in a very low tax country (with far superior public services compared to the UK) so I suppose they don't pay in so much and don't think they should get what little they do pay in back. You stand on your own two feet without the state holding you up.

I know why child benefit was introduced and for whom it was initially intended, and I agree absolutely that high earners (though quite where I would draw that line I am not sure) should not be entitled to government assistance. No matter what the cap is, be it for child benefit, tax credits or whatever you are always going to get those who fall just over the threshold and who will feel hard done by. My husband is a high earner and previously we would have been entitled to child benefit and there is just no justification in that.

I don't think there is ever a right answer or a way to please everyone when you have to make cuts and change things around. Someone is always going to lose out, someone is always going to want more.

And I think there needs to be a complete tax over haul in the UK which in turn would feed down to the who is entitled to state assistance and where thresholds ought to be.

/former politics and economics student.
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Take this as an example.:

A high earner who gets only SMP who will have no disposable income per month oce on mat leave:

A low earner who has no disposable income per month once on mat leave

For both mums that 20 will be able to buy the same amount of veggies, formula, clothes. And it is needed equally by both.

The higher earner likely has a bigger mortgage, car, general credit commitments and outgoings.

The lower earner will have a smaller mortgage, car etc...

Essentials like groceries, can, if bought the basics, cost the same for a low earner and a high earner.

So why should a high earner get less?

Why should a low earner get more?

It really is about living within your means.

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