How many people have experienced negative tests only to disciver they are pregnant?

im going for a blood test on monday, should get my results by the end of the week, i did not know how to argue with her really, she was so adamant i was not pregnant that she wouldent let me get a word in edgeways, i said id read about women not having positives until they were 3 months! and she just told me i was not pregnant again :(

im getting lower back pain again today, and still no AF. this is toture. ill also do another unrine test on monday. ( when i get paid ) lol
hi there,that doctor sounds as useless as a chocolate tea pot hun!! dont let her dampen your pregnant with my 5th child and had different waitin times for positive results,with my first i got 5 negative results even tho i just knew i was pregnant,so i got the doctors to test my urine and it she turned round and said (yes you are definatly highly positivly pregnant) i knew i was! their tests must hav been really sensitive.and also hun if youve got a poundland shop near you buy them tests,2 for a pound! i used them this time when i was only a couple of days late and it was an afternoon wee aswell and got positive results even b4 the waitin time was up.i swear by these tests now.gud luck
thanks ange :) i bought wilkinson ones the last time i tried which was about a week ago, i will try the poundland ones aswell though.

last night i had period pains ( back ones) like on either side where my ovaries would be for ages, it was a proper dull ache, which made me even more convinced im pregnant, and i am off food altogether!
i kept gettin pains like that and was forever runnin 2 the loo 2 check if period had come,but it didnt,someone told me that the pains was something to do with the embryo emplanting itself to the linin of my womb.but the thing that really made me think this time that i was pregnant was my breasts!! bigger than normal,itchin and tinglin nipples and really sore 2 touch,i felt like i was totally aware of them all the time,couldnt even turn over in bed without them hurting,that had me really convinced i was pregnant coz it was obvious somthing had definatly changed in my body and i was right.have u not had anything like that hun?xxx
no my breats have not had anything changed really, apart from i am noticing big veins in them, but myabe thats just because i read about it...? im just really sad, i want to know either way so i can be happy or, well just get on with life. :(

the main things i identify with are

1. weeing alot ( aalthough i did that anyway)
2. high cervix ( just checked and its going higher if thats possible)
3. white thin or stodgy CM
3. some light cramping and backache in the evening
4. misssed period ( last period was 2- 9 sept!
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still no period, but i had a bit of tan CM...going to get a pound land test tommorow, providing i have the pound lol! feel really shaky still, banking on me getting a postive test tommorow, as those cramps really have made me think i might be pregnant, its just my brain fighting with its self constantly going yes you are because.... no you cant be because... :(
aww i know,does your head in,and i know theres nothing more annoyin than spending loads of money on tests and not gettin clear answers,it can end up costin u a fortune.u must be sooo frustrated hun,and there is nothin worse than dyin 2 do a test and not havin money 2 buy them.xxxx
thanks guys, i will post either way tommorow, im so scared i will dissapointed im banking on a BFN. my heart s saying no to pretect me from being so upset but my head is counting up all the symptoms, plus my cervix has gone so far up now i can barely touch the tip! i dont remember that ever happening :blush: and despite my pre period CM mixed with a bit of old blood, no period, it usualy comes staight away after i discover the CM...god i sound boring :D
your not boring atall hun,your head must be in bits,i really feel for u xxx
cant afford the test today, i did not get paid :( but will do tommorow, no period, cervix unreachable...i dunno i doubt i am to be honest :( ive just got this feeling.

also...whats OP? :p
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cant afford the test today, i did not get paid :( but will do tommorow, no period, cervix unreachable...i dunno i doubt i am to be honest :( ive just got this feeling.

also...whats OP? :p

Original Poster (as in the person that started the thread :))

Awww I hope you have an answer soon hun, this must be driving you nuts

aha i see! i do to and yes it is! ive only just moved here and ive not gotten a full time job yet so im super skint! will buy some tests tommorow and get my blood test done also. sigh.
aha i see! i do to and yes it is! ive only just moved here and ive not gotten a full time job yet so im super skint! will buy some tests tommorow and get my blood test done also. sigh.

I'll check in tomorrow and see if you have any news? :shock:

yea will post news tommorow. either way. need to go into town anyway, haul my sorry ass out of bed lol.
just had my blood test done and also have done a urine. BFN :( im pretty sure its all in my head. oh well :(
just had my blood test done and also have done a urine. BFN :( im pretty sure its all in my head. oh well :(

It's certainly not all in your head!

How were things left with the Dr?
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she said she would get back to me regarding the blood test, im already 2 weeks 4 days late and still in HCG urine results, i think its a no to be honest :(

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