2 days late and negative tests

Thanks guys, like I said, I would probably be all happy etc if I had not had the chemical pg last month. I had my doubts about it due to the severe cramping over the two weeks prior to missed AF but I allowed myself to get excited only for it to be lost a couple of days later. I am now extremely cautious about getting excited. Probably wont be till I get a strong pg result and make it to the point of getting a scan or something! I am so not an optimist! Oh dear x
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erm, thats a defo BFP!! Ive only ever seen blue dye evaps that are lighter than this!
I didnt see a pic, however, you can get evaps on any colour...

Blue dye tests are shit though..
Thanks, I thought that initially but I think my OH has just scared me because he really is not convinced about it and says its too faint and should be stronger and with my previous experience I am naturally in doubt! I will retest on Sat and hope it is darker! xx
Thanks, I thought that initially but I think my OH has just scared me because he really is not convinced about it and says its too faint and should be stronger and with my previous experience I am naturally in doubt! I will retest on Sat and hope it is darker! xx

Blue dye tests aer the most known for giving coloured evaps, but they're generally alot lighter than urs. Have a google for "Clearblue evaps" and see what comes up. Ive seen alot of CB evaps but theyve always been lighter than thats on urs xx
if you are wanting to check that you are pregnant and that your pregnancy is progressing then a digi is deffo the way forward, no evaps, no nonsense. Yes or No and how far lol. Cant argue. Means too, that you could get another in a few weeks to see if the weeks have changed. xxx
if you are wanting to check that you are pregnant and that your pregnancy is progressing then a digi is deffo the way forward, no evaps, no nonsense. Yes or No and how far lol. Cant argue. Means too, that you could get another in a few weeks to see if the weeks have changed. xxx

^^ this :thumbup: If that line isnt an evap then u'll definately show on a digi xx
Okies, I defo want to do that but my OH is now not allowing me to go buy another test be that a digi or a FRER or a pink dye one because he thinks my obsessing over it is not healthy and there is nothing I can do right now to change anything, either it will get darker or it wont. MEN!!!! They will never understand how stressful it is not knowing :( I wanna go get another test...grrrr! x
Okies, I defo want to do that but my OH is now not allowing me to go buy another test be that a digi or a FRER or a pink dye one because he thinks my obsessing over it is not healthy and there is nothing I can do right now to change anything, either it will get darker or it wont. MEN!!!! They will never understand how stressful it is not knowing :( I wanna go get another test...grrrr! x

the "strength" of the line doesnt show "how far" you are, just simply if the hcg has been picked up. alot of womens lines will get darker, but ive seen just as many women who's lines stayed the same.

Tesco have the digis on offer, twin pack for £10, he wont notice, go go go xx
Heehee! I will pick one up when I venture out into town tomorrow, if I go anywhere now he will know what I am up to. Will get a digital one and hopefully get a good result! Fingers crossed! x
Maybe you Ov later in your cycle this time due to the chemical and you are not as late or at all late like you think?

I have my fingers crossed that you can back this test up with another and it is a true bfp! and like others have said it's not the strength of the line that means you are further along or not - lots of things influence it, like how much water you drank, how quickly your body processes hcg into your urine etc. I took a test a week after my initial bfp (don't know why) and it was lighter than my orignal test! and I freaked out big time, but all was fine :)
Thanks so much for that, I was really under the impression that the strength did indicate how far along you were with it especially since clear blue have 3 pictures of positives at various stages which freaked me out.

My cycle may well be off due to the chemical, it had crossed my mind. I am going to try stay calm and relaxed and retest using a digi tomorrow, its just my negativeness which is causing me stress. When you want something so bad you feel on such tender hooks with the uncertainty. x
That's in my opinion too thick to be an evap. The evaps are very thin lines, that's a positive I would say!

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Hi, quick update

Bought two FRER yesterday, finally managed to get OH to give in. Did one yesterday and it came back positive, line quite thin and a little fainter than the control one. Did one this morning but the pink line is fainter than the one I did yesterday :s does that matter? Or could it be another chemical? Sorry about the negativeness, I am just expecting AF to get me and be a huge buzz kill! Xx
Could just be strength of wee hun i would say the amount of positive tests you are getting you are pregnant x congratulations x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
Thanks :) I do believe I am pregnant, I am just worried that it never managed to implant. I think if I can get to next week and still be getting positives I will calm down a bit. It was at this point last month (4 days late, with several positives) that I lost it so need to get out of this week then get all happy and excited! Woop! Xx
Hope it flys for you x are you being sent for an early scan x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
No, the doctor didnt really say much when I went in as it was so early on, if I had not been TTC I probably would have not noticed that I was pg and just thought I had a really sore late period. Will make a docs appointment later next week though if I am continuing to get positive tests :)

Here are the results from last night and this morning -

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The top one is last nights and the bottom is this mornings which is slightly fainter. Hopefully that does not mean anything. xx

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