HELP? Could i be pregnant?


Apr 17, 2012
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I have a question. 6 days post ovulation i starting getting mild lower abdominal cramps. I have been cramping ever since no bleeding. I am now 10 days post ovulation and for the past 2 days i have been having not only cramps but like a burning cramping in my pelvis and at times it feel like there is something going on down there. It's kind of warm. I was never regular before my period and this is the first month coming off my bc so im not sure when it will be ok to test. I tested 9 days post ovulation but of course negative. I usually have a bowel movement at least once a day and tomorrow will be the 3rd day that i havent. I am NEVER constipated! I experienced nausea once or twice and usually my boobs are sore the week before i start but they still aint sore. I have a couple shooting pains every now and then but not sore. On top of all this i usually dont get cramping until the day i start. I am so confused. Has anyone experienced this warm cramping sensation and be pregnant. I know ive never felt this before. I want to be pregnant but after that negative im scared of retesting even though i really think i tested early. Any thoughts? THANKS
Test again when you are 13-14 days DPO. It's the only way to know anyway... Good luck
I experienced twinges in my uterus, the like of which I had never felt before. It wasn't like period cramps. It was painful but not excruciating more uncomfortable than anything else. I am convinced it was implantation. Other than that I had my usual signs that I was about to come on- period signs and pg signs are quite similar, it was only these twinges that lead me to test early.

I would wait until you are at least13-14dpo and then test again and fx for a BFP for you :)


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