Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me 1sttimer, I appreciate it and what you have said is really reassuring, the logical part of me already thought to just disregard the chemical anyway, I wish I didnt even know about it! No more early testing for me, and I know theres plenty of ladies stuck in limbo right now waiting for specialist appointments so theres no way Id want to make that waiting list any longer for the people who really need it, and I completely agree with you about the smoking and drinking thing too, especially drinking which can cause brain damage before your baby is even born! I seen loads of posters on the walls at the epau about stopping smoking in pregnancy but nothing about the dangers of drinking which can be catastrophic, Im surprised the nhs and midwifes dont do more to make people aware, but anyway I dont want to get controversial lol in case its against the rules of the forum or something, I can see from your signature you have a specialist app coming up, I hope dr quenby is a total genius and gets you your baby very soon x