Just really upset :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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I told my close family about getting BFP's and then loseing them and my mum was telling me she had one when she was younger. Every one keeps asking me all the time if I’m ok and wont believe me when I say I’m fine. Its like there wanting me to tell them I’m not ok and get upset all over again.

I am really really upset about it (how can I not be?) but I’m trying to cope with it my own way, which is to put it behind us because we wont be able to bring them back. I just feel like I give the impression that I don’t care about it and its really upsetting me that people don’t understand why I don’t want to talk about it every time I see them.

Rant over.

I know there’s lots of people that go through things worse than me and I know it sounds nasty but I’m glad it happened sooner rather than later. I probably sound really selfish
:cry: :cry: :cry:
You're certainly not selfish or nasty Jenna. You are trying to deal with this in the best way that you can, stuff everyone else, they can't even begin to imagine how you are feeling. If you don't want to talk about it then they should respect that.

Sending you lots of love and hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I feel exaclty the same. I havent told family but the doctors and nurses I have seen keep asking me. It upsets me when they ask but most of the time I am fine. I am just keeping busy.

ohhh hunni your not selfish at all - they are only asking because they care - if you dont want them to ask you, try and have a word with them and tell them you feel very uncomfortable when they keep asking, im sure they will understand!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww hun :hug: just tell them you just want to put it behind and move on. Tell them exactly what you have told us.

Nobody has mentioned my m/c since the day it was all confirmed (apart from OH and myself obviously). It's abit upsetting though because it's like they've forgotten about it :cry:
hi hun

im sorry your having a rough time but there is no way you are being selfish or anything you are doing what is right for you ok.

everyone deal with things differently and the way you are dealing with it is right for you, i think it was mentioned that you should show them this what you have written or write a letter about how you feel it helps me all the time writing down.

here if you need to chat PM anytime hun we are all here if you ever need us ok :hug: :hug:
Hi hun,

You are not selfish or nasty you are simply dealing with things in your own way, some of us like to talk about things and others dont feel the need to.

It sounds like your family/friends are just worried about you and maybe think that you are pretending that you are ok when really your not, they obviously care very much for you. Maybe you could talk to them and explain how you feel about them keep asking, let them know that if you need them then you will let them know.

Its a very hard thing you are going through and it really does take time to heal, it will always stay with you but time makes things bearable.

If you ever want to talk hun or just want a rant then let me know cos im always here!

Take care of yourself :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks every one :hug: I feel a lot better now. :hug:
got an email yesterday off my "friend" that i havnt spoke to for ages. He said he'd seen one of my profiles that said i got a BFP and wanted to know how the pregnancy was going. I told Him what happend and this is what he emailed back:

"Aw don't worry about it. You're just young and have plent of time to have kids."

We talked later on MSN and he said i was over reacting. I told him its not the same when your the one going through it and he just said "Well that's life isn't it, you have to pick yourself up and get on with it." I said that some times its not that easy and he said "I don't understand why you're so upset, You have plenty of time to have more, so you lost a few big deal" :cry:

I know hes right, i cant be mopeing about forever but he was so snappy and nasty to me and when i told him "I wasnt a fucking robot i do have feelings" he tried saying i was a nasty person and needed help!

I dont understand why i atract idiots, i didnt even get emotional and upset when we talked i just said the facts and just said i didnt want to talk about his kids so he changed the subject and started coming on to me :cry:
jenna said:
got an email yesterday off my "friend" that i havnt spoke to for ages. He said he'd seen one of my profiles that said i got a BFP and wanted to know how the pregnancy was going. I told Him what happend and this is what he emailed back:

"Aw don't worry about it. You're just young and have plent of time to have kids."

We talked later on MSN and he said i was over reacting. I told him its not the same when your the one going through it and he just said "Well that's life isn't it, you have to pick yourself up and get on with it." I said that some times its not that easy and he said "I don't understand why you're so upset, You have plenty of time to have more, so you lost a few big deal" :cry:

I know hes right, i cant be mopeing about forever but he was so snappy and nasty to me and when i told him "I wasnt a f**k robot i do have feelings" he tried saying i was a nasty person and needed help!

I dont understand why i atract idiots, i didnt even get emotional and upset when we talked i just said the facts and just said i didnt want to talk about his kids so he changed the subject and started coming on to me :cry:

:shock: :shock: OMG I can't believe this, what a twat!!!! He is NOT someone you want as a friend, he was VERY insensitive. Of course you are allowed to be upset, so what if you're young that doesn't make it hurt any less. Ignore him hun, he's obviously not worth it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
please dont worry bout him hun not at all such an idiot is a polite way of putting it. Of course your allowed to have feelings you are human and the pain doesnt just go away.

hope your ok hun here if you need to chat :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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