How many more times

It's so natural though! Don't feel bad for thinking it as it's really just because of the situation we have been dealt. It's normal to feel the way we do.
Oh I’m surrounded by pregnant people and it’s hard to think what’s different for them I feel like such a bad person im jealous and envious of people I’ve never met and I hate that about myself

There’s a girl on my Facebook who’s due a week after I was and I’ve had to hide her from my news feed cuz I can’t cope with seeing how her pregnancy is progressing
Night owl: it’s hard it could be that your super fertile sounds stupid I know but that’s what they believe is my problem you get pregnant really quickly and easily but there’s issues with the cells or problems that ‘normal’ women’s bodies wouldn’t even implant but someone with supe fertility implants any embryo no matter the condition or viability. After some research I do feel that’s the case as I get pregnant fast but can’t hang on in there. I believe my first 3 miscarriages we because of this my last one was different as it had a heartbeat and the whole experience was different

I don’t know what I’m going to do can’t face another miscarriage but it’s a long time to wait so might not try but not prevent not sure yet. It’s still to raw at the moment. With your doctors it depends on the doctor I’ve had one really unsympathetic doctor said a miscarriage is no worse than a period so didn’t see what the big deal was and the rest have been really good

I’m sorry you’ve been through such a hard time and have such a long wait for an appointment. I can’t believe a dr said that to you. I’ve had three losses now and when I went to the gp to register my second pregnancy the gp said to me “well we don’t do anything special even if you’ve had two”. I’ve had another dr tell me that I won’t feel sad about my miscarriages if I don’t think of them as a baby but just as losing a pregnancy. It’s a shame that not all Drs seem to know how to support ladies going through a miscarriage, I think the nhs could do with us ladies giving these Drs a bit of training! Xx
Sorry to see theres so many of us in here affected by this xx
I’m sorry to read so many of you have had such horrible experiences with unsympathetic doctors xx
It’s awful that doctors are so disrespectful my experience has been worse with female doctors from my go and I just want to say to them you clearly haven’t been through it have you. The males seem to be more respectful but the women at the early pregnancy unit can not be faulted they have been amazing and understanding each time I’ve seen them and it’s been a lot we know each other by names now. I think that’s a really good idea for people who have been through something like this giving training to professionals that’s why I take comfort in knowing there’s people on this group who can relate to my situation x
I've just had another evening of intense pain and cramps with more clots and heavy bleeding. I can cope with the blood but these cramps are debilitating! I think I'm going to have to convince the pharmacist I need codeine tomorrow.
My doctor gave me the 30/500 cocodamols so it might be worth a trip to see your gp x
Oh no hope this is the last of your pain and you have a better day today x
I've bought codeine incase that pain returns tonight. I'm not being blindsided by that again, no way!
Take whatever you need don’t let yourself be in pain!
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I’m doing ok. My niece is due any day so that’s a distraction but heart breaking as if I didn’t miscarriage in January our babies would have been six weeks apart x
What I’m starting to find hard is all the thinking about how far along id be and how different things would be now if I was still pregnant, just silly things like I was in boots before had to walk down the baby isle there were a couple of heavily pregnant women there looking at the cute booties and grows, I couldn’t help but think I would now be buying things for the baby as id be 14 weeks along, and I’m now living in fear of pregnancy announcements, I just need to get myself out of this downer mindset now and try and stay positive! Got some more pregnancy vitamins in boots before gonna carry on with them, I felt like binning the last ones when I found out I had an empty sac... I’ve got no idea what my cycle is doing too, 3 weeks on from passing the sac no sign of ovulation yet, I never have a cycle longer then 31 days, has anyone had a really long first cycle straight after mc?
I know what you mean about thinking about how far along you would be. The worst thing is the day of what would have been my 12 week scan is my scan to check the mc has complete. Some special kind of cruel irony there.
I'm not really sure about cycles returning sorry. I know I caught three weeks after I stopped bleeding from the first MC so it is possible to ovulate very soon after xx
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I spoke to smoker lady from work today and asked her how far along she was and turns out she’s due 2 days after I was and that stung abit, I can’t wait for AF to finish now cuz I just wanna get going again if you get me, I am terrified at the thought but I think the longer I wait the more scared I’ll be
Oh gosh that really is horrible timing smithy, I’m so sorry for you, hopefully everything has passed though so there is no complications, that will be a tough day to get through maybe plan something nice for yourself to do, the day of my 12 week scan I went for some retail
therapy after work, still cried in the car in the morning on my way to work though! well I’ve been doing opks every afternoon, getting faint lines then nearly positives then faint lines again then medium lines, I’ve got no patience for all this! I’m going to have to learn a lot of patience with this ttc business! I suppose I just have to wait this out now and see when I get my period, then see that as my fresh start and new opportunity, I’ve heard people saying wait 3 months after mc but I don’t think there’s any real reason to so I’m not gonna wait
So sorry for you too dinky, of course that will sting a bit, or even a lot! Fingers crossed for you for your new cycle
It’s hard seeing someone progress who’s so close to where you would/should be. I really don’t know wether to try again or wait until my specialist appointment but that’s not until Oct x
Night Owl - I never had a positive OPK (the same as you they were a bit all over the place) but I tracked my cm and my temperature and I caught just by sort of guessing due to those things. It seems like a lot of effort sometimes though I felt.
Good luck with it though, won't be long til I join you on the TTC journey I hope.

Lucy - that's a tough call, I guess it's up to you and if you feel up to it. Have they given you any indication of what will happen come October?

Dinky - I feel the same with the fear. I feel like if I leave it too long I may not want to go back to it. I suppose we can only take things one step at a time.

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