Hi ladies, I hope you dont mind me jumping in on this thread, first of all Im sorry for what you have all had to go through, you are all so strong and Im praying you all get your take home babies sooner rather than later,
Ive joined this forum just for a bit of support really, havent got anyone else to talk to cos Ive not told anyone we are trying to have a baby, but we did start trying late December 17, Im 33 (very nearly 34) and no children yet so was eager to just get started, Anyway, Id say we only partially tried in December cos of all the madness of Xmas and both being really busy, we only actually managed it once in the fertile window and I think it was a good few days before ovulation, so didnt expect anything to happen, but didnt come on in jan the day my period was due, got really excited and done a test, I got the faintest second line, you really did have to squint and look hard to see it, done another test the next day and the line had got darker even though it was still faint, but you could see it this time without having to hold it under the light and squint lol, so obviously I got really excited, next day I done a digital so I could see the word pregnant on the screen, well you can imagine how I felt when it actually said not pregnant and my period come the day later, 3 days after it was due, so I done a bit of googling and realised Id basically had an early chemical, didnt think too much of it, was just very pleased Id managed to get preg so quickly,skipped trying in jan, missed fertile window in feb, as partner was away for work, tried again in March and lo and behold I got pregnant again, I got a good solid line at about 9/10 dpo which got darker and darker, stopped testing at about 16dpo, I was made up, told my partner, my mum and my job, I was so excited, yet I kept having these weird doubts in the back of my mind that there was anything actually growing in me, I just didnt feel very pregnant, had some bits of nausea and tiredness but nothing major, I had quite a few days where I felt so normal I almost forgot I was pregnant, but I wasnt bleeding or cramping so I put it to the back of my mind, anyway fast forward to 10 weeks pregnant when I started spotting and having horrible lower back ache, went into the epau, got scanned, was told there was no embryo just an empty sac which was nowhere near 10 weeks and basically my miscarriage had started, I passed it all naturally a few days later, Ive since come to learn it was a blighted ovum which my body should probably have dealt with long before it did, so to cut a long story short I now just feel like crap, Ive had two pregnancies which just didnt even get off the ground, Im doubting my bodies ability to do this... Im considering going the doctor just to get their opinion on it but I know Id prob be wasting my time, would you ladies considering an early chemical like mine to be a miscarriage? Sorry for hi jacking this thread with an essay!!!