How does your Xmas day go?

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Sep 13, 2009
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Kids wake us up at the crack of dawn; honestly its silly how its the one morning you don't have to scrape them out of bed :lol:

We go and look at what santa has brought and the older kids see what Mum/ dad have got them :) They still each get a pile of their own unwrapped


We open the presents under the tree

We clear up the mess while the kids play

Fire goes on

I do all last minute prep for Xmas dinner then some more playing with the kids

We have our Xmas lunch at about 1-1.30pm and we eat and we eat :lol:

More playing with the kids and then most of the adults rest/snooze

Then turkey sandwiches about 6pm and trifle

Then the lo's are put to bed and we look around to see where the hell all these new toys are going to go :rofl:

Some choccies, the soaps and feet up :)

SO how does your day go? xxx
Sounds Fab! we'll get up whenever Tegan does, unwrap presents have breakfast then head to my Mums and have lunch their, then unwrap what presents are their x
We normally do the same as Zoe but this year I'm hosting Xmas dinner so haven't a clue how it's gonna go.
Usually I stay at my mums, and about 6am my 6 y/o brother and 4 y/o sister come and get into my bed to open their stockings (or if my aunts with us she'll join us or we'll all go get into her bed.)
We'll occupy the kids for a while until my mum and stepdad get up.
He'll usually make us smoked salmon and scambled eggs for Christmas brekki :) and he'll start the dinner while us ladies get tarted up.
Either then the rest of the family will turn up and we'll hit the tree presents and the wine! or if its just us, we'll hit the presents while dinners cooking.
Eat dinner, more wine, and possibly watch one of the kids new DVD's with them.
Put the kids to bed, my step dad brings out more wine and a cheese board and we sit and nibble watching all the soaps, usually get very drunk and play a silly game like balderdash and go to bed late!

This year things will be differant, I'll be sepending my first xmas with OH (we usually go to our own familys) and we'll be hoping that I don't go into labour as I'm due x-mas eve! We'll be staying at home cooking our own dinner and being together, if the baby hasn't come!
Ok I wake up at about 5am lol and I get straight in the car and drive to my parents we open our stockings and have bacon sandwiches! He he about 10am my OH comes on over and brings the presents for my family we open presents and then I go home and get dressed and feed the cat! then I go back and I help mum with thedinner at about 12 my grandma and uncle come over and we have more presents etc! We have dinner about 1pm and then we have a tree present each lol!
We then watch some tv or play games and if weather ok we go out for a walk. At about 7.30pm mum and me prepare supper and then everyone goes home! He he I live xmas

We had similar family traditions to mamafy whilst I still lived in Guernsey and I just loved it! Moving away has changed a lot of it and I work a lot over Christmas in normal circumstances. Now me and o/h will be having our own wee family I'm
Going to kickstart the festivities again properly. This year might be kinda awkward though- all dependant on if baby is early/on due date/ late really. But my parents will be over to help anyway :) x
I was going to start a thread like this today! I don't know what we're going to do this year, but usually I stay at my parents, wake up ridiculously early, we open stockings in mum and dads bed, whilst dad takes pics of us all looking shocking :lol: then open the sacks of presents off Santa :lol: downstairs for smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and warm rolls! And bucks fizz! Then presents under the tree, after getting dressed, massive lunch and then watch the queen!

Dunno what we'll do this year, we're only going to be 5 mins walk from my parents and I don't want to stay there cos I want to wake up in our own home! That said
Tho, I think they're at their dads for Xmas day so we'll do it all either Xmas eve or boxing day' actually, that solves a lot of my problems
Cos I was worrying about when to fit in seeing OHs family!
My husband wakes me up ridiculously early... We bang on the Christmas tunes and open our pressies to each other. Then I do a bit of a Tidy up whilst he makes us bacon sandwiches yum yum.
Then we either go round to my parents and open more pressies/have dinner and drinks etc... Or my husband starts cooking Xmas dinner at ours and then everyone comes round.
Its changed load now I dont live at home it depends on if my parents are here as they live over 2 hours away but...

I usually wake up at about 6 really excited :lol:, go downstairs and make bacon buttys and a brew for me and my fella, put the tree lights on, put the tv on and he comes downstairs and we open our presents together, my parents always get me PJ's so I'll jump in shower and put them on. I usually get him an xbox game so he'll play that while I'm in shower then we play that for a bit togetehr then I'll watch the tv and eat chocolate :lol: and he'll bring the other tv from upstairs and play games on xbox. We'll stick the food in about 11 and usually eat around 3 and from then onwards and watch a nice christmas film together by the fire and then I'll chill out and watch the soaps and just carry on eating. No idea whats gonna happen this year as I;ll have a new baby but I know that will make the day more magical x

Well Kate usually comes in our room at about 7ish and jumps on our bed saying Santa's been! lol

We all go downstairs and put the trees, christmas lights and christmas carols/music on....

Kate gets down by the tree and pulls out presents for each of us and we take turns opening ours.....

Once the presents are open...(usually about 2 hours as Kate is so slow and likes us to do them one at a time and take pics etc etc) then we tidy the paper up and make breakfast...cheeesy bacon butties and a cuppa!
I put the veg etc on and then we head back to the living room to listen to more carols. Then we get showered while lunch is cooking.

Sit and chill for a while till its ready...usually about 1ish!

We have our lunch over about 3 hours so we enjoy it all instead of rushing one course after the other....and in betwenn courses we just potter!

After lunch we clear away and then head next door to watch a christmas film and chill for a couple of hours!

Usually we go to the inlaws or they come to us for a buffet tea but this year we want to stay at home on our own as its Matilda's first Christmas and dont want to be dragging her out at 6 when shes in bed for 6.30 so thats our excuse for giving the inlaws a miss this year lol!!

Then we will just have turkey sarnies and nibbles as the evening goes on.... OMG I cant contain myself now...THANKS MAMAFY Ive been waiting for the Workshop to open again lol xx

Back in the living room
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