How do you rate the pain of childbirth?

I went into labour at 32 weeks but they stopped it temporarily to get the steroid injections into me.i sat in delivery suite listening to women screaming thinking oh my god love sort yourself out screaming wont help...........

The I went into labour myself!!! I screamed like a primal animal. Wasn't allowed any pain relief only gas and air which was crap. I have never felt pain like it and then he got distressed so I was cut. As he was so prem he got whisked away and I the had to go through the placenta delivery and being stitched up with no baby to take my mind off it. Awful!!
Would I do it again.....yes!!!
I look at my amazing baby boy and he's worth every bit of that pain and I'd take all that pain again for him
I had an elective csect. Didnt feel anything apart from a sore back from failed spinal on the 1st attempt. No pain from wound though. As in none. Never gave me a second of bother.

Ive had 2 gall stone attacks and my gall bladder removed when I was just 16years old. Now that is pain. I actually thought my time was up. :/

I thought it was the worst pain I could of ever imagined. I wasn't prepared at all - people told me it wasn't too bad just like bad period cramp, and yes it started off like that but by 5cm I thought I was seriously going to die! I was admitted at 5cm and went in the pool with just gas and air and luckily I delivered within two hours. I don't know how I'd of coped had it been any longer! I was begging for an epi at 10cm! I can't even find the words to describe the pain, it was just awful. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I said for the first few days I'm never going through that again but now I think I probably will :eek: only because I don't want her to be an only child! Xx
Most of my labour is a complete blur!

I started having contractions at 11pm on 6th September and only managed to stay at home until 6am. Went to hospital and I was only 2cm dilated, but as they were quiet they said they would let me stay. Started on gas and air soon after - the pain was bareable and then they broke my waters. Then all hell broke loose! They then gave me some pethidine which made me very sick (all over OH :lol:). Evening of the 7th they put me on the hormone drip to speed things up. Examined eary hours of the 8th and was fully dilated but had a lip on my cervix which meant LO couldn't get out no matter how muh I pushed (think I was pushing for a good few hours). I then had an epidural. The doctors decided to leave me on the drip in the hope that the lip would go, but it didn't! 7 more hours on the drip and they decided I had no choice but to have a c-section. After 35hrs of contractions I was absolutely gutted. So I go in for the csection and they didn't top up the epidural enough so when they cut me I felt it! Cue the screaming, OH panicking etc i was then put under general anaesthetic. My little boy was born at 9:25am on 8th September.

If say pain up until g&a was the worst thing I'd felt in my life! With g&a and pethidine bareable and with epidural absolutely fantastic! Needless to say I'm slightly worried about my next labour though! Going to try for a natural labour but if I need a csection I'm gonna request to be put under general anaesthetic straight away as I cannot go through that again!!

With my first it was about 4/10 pain but i was at 10cm when admitted so no pain relif and gas and air to push she was born very fast, had stitches but that didnt hurt as they numb it anyway, second was six hours but lovely so calm and relaxing no pain, no stitches needed i felt like i hadnt given birth after, admittedly Temperance been taken away to neo natal put a damper on it all but the labour its self was wonderful, they broke my waters and i kept expecting the pain but there was none. Loved it but now i have two under two i wont be doing it again for a long time.

Although if i could give birth for people as a living i would do it every week, i dont think you get a better high! xx

Sorry to keep chiming in but i was so shocked about how little pain there was and i like other people to know because i was so scared before hand. Honestly ive had worse trapped wind. x
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All I can say is thank god for gas and air !! It was painful but manageable !
Out of 10? - 100! lol. Was scared i was gonna die, but i'd do it all over again. x
I remember speaking to my mum about an hour after it was over and I said to her "it's not like normal pain though is it?" She thought I'd gone mad. It's true you can't even begin to describe it, but I just don't really remember it as painful. I was 7cm on my first examination and had nothing until g&a about 30 mins after that. Once I started the gas & air, the rest is a bit of a blur, at the time I just felt drunk, inbetween contractions I was on top of the world, I love that stuff!! The only real "ouch!" Moment was when she came out I think because I had an episiotomy and tore.

The worst bit for me was being stitched up after and then getting off the bed because Of the faintness.
For me (and i feel like such a wuss saying this) 1cm was painful enough! I was stuck on one for hours, even started G&A on just 1cm. Went through to the end with just G&A and pethidine but was honestly the worst pain of my life. I didnt know how i was gonna manage to get through it. At the same time though, it truly is the most amazing experience. The most painful, overwhelming and amazing experience of my life. x
Oh and I needed morphine in a and e for my gallstones gas and air wasnt strong enough and they where caused from pregnancy!! That is the worst pain ive ever felt. I was throwing myself around and getting panick attacks from the pain the few times. And dh told them im like mortisha from Adams family in labour so I must be in pain x

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Same hun, i got mine from Jack's pregnancy. I suffered for 4 months waiting to have the bugger out and was hospitalised 3 times!! I ended up with liquid paracetamol through a drip and oral morphine at the same time because thats all that took the edge off a gall stone attack!

Glad you've had the op! Bet you felt like a new woman afterwards. I know i did x
I found the pain afterwards far worse than the actual labour itself. (Went from 4cm to 10cm in 2 1/2hours on G&A)
He had the cord wrapped round his neck so I had an episiotomy to help him out and then had to have stitches inside and out which took about 6 weeks to heal.
There is nothing in this world that would make me cry more than trying to go to the toilet when you are all stitched up!
Totally forgot about all the pain now, but now and again I remember bits and it makes me shudder!

10 out of 10 for me, most definitely. It was so intense, it was like it just completely took me over to the point that I couldn't make a noise, I couldn't breath and couldn't keep my eyes open. I went from 1 cm to 10 in about 2 hours with 5 minute long 30 secs apart contractions in the last hour and just had no concept of the world other than pain!

I was sent home from hospital after a quickly exam when my waters broke at home and the midwife didn't believe the level of pain I was in. I had no pain relief at all as my baby was delivered last minute by paramedics in my house, I honestly never want to feel that much pain ever again!!!
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I agree with Emma! The labour and birth was fine but nothing will ever ever compare to the pain afterwards, peeing and number twoing were horrendous!

My lovely little man Spencer 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs
I think I was delirious cos I didn't find it that bad, or the peeing etc afterwards either, breastfeeding however the most painful thing I've ever experienced, (please don't anyone be put off this is only me most people don't find bf'ing that bad!)
I remember it being painful, but I wouldn't say it was anything near unbearable. I really enjoyed my labour... Well, until the end bit when his head got stuck and I almost had to be transferred via ambulance to the main hospital for forceps lol. Luckily he popped out all in one go before that was necessary! The bits that stand out as most painful was when they were tugging on my placenta to get it to come out (felt like they were literally pulling my insides apart!), and having the stitches put in... Giving birth was NOTHING compared to those lol. I'm looking forward to the whole experience again! Although I am definitely going to ask for the placenta to be allowed to come away naturally this time rather than yanked out :/

I'd say 10/10 for me, although i dont really remember it - i remember that it hurt a lot, but i cant remember how it felt, if that makes sense.
There is no way to compare the feeling with anything else though, and before i'd given birth i always thought that was a very vague answer, there must be something to compare it to, but there really isnt.

I think i was ok up until 4cm (i'd say the pain was around 6/10), i think i couldve coped if it had stayed like that, but by 6cm i was in agony. Luckily after that point i finally got examined (i was induced and my contractions were very irregular all the way through, so nobody really took me seriously. That and the fact i didnt make as much noise as other people there - i did make fabulous cow/alien noises though :) ) then i got taken for an epidural. Then everything was peachy until the final part as he was coming out, which is a little hazy, but hurt worse than anything ever, i think he stopped there a while though because there was talk of forceps - then they told me not to push for a minute, i told them i had to, they said ok, and out he came :) So no need for the forceps.

I do remember being in the bath in the hospital telling OH that i couldnt do it (and i meant it, although what i was expecting him to do about it i dont know, lol), and later when i'd had the epidural i calmly told him that i hoped he was OK with only having one child because i would not be doing this again.

That said though, i actually enjoyed it, and it wouldnt put me off doing it all over again :)
I was lucky that my lady bits were OK, but my bum felt so weird for ages afterwards... I remember thinking that was really bizarre!

Also not sure if this is common practice or if my MW just didn't like me but she stuck her finger up my bum as part of my immediate post-natal exam to check for 3rd/4th degree tears :shock: :shock: I had to use the G&A for that!!

I agree that BF'ing was painful, much more so than I expected actually. Nowhere near as bad as labour though.

For me getting to 7-8cm was the worst but after that I don't remember any pain. As contractions were almost on top of each other by then I had no time to think "wow this freaking hurts", I just got on with it.

Much prefer the last few cm's and delivery [which took 2 hours as I was so tired]

The beginning of my labour was magical. I had no real pain eased into established labour within 6hrs no problems whatsoever. Loved the gas and air and laughed my head off on it. Really special time with my husband.

Until I hit 10cm, Toby decided to rotate back to back and try and come out face first. It was horrendous. I was left to push for three hours, begged for an epi, they refused and my husband shouted at them for it, which they finally gave me.

Where Toby was stuck in the birth canal for so long he was in distress so I was whipped into theatre and he was delivered via foreceps, ventouse and I had an episiotomy - 30 stitches inside and out in all.

Before the epi had someone given me a loaded gun I would have shot myself no second thoughts about it.

Needless to say I'm not ready for another one yet.
For me it was a walk in the park!

But I never went into labour just a quick emergency c-section. I'll let you know the next time round!
I'd have to say 10/10 here also!! Start to finish I was 26hours (from waters breaking) I was told to go to hosp to "ensure it was my waters that had went" I had to laugh when they told me that as I couldn't bloody move from the toilet because of it lol! Got down there and stuck on the monitor for a couple of hours...LOs heart rate was dropping with each contraction so they decided to keep me in until morning...

Morning came back on the monitor to check LO heart again...still dropping but not as bad, midwife kept saying to me "I think they will let you go home" doc came round to do her checks and said no keep her lets get the progress started! I was examined and given the gel at 1cm. By 6pm that night contractions were so intense so they put me in the bath....this seem to slow things down and contractions almost stopped for a bit! At 7pm they then moved me to the delivery suite! I was put on gas and air and examined at 9pm....I was 3 cm!!!!!! I remember crying to my mum that it was going to take AAAAAAAAAAAAGES to get to 10 lol!!

Like most people have said it is so hard to describe! My sisters & friends were asking me afterwards and you literally can't really explain there is nothing to compare it to! Anyway 3cm at 23.15 I was given pethandine and by 23.30 I was ready to push...just shows you how quickly things can go! LO was born at 00.40 with the help of ventouse!

I remember saying I will NEVER have anymore however I am now kind of over the pain of the labour...I can't really remember it and know I would get through it again no problem...however it's been the aftermath for me that is totally putting me off

Few weeks PP found a lump in my breast...thought it was related to turns out it was a benign lump (can't remember the name given to it), then have developed a huge cyst right next to my eye that is getting cut out on Monday (was told these things can develop in pregnancy it's just "one of those things") I then developed another strange wee thing on my shoulder which I just had removed yesterday and is being sent away for a biopsy again told these things are common in pregnancy...and FINALLY since 2 weeks PP (I am now 14) I have been having pain while peeing...three different antibiotics & 4 different samples handed in to docs they know it's not a UTI but have no idea what it I'm being sent to hosp for a cystoscopy (dreading it!!!!) I know these are just unfortunate and chances are next time round I wouldn't get any of this but it's just terrified me...for most of the weeks PP I've been worried sick about the lump in my breast...the lump at my eye (before finding out it was a cyst) and now worried about the results when I get this cystoscopy!

Sorry for the rant lol! I've seen more of the inside of a hosp & docs surgery since I had LO than I had in my whole life


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