Thanks for the uplifting stories ladies.
I am expecting my first and absolutely terrified. I'm not sqeemish about things like needles and having blood drawn. But my problem is, I've never been in any real pain before. No accidents, no broken bones, no surgeries, etc. I tend to do okay with sudden sharp pains like when you bonk your toe on something, lol. But I get very whiny and teary when I have prolonged pain, like when I have a migraine.
I'm also EXTREMELY modest and I get embarrassed SO easy, even around my poor hubby. I expected childbirth to be like what you see in the movies (like 9 months, or look who's talking) where the only person who sees what's going on is the doctor.
So now, I've watched several births on TV (because my book says if you are very nervous to read up and learn what happens so you know what to expect and that will relax you). I watch a lot on the living shows, shows like Babie's Room show birth a lot. Sorry, but that doesn't relax me one bit! It looks so scary to me. Even women who have epidurals are still crying and yelping out. And so much for modesty, the whole room can see it all!
C-Section terrifies me too. I've never had major surgery so I'm not sure what having stitches and a wound feels like when healing. I'm not a small girl either (size 16) and I carry ym weight normally in my belly anyway, so I worry about how that would effect things. The thought of the C-Section while awake is wierd to me. I've never been numbed other than at dentist office so it seems wierd to be awake knowing you're just wide open.
Honestly, at this point when I see a birth or read about them, my heart races and my breathing gets shallow and I actually feel panicky. Watching blood and stuff doesn't bother me, but watching someone in pain makes me feel sick and faint. I suppose I'm lucky I've never had anything bad happen to me, but at this point I wish I had because I have nothing to compare too.