How did you feel after the birth?

birth number 1 - 2.5hours labour, rhys was born 3.11am. i had just gas and air as there was no time for an epidural. im ashamed to say that when rhys came out i didnt even want to hold him it was like he was somebody elses baby. i dunno what happened in my mind coz i was so excited about him coming before labour started.i had a few stitches and was up and about in less than an hour having a shower because i felt disgusting with all the blood etc. when rhys was 2 weeks old colin went away for a week (actually to the event we are going to next week in london) and i was all alone with a baby i never really wanted in the first place. i felt like i hated rhys and i hated colin for making me have him. i had PND for 6 months and it wasnt until rhys was about 8months that i even tried to make a bond with him. now i am gutted i missed out on the first 8months of his life and i love him to pieces.

when rhys was 6months we started ttc ffion and fell pregnant when rhys was 8months, it was my chance to have a baby i 'wanted' (how i felt at the time) i had to be induced with ffion and my labour time was 25minutes from start to finish...seriously! lol i had about 2 puffs of gas and air and nothing else she was born 2.25am, i had 1 stitch and thats it. i felt wonderful!! again i had a shower pretty quickly and then i fed ffion for about an hour. i loved ffion the moment she came out and we had an instant bond.

although my birth with ffion was quicker it was more traumatic for me painwise because i had hardly any pain relief.

sorry for the essay lol
ahh Rosie's mummy sounds like you had a really traumatic time, no wonder you wont go back to the same hopsital. What are your plans for your next birth? Are you having to have a c section?

I think from reading all these stories it sounds like the more intervention you have the more stress it seems to cause, I thought I would have every pain relief going but Im starting to think, maybe I can do this myself without being interfered with too much (?)
Tiny IMO you are totally right. Intervention almost seems to lead to more intervention. This is why I was determined not to have the epidural second time round. IMO the epi (for me) meant no mobility, longer labour (16hr active and 2 pushing), more tired, less able to push, legs up in stirrups, forceps/episiotomy and longer in hospital and recovery. Second time in the Birth Centre (MW only care) no epi, mobile to the end, MUCH shorter active labour (6hrs total inc pushing for 20 mins), other options available that wouldnt be with the epi ie birth pool and birthing stool to give birth on ie less pushing as gravity was on my side, 2/3 pushes and she was out with no stitches required. In bed feeding straight away and home in the morning. This time I'm hoping to be at home and have an even more relaxed atmosphere adding to it. Cant wait!! :D
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I totally agree, the natural way is quicker, easier and far more rewarding. I was in the shower 30 mins after having Jacob and eating toast with a cuppa xx
I was induced with AJ. I'd had good 3 sweeps and nothing!
Contracting from 8pm - 7am with nothing (just left to apparently sleep overnight as they wouldnt give anything)
Waters broken at 7am. Pictocin drip, gas and air, pethadine and 2 epi's also topped up.
AJ finally made it into the world at 00.15am, after an epesiotomy and forceps delivery after a very stressfull, tearfull and traumatic labour.
I ended up very anemic and with coccydinia from the birth.
Sounds very convincing, I have the option of midwifery led care. Theres a new unit at my hospital which has private en suite rooms, 6 of them, and 4 birthing pools. And double beds so OH can stay with you (presumably not while you're in active labour!) - and presumably your OH has made it through the pregnancy without being throttled. But anyway... It only opened 6 months ago so its featured in the press quite a lot, everyone says it resembles a hotel not a hospital. But hte consultant led unit is down the corridoor so if its needed its right there. No ambulance journey.
I was induced with AJ. I'd had good 3 sweeps and nothing!
Contracting from 8pm - 7am with nothing (just left to apparently sleep overnight as they wouldnt give anything)
Waters broken at 7am. Pictocin drip, gas and air, pethadine and 2 epi's also topped up.
AJ finally made it into the world at 00.15am, after an epesiotomy and forceps delivery after a very stressfull, tearfull and traumatic labour.
I ended up very anemic and with coccydinia from the birth.

:shock: ah hun, sounds awful, poor you :hug:
My Birth Centre is just like that. Private rooms that you go in when you arrive and stay there till you leave. Big bathrooms with your own bath and shower. OH was asleep on the bed while I bounced around the room on a birth ball watching Jeremy Kyle....
I also really agree with the less intervention the better. Although after last time I really wish I'd wrote a birth plan. I was within 40 minutes of giving birth and she told me I was hours away (wouldn't examine me) but I knew Katie was coming and she kept saying 'please have some pethidine, it'll help you relax' I didn't want it and got abit cross in the finish, I mean I was about to give birth; how was I going to be able to go to sleep like she wanted :rofl:

When my waters literally covered her and Katie was born within seconds (all in one go, she literally shot out in a strong contraction), I said ' I told you she was coming' :rofl:
I was booked in for a birthing centre. It was lovely. Although OH couldnt stay over night he could come and go as he pleased.

I agree too. I will always wonder if they had left it just a bit longer, if I'd have gone naturally. (Although I was +14 when they broke my waters!)
It pisses me off when the MW's don't believe that the baby is coming. I started pushing and she told me to stop, yeah right, like thats possible lol. 2 pushes later out he came, she couldn't believe it coz 2 mins before i was only 5cms xx
The body is a funny thing, my labour last time went from nothing to pushing within half an hour. I told the MW to examine me at 11.50am (remember looking at my watch) and she told me I wasn't due to be examined until 2pm :eh: Katie was born 7 minutes later :lol:
That happened with my sisters mate last Christmas Day. She told them it was getting bad and they said she couldnt possibly have fully dilated in an hour. They gave her a shot of pethadine to shut her up and she had him before it had time to kick in....then spent hours off her face AFTER he'd been born :(
when my brother was born my mum had a caesarian, she only weighed 6 1/2 stone before she got pregnant, she's a very little lady, but she was given an 'average' dose of sedative for the c-section (my brother was a 9 pounder!) She was off her head for the first 12 hours and my dad ws trying to get her to hold the baby, he showed her and said "look its our son" and she laughed in his face cos she didnt beleive him.
Im sure Ill have a 'way' of communicating that will make the midwife listen to me!!! My sister suggested I had a home birth just so I get a midwife all to myself.
Im sure Ill have a 'way' of communicating that will make the midwife listen to me!!! My sister suggested I had a home birth just so I get a midwife all to myself.

It's another reason for me wanting one! You get 2 to yourself!
I also really agree with the less intervention the better. Although after last time I really wish I'd wrote a birth plan. I was within 40 minutes of giving birth and she told me I was hours away (wouldn't examine me) but I knew Katie was coming and she kept saying 'please have some pethidine, it'll help you relax' I didn't want it and got abit cross in the finish, I mean I was about to give birth; how was I going to be able to go to sleep like she wanted :rofl:

When my waters literally covered her and Katie was born within seconds (all in one go, she literally shot out in a strong contraction), I said ' I told you she was coming' :rofl:

Thats the worlds best "I told you so"!:lol:
My sister is a MW (3rd year student) and she is gonna be my birth partner so i get a MW all to myself during the birth :) xx

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