How did you feel after the birth?

lisa i actually almost weed then!!

tiny i think i tore first time cos i had a mamoth sized baby, she was 9lb12! 2nd time it was cos she didnt bother coming out slowly like they're meant to, she was practically bungee jumping :lol: and i only had the cathetar cos i had a spinal in theatre and couldnt control anythin!
salad tongs...cutting...

I cant believe I was worried about a catheter! Decision time, have I got time to bury my head in the sand or do I need to learn about this stuff now???
lisa i actually almost weed then!!

tiny i think i tore first time cos i had a mamoth sized baby, she was 9lb12! 2nd time it was cos she didnt bother coming out slowly like they're meant to, she was practically bungee jumping :lol: and i only had the cathetar cos i had a spinal in theatre and couldnt control anythin!

Oh thats okay then, Ive already decided Im having a small baby. Maybe 5 1/2 lb.
I'd go for the sand'll cough twice and it'll come out on to a bed of rose petals ;)
I think it's more useful to learn how your body works in labour so you can help it, than all the nasty things that might happen but most likely wont :)
i practically did cough twice this time...cept instead of a bed of roses it was the porcelain megaphone :rofl: i said i was having a small baby with katie, i actually said to them they were wrong and she couldnt be mine if she weighed that much :lol:
I think hypnobirthing is the way forward still. They sound so confident on the website. And Im gonna need some help relaxing if a doctor is going to be busy with a knife and salad tongs down there!
and i agree with lisa on that one, i felt so mcuh more comfortable having read all about natural birthing and your body doing all the work and stuff!!
i practically did cough twice this time...cept instead of a bed of roses it was the porcelain megaphone :rofl: i said i was having a small baby with katie, i actually said to them they were wrong and she couldnt be mine if she weighed that much :lol:

Did you give birth on a toilet?? I thought that only happened in gossip magazines! Thats a story for the grandkids!

Keep the birth stories coming, There must be someone on here who has a lovely reassuring disney type birth story...
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:lol: Tiny it's definitely the way to view it rather than focus on that negative stuff.

My 8lb 11 baby was MUCH easier to part with than my 7lb 10 one......I was shitting it with the smaller one and everything that could happen did.....I was positive and looking forward to it with the second and I loved it :)
i literally gave birth on the toilet!! have a gander at my birth story!! i was in labour about 1h30, shouted my mum that the baby was coming, my dad phoned the ambulance, and 5 minutes later there was a baby in my arms! just like it happens in the magazines :lol:
I thought she was winding me up! She text me at 2.17 to say it was starting to hurt a bit and she had her at 3 o'clock! :rofl:
Wow, I feel like youre a bit famous now! ;)

You do realise 'womans own' would pay a lot of money to get their hands on a story like that!
i suggested it to their dad. he said no. sod it, its got bgger all to do with him now :rofl:
I shall be here all day if I talked about mine :lol:
Im messagingthe other half on facebook, just pasted the convo into the other thread cos its so unbelievable
I had mild contractions for a week on and off before my due date. Then I had a sweep on my due date because I was getting fed up of nothing happening. Pretty soon after the sweep I started to get regular contractions and after going for two walks around the block late at night my waters broke. By this time I was having a contraction every 5 minutes and they started to get stronger in the car. When I arrived at the hospital I went to the loo, came back into the room and my hindwaters broke with a big gush. It was a funny colour and the midwife said baby had pooed inside me and so I had to get on the bed.
Its all a bit of a blur but I remember reluctantly agreeing to have pethedine, which spaced me out completely - wont have that again. The midwife said it would bring the labour on quicker! This was around 12.30am, at about 5am I had an epidural, which was brilliant whilst it worked, then after it failed a second time they refused to top it up. I was left with gargantuan contractions compared to what I had experienced before and was now at 8cm dilated - the time now was 11.00am. I remember them trying to get me to lie on my right side and every time I moved, Rosie's heartrate went up - she didnt like something. Then they told me that my temperature had shot up and then a surgeon came into the room and said that baby had to come out now! I was whisked off for an emergency c-section! I was given gas and air inbetween the epi wearing off and going to surgery but it made me vomit madly but I still sucked on that like my life depended on it.
The surgery was ok, I was so tired and spaced out from all the drugs I didnt really care. Rosie was lifted out and they took her away to be suctioned and its seemed ages before I heard her cry, they said she had come out grunting which can be a bad thing but she was fine when they gave her to me. I looked at her and said 'hello Rosie - Happy Birthday' I still dont know what made my temperature rise quickly, I wasnt given all the information. I am determined to avoid any intervention if I can this time and want a natural birth as drug free as I can. After feeling those huge contractions all of a sudden after nothing makes me believe that I can deal with it, I was pretty controlled and maybe it was because it was so painful but I didnt hardly make a noise through the contractions - it was too painful to shout!
The aftercare on the maternity ward was shocking but thats another story but I think that contributed towards the baby blues coming on very fast, while I was still in hospital. I couldnt stop crying and just wanted to get out of there!
I want this time to be so different as I probably wont have any more children. That was a bit long sorry everyone!:oooo:

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