How did you decide which name?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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I have a list of baby names and they aren't necessarily a list of names that i love, they are a list of names that are uncommon that i think are ok :oooo:

There is about 25 names per sex and i keep reading through them and i have no idea how to cut the list down.

I keep on asking my husband, but they are out of his comfort zone so he doesn't prefer any of them...

I can't ask my dad because he is the same as my husband, can't ask my mum because she'll act as if she chose the name herself, can't ask my sister because she likes really popular names and i can't ask my brother because he might be wanting a baby himself soon.

I can't ask friends because they might steal my names!!!

What thought process went on when you was choosing your names?
I had a crazy alphabet system, but that's coz I'm slightly OCD :rofl:

when you find the right name, you will just know. It will jump out at you! Xx
I only decided on names with the FOB. Other people kept shouting names at me and oh my...I almost went crazy :shock:

In the end we just said names to each other randomly at any point and we found one that sounded right and we both liked :) It did take us about 7 months though lol.
Me and OH have done a little bit of name looking together, we basicaly got a baby name book, made a list of what we liked, and off that list made another list, and crossed out names after that, and we got to about 3 that we love on both sexes, but to be honest I think once we have seen our baby after s/he is born, we will decide on a definate then, as I have this wierd think where i think people dont look like their names and just want my name to x
Wen u find it ul know...try linking the names with middle names and it's surname then try it out,work out what it's initials will b,4 example if ur surname was Williams and u like the name Charlotte and middle name olivia it's initials would b COW?! Not the best start for ur baby lol. I loved the name ellie but my surname is bellis so ellie bellis would b just too much xxx
Thanks for thr replies - it's so hard :(

if ur surname was Williams and u like the name Charlotte and middle name olivia it's initials would b COW?!

Haha, thats pretty funny :)

I quite liked the name Justin, but the surname is Brown so it would have been "just in brown" so i couldn't have it.

I'm also trying to shout the names aloud. I liked Vivian, but when i shout VIVIAN!!! It sounds weird - can't have that either :shock:
me and oh put all names EITHER of us liked in a list and crossed them off one by one in turn it was v v v good and then we didnt pick that name anyway lol i said we were going back to our original madison so in one sense it made us realise we did love madison... but i thought it was good cos he crossed off some of my faves first and i wudnt want to name my child a name that he hated but just didnt want to say lol xxx
iv wittled my list down to 3 and have decided it will depend on hair colour iv assigned a dif name for each dif colour cause im struggling to make my mind up keep changin it
lol madison had dark hair and shes a wee blondey now lol xx
With caitlyn we just 'knew' before she was even concieved that was gonna be her name.

Evie's name we picked from a baby book for its meaning and of course its gorgeous...

and darcies name... i was in hospital 2 weeks prior to her being born and i was reading a book, cant remember what the book was about as i didnt get chance to read it but as soon as i read the name, which i hadnt previously thought about, i just HAD to give her it. its beautiful just like her!

Just repeat the name with your surname and see what sounds better as you will find that some names really don't suit!! I love the name India but it really doesn't go with our surname which begins in S - and also it was a right pain finding a middle name what didn't make words or meanings!!
I've got the same prob got a list of names but none are jumping out at me I like them all but I dont LOVE any. Its so hard Im just hoping as soon as I see my baby the name will just come, my o/h is no help with names you could say anything to him and he just says yes lol
whenn i found out it was a girl i couldnt stop thinking of a name until i found one. lots were ruled out because of surname and middle name. i knew i wanted Marie as her middle name as its my mums name, so Ruby was out because ruby marie reminded us of ruby murray (curry lol) then Rose was out because rose marie sounded like rosemary lol.

eventually i picked one , an unusual one, told every one and stuck with it for months. then recently we changed our minds haha. so just recently we have finally decided on her definite name!
We thought of names off the top of our head and looked through names online, we fell inlove with one then had to change it, so i went through a baby name book and looked through all the names and picked out a few i liked and let OH pick 1 :) x
Well if you have 25 of each pick one from girls and one from boys list each week, and test them out all week as if thats the name, but the time the weekend comes you will know whether to put it on the shortlist of scrap it, and reduce your list, you will only know by trying out with surname, and testing as if your final name - good luck

We have our boys name from last time, when I had a girl 8 years ago, and have added a middle name and that's a definate one now. Girls names wide open like you

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