When did you pick your baby's name?

We have always decided between 10 and 20 weeks and usually have a firm decision by the 20 week scan.
With baby no.1 I had always wanted a boy first and was stuck on Jack for a name but OH hated it so we seemed to stick with J for some reason and went through Joshua, Jaden, Joe and he eventually became Joel. Good job he wasn't a girl as we hadn't even thought about girls names we were so convinced he was a boy! Our second child I was convinced was a girl and we had settled on Nina for a girl and Dylan for a boy, boy he was so Dylan he became.
With our third we decided to find out boy/girl at the 20 week scan and as she was a she went through girls names. I no longer liked Nina and hubbys fave name Beth was out as we have a family tradition in my family going back 8 generations of the eldest girl having Elizabeth as a middle name. I found the name Kari in a book and loved it although we mispronounce it as carry instead of car-e she suits it and Kari Elizabeth is the ninth generation to carry on the family tradition :D

With this LO hubby is determined to have his way and call baby Alex if it is a boy (he is a huge Man U fan :roll: ) and we like Jade and Skye for a girl so are currently discussing (read arguing) over Skye Jade (him) or Jade Skye (me) but I will win eventually :rotfl:

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