How are you feeling today??

I think I would choose a singleton to i have found my pregnancies more complicated the older I have got I couldn't imagine being as I'll as I was on Rose and throwing an extra baby in the mix. I don't know how you did it cos I take my hat off to you. This one little bean will be just fine thank you x
So theres a few of us with a higher chance of twins, not too long til Wednesday now!:)

im glad im not the only one with symptoms coming and going. i only found out yesterday and it hasnt fully sunk in yet. i dont feel very pregnant and i keep wanting to do test to make sure its still there (dear god i sound like a crazy person lol)
i am totally bloody miserable!! only reason I have been getting out of bed recently is because I have a full bladder (been off work sick this week). I have sore boobs that keep me awake at night, spots, hairy chin, sore hips, sore back, and constant severe cramps and pain in my stomach. Am also now constipated again (which has actually relieved the stomach pain a little) and just wake up thinking "oh, another day of pain" and want to cry!!.

I feel really bad for feeling like this, I should be happy. But I am not!! Got my scan on Tuesday so i am hoping I will start to feel like its all worth it when I finally see LO.
Im feeling shitty today.. heads absolutly killing me!!! feels like ive got someone inside my head with a hammer :(
Awww girls, sorry you're feeling rubbish, it will be so so worth it in the end xx
If you check my journal, you see that my symptoms seemed to come and go every few days til about 12 weeks then it was all day every day but milder. At 14 weeks it got better but now I just occasionally gag. My boobs settled about 14 weeks too.
The normal days were worrying at first but the you just start to make the most of them xx
I feel nakered! My In laws went out last night, SIL came in at half 3 followed by MIL at god knows what time, 6-7am I think, screaming and shouting through the letter box! NOT a happy bunny, go fuck all sleep, got to be up at daft o clock tomorrow morning for work placement and so much to get done! Grrrrrr!!! And I have tummy ache :( It may have been the takeaway pizza I got my SIL to bring home at daft o clock this morning.....
I feel like total rubbish today. Was in tears 4 times even before lunchtime about absolutely nothing, have been feeling sick and exhausted all day. Please tell me this gets easier?!?
Well I went to bed for a quick nap and just woke up now, nearly 3 hrs later!!!!!! x
Ugh, I wish I could sleep Cosmic,I'm so tired but just can't sleep... What's up with that?!?
I have been like a rat today - ha! Poor husband.
Light headed most of the time, squeamish, mucho constipation, bloated and shattered but hey, I've waited so blooming long for this to happen I'm just going with it.

Exciting times for us ladies eh?
Everyone keeps telling me I look like crap... Thanks really makes me feel better... When does the 'glow' kick in??
Eww I feel a bit rough today, it's ironic that you stop drinking and eat really healthy and end up feeling like you have a hangover!

Fx I'll get a blood test today, the docs calling me back soon....should get results tonight. :)

This horrible pooy mouth is annoying going to buy some juice later see if that helps and feeling a bit sick today. :sad: just don't know what to eat.
I woke up at 4am feeling very ill, and couldnt sleep all night. Ended up staying off work today, its weird coz some days I dont feel too bad then others I feel terrible!! I dont think there's any rhyme or reason to it all !! xx
After my mammoth nap yesterday I couldn't sleep last night! Eventually dropped off about 2am only for the alarm to go off what seemed like a minute later!
Did my last digi this morning. It took ages to show and I dreaded seeing 1-2 ago (or worse!) but it said 2-3 which I'm made up about. Deffo not doing anymore hpts now.

I'm off to Norway on Sunday for 4 days so that should pass some time, then I've planned to do some decorating at home and sort out my masses of paperwork I need to shred!
Roll on 8th March!
Hope you're all well this morning my lovelies xxx
Norway you lucky thing! X
I had an awful nights sleep rose came into bed with me and al she has a cough and she ends up gagging with it so she was tossing and turning all night and kicking me in the boobs which killed. I ended up coming downstairs and making a bed on the couch with her as I had bad sickness. We were up early to get Als dad to hospital so I'm kind if running on empty today. I am so grumpy when I don't get any sleep

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