Any Advise Please


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I have recently found out i am pregnant :dance: but i dont know how far gone i am :(

The reason is i suffer with pcos :twisted: which means my periods are not regular :?

I have to wait till Tuesday to go and see my gp .

So i was wondering if any of you girls can help with my symptoms and prohaps help me determine how many weeks i could be.

Sorry to be a pain

Here are my symptoms at present :

Feeling sick during day (not sick though)
Feeling hungry
lightest period pains (comes and goes)
white mucus
breasts sore (not that sore you cant touch) , hot , little pain if pressure put on .

Thats it for now lol :D

I would be soooooo greatful if somebody could help me

:wave: well 1st congrats :hug:
and 2nd... it's hard to say with just listing symptom's but you are obviously in the early stages of pregnancy so who knows?? you could be around 6 weeks or more :think:

but :cheer: your pregnant good luck tell us how it goes and how far gone you are :hug:

Sorry but I can't tell from your symptoms. It certainly sounds like you're pregnant but as for how far along you are, I think you may have to wait for your dating scan?
Good luck! Lucy
hi hun and congrats on your pregnancy :cheer:

Do you know when your last period was? I understand they are not regular but when was your last one you recal. or when you might have concieved? Your doc will be able to work it out, im sorry im no help im no good with dates myself.

Its sounds like you do have some lovely symptoms, hope it all goes well for you tuesday. :hug: :hug:
congrats on your pregnancy....symptoms vary from person to person, they say in the books morning sickness starts around 7 weeks but some people get it much earlier.

Your GP will book you in for a dating scan to determine more acurately.
Congrats on your BFP :dance:

I too had periods here and there and had to wait until my scan to find out my dates, i just made a rough guess til my scan then found out i was further on.

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